Illegal Drug WebQuest

1.  Go to the following website and read all the information there about the ranking of the ten most addictive drugs that we know of
2.  Then, list the top 6 in the spaces below.
#6 = ______
#5 = ______
#4 = ______
#3 = ______
#2 = ______
#1 = ______
2. Go to the following site and allow the intro to play ( don’t skip). You may be required to wait while the page loads, so be patient. Then, read the information on the right hand side of the screen and left-click where it says “click to explore.” Next, on the right-hand side of the screen click on addiction. When finished with addiction, Choose “return to the basement” (lower right hand side of the screen) and click on the other options (one at a time) below addiction. Repeat this with all the options until you finish with personality.
·  Describe the one thing that stood out the most from this task.
3. Go to the website below and readall the information on marijuana. Then, answer the following question(s).
·  What are the six problems or side effectsfrom marijuana use?
·  When smoked, the effects of cannabis begin______.
·  The effects of smoked cannabis peak after about ___ minutes and last for _____ hours.
4.Go to the following websiteand take thequiz about marijuana
____ out of _____ correct
5. Go to the website below and read the information. Compare the differences between the countries listed in regards to marijuana. Then, respond tothe question that follows.
·  Of the states listed, identify the ones that have legalized marijuana use for recreational use by listing them below.
Go to the internet and search for answers for the following questions: YOU MUST DOCUMENT YOUR SOURCE!!!!!!
• Give 3 reasons why marijuana should be legalized
• Give 3 reasons why marijuana should NOT be legalized
• In your opinion should marijuana be legalized for medical use? Recreational use? Both? Explain answers in at least 5 sentences.
6. Go to the following website and read the information to complete the following statements.
The use of marijuanadisrupts usual brain functioning and causes certain intoxicating effects, including:
·  A feeling of relaxation and wellbeing
·  ______
·  Increased talkativeness
·  ______
·  ______
·  Reduced coordination – this makes it dangerous to drive or operate machinery while under the influence of the drug.
7. Go to the websitebelow and take the online quiz about marijuana.
# ___correct out of 10 questions
8. Go to the website below and read the information on the website. This interactive presentation that you will be using primarily depicts how drugs interact withthe brain. Mouse Party is designed to provide a small glimpse into the chemical interactions at the synaptic level that cause the drug user to feel 'high'. Explore all mice, but write a brief summary in the space for this task specifically on how marijuana affects the brain.
9. Go to the following website BOTH of Bonko’s Body Quizzes and record your Health-O-Meter scores bellow.
·  Tobacco Quiz – Score: ______
·  Drug Quiz – Score: ______
10. Go to the following above the influence website and reply to the question(s) below
·  What does being “above the influence” mean? (Hint: You may have to explore the site for this answer!)
·  Take the “Feeling Pressured” quiz and summarize your results.
11. Go to thewebsite below and click on the "about inhalants" link. Read the information and answer the questions.
·  What is inhalant use?
·  Who is at risk?
·  What is Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome?
12. Go to the website below, read the information on commonly abused inhalants, and respond to the question(s).
List the common types of abused solvents and give one example of each.
______- ______
______- ______
______- ______
______- ______
______- ______
______- ______
13. Go to the following website and take the online quiz your results below.
____ out ofcorrect
14. Go to the following website and read the information about "club drugs” and answer the question.
·  What are the six club drugs?
Click on Methamphetamine and answer the questions:
·  What is Methamphetamine?
·  How does it affect the brain?
15. Go to the following website and take the online quiz., record your results below.
_____ out of 5 correct
16. Go to the following website, read the information and answer the questions about ecstasy.
·  How Is MDMA Abused?
·  How Does MDMA Affect the Brain?
·  Ecstasy tablets and even capsules of supposedly pure “Molly” sometimes actually contain other drugs, identify 2 of the other drugs it may contain.
Then, take the online quiz at
Record your score here:____
17. Go to the following websites and read the basic information and answer the questions below on steroids.
·  What are steroids?
·  How Do Anabolic Steroids Affect the Brain?
**Then click on “Watch and Play” and watch the video “Steroids Don’t Work Out”. Watch the video and identify 5 effects of steroids.
18. Go to the following website and take the quiz. your score here: ____ out of 12 correct
19. Go to the following website and click on the facts at the top of the page
·  Does marijuana impair driving the way alcohol does?
·  How many people were arrested for marijuana laws in 2015
·  Has the legalization of marijuana in some states cause an increase in use? Why?
20. Go to the following website and read the section “What are the Hazards of Using Marijuana”
·  List two short-term hazards
·  List two long-term hazards
Use the links below to help you get started. They will give you some important information and will guide you on your way. If you feel you need some more information go tothe googlesearch engine ( and type inmarijuana.