Fifth Sunday of Easter

Year B

Invitation to Prayer:

My brothers and sisters:

united to Christ as branches to the vine,

let us pray that our intercessions may bear fruit

in our concern for those in distress

and for our mission to proclaim the good news of salvation.

Concluding Prayer:

O God,

who graft us onto Christ, the true vine,

and nurture our growth in knowledge and reverence,

hear our prayers and tend the vineyard of your Church,

that in Christ each branch may bring forth

abundant fruits of faith and love

to the glory of your name.

Through Christ our Lord.


Hear our prayers, O gracious God,

and grant that we may always remain united in you,

so as to bear fruit in plenty

for the glory of your name

and the salvation of all people.

Through Christ our lord.


Fifth Sunday of Easter –April 29, 2018

Deacon or Reader:

1.For the Church, true vine of God’s love;

for the Pope and all bishops, priests, deacons and religious;

for Christians throughout the world who are persecuted for their faith;

and for all witnesses to Christ’s ongoing compassion in the world.

We pray to the Lord.

2.For the leaders of nations;

for the suffering people throughout the world, especially in Toronto;

and for good weather and a bountiful harvest.

We pray to the Lord.

3.For families struggling to understand each other;

for couples who are having difficulties in their relationships,

and for those preparing for Christian marriage.

We pray to the Lord.

4.For all involved in the ministry of education;

for those making their First Communion throughout Easter;

and for young people and parents, who are striving to grow in faith.

We pray to the Lord.

5.For the sick and dying;

for those who are newly joined to the body of Christ

through the sacraments of initiation;

and for those thinking of the priesthood.

We pray to the Lord.

6.For the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners;

for the members of the Catholic Women’s League on convention next weekend;

for all those who have died recently,

and for all who mourn.

We pray to the Lord.


Fifth Sunday of Easter –April 29, 2018

1.Deacon:Let us pray for the Church, true vine of God’s love:

Reader:For the Pope and all bishops, priests, deacons and religious;

for Christians throughout the world who are persecuted for their faith;

and for all witnesses to Christ’s ongoing compassion in the world.

We pray to the Lord.

2.Deacon:Let us pray for peace and the needs of the world:

Reader:For the leaders of nations;

for the suffering people throughout the world, especially in Toronto;

and for good weather and a bountiful harvest.

We pray to the Lord.

3.Deacon:Let us pray for the needs of all families:

Reader:For families struggling to understand each other;

for couples who are having difficulties in their relationships,

and for those preparing for Christian marriage.

We pray to the Lord.

4.Deacon:Let us pray for the needs of our parish community:

Reader:For all involved in the ministry of education;

for the sick and dying;

for those who are newly joined to the body of Christ through the sacraments

of initiation.

We pray to the Lord.

5.Deacon:Let us pray for all young people:

Reader:For those making their First Communion throughout Easter;

for young people and parents, who are striving to grow in faith;

and for those thinking of the priesthood.

We pray to the Lord.

6.Deacon:Let us pray for the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners;

Reader:For the members of the Catholic Women’s League on convention next weekend;

for all those who have died recently,

and for all who mourn.

We pray to the Lord.