Welcome to your Volunteer Log Book

Volunteering in any capacity is very worthwhile for your own personal development and is an incredibly effective way of showing prospective employers that you have the skills necessary for graduate employment.

Keeping this book up to date will ensure you receive the credit you deserve for the work you are doing volunteering with an external organisation in the community, and will also allow University of West London Volunteer Service to build a complete picture of the hard work our students are undertaking!

The book is split into three sections:

  • Organisation Details: you may volunteer in more than one place in a variety of roles. Keep an accurate record of these for future reference.
  • Details of hours: this section is important if you are seeking accreditation for your volunteer work either through the University (through the V Team’s volunteering scheme) or with an external organisation.
  • Verifier declaration: Your hours will need to be verified by a responsible person in your organisation – for example, the Volunteer Coordinator or volunteer supervisor at the organisation.

Reward & Recognition

Volunteering Certificates

If you volunteer more than 25 hours you will be entitled to receive a volunteer certificate at the annual Volunteer Awards. This volunteering can take place as part of the One Day Challenge scheme or independently as a volunteer within an external organisation. There is the opportunity for students to work towards different awards:

  • Bronze Award: The student has participated in at least25 hoursof approved volunteeringwork in the local community or on campus
  • Silver Award: The student has participated in at least50 hoursof approved volunteeringwork in the local community or on campus
  • Gold Award: The student has participated in at least100 hoursof approved volunteeringwork in the local community or on campus
  • Platinum Award: The student has participated in at least200 hoursof approved volunteeringwork in the local community or on campus

University of West London Volunteer Awards

Whether you have volunteered through our volunteering service, or independently, you will be invited to the University of West London Volunteer Awards in the end of each Academic year, celebrating your contribution to the local community.

Student Details

Email Address:
Student Number: / Telephone:
Year: / FT/PT:
Office use only: HEAR / NOT HEAR / Number of hours:

Organisation(s) details

Organisation / Main Contact (name) / Email (main contact) / Address / Organisation’s objective / My role as a volunteer
Date / Organisation / Project name (if applicable) / Volunteering Role / Number of hours / Verified by (organisation) / Verified by
(V team)
Date / Organisation / Project name (if applicable) / Volunteering Role / Number of hours / Verified by (organisation) / Verified by
(V team)
Date / Organisation / Project name (if applicable) / Volunteering Role / Number of hours / Verified by (organisation) / Verified by
(V team)
Date / Organisation / Project name (if applicable) / Volunteering Role / Number of hours / Verified by (organisation) / Verified by
(V team)

Verifier Declaration

In this section add the details of the person who is registered to verify your volunteering activity (e.g. the volunteer supervisor in your organisation) and ask them to sign it.

UWL Volunteer Service may contact this person to verify you have completed the volunteering activity.

Organisation / Main Contact (name) / Email (main contact) / Telephone / Total hours volunteered / Date / Signature


Please complete the Volunteer Logbook and scan it and submit to the V Team at or by dropping it into the Careers Pod on the Street at the St Mary’s Road campus marked for the attention of the Volunteer Team.

Please only complete this form if you are volunteering with a registered external organisation. If you have any questions on how to complete then please email

Thank you!!