Acupuncture & Integrated Acu-Bodywork Client History Intake Form

Name: ______DOB: ______

Gender: ______Weight: ______

Height: ______

Address: ______City: ______

Postcode: ______

Tel home: ______Mobile: ______

Occupation: ______

Email address______

Emergency contact name & Tel no:______

How did you hear about the services at this clinic (tick all that apply)?

___ Personal recommendation ___ Health practitioner referral ___ Internet


Please provide your G.P’s contact details: ______



Reason/s for today’s visit: ______

I am here for one of the following conditions: Weight control support_____ Detox support_____

Smoking cessation_____ Withdrawal from medication_____

How long have you had this condition? ______The onset was sudden_____gradual_____

How are your symptoms changing with time?Getting worse____ Staying the same____ Getting better___

Does anything bring it on or make it worse (rest/movement/hot/cold/carrying bags/ driving/

weather/diet/stress/time of day)?______


Does anything you do relieve it (eg: rest/movement/hot/cold/position/weather/diet)? ______


To what extent does this interfere with your daily activities (work/sleep/exercise regime/

mobility/appetite)? ______


Please detail any previous treatment and medication given, including self-administered (this includes exercises). Were they helpful? ______


What tests or investigations have you had, if any? ) Please give dates, the name and contact address of any treating practitioner and the results). ______


Sign here if you give permission for me to contact them in regard to your case______

Have you ever received acupuncture and /or Chinese herbal medicine before? ______



Please list all medication you are taking (including supplements) and for what conditions?

Please tick all that are relevant& give details where applicable.

Y N Allergies (food, latex, topical preparations, medicines)______

Y N Frequent use of antibiotics

Y N Addiction or substance abuse issues (medication, recreational drugs, alcohol).

Y N Have you recently been innoculated?______

Y N Have you flown in the last 48 hours?

Y N Do you have a pace-maker?

Y N Are you taking anti-coagulant medication?

Do you have:

Y N HIV/AIDS Y N Hepatitis A/B/C Y N Diabetes (type I/II)? Y N Haemophilia

Y N Tuberculosis Y N Herpes simplex Y N Contagious illness Y N Cardiac problems

Y N Hypertension Y N Low blood pressure Y N Deep Vein Thrombosis

Y N Circulatory problems (eg atherosclerosis/arteriosclerosis/varicose veins/pheblitis/Raynaud’s)

Y N Digestive problems(eg hernia/ulcer/acid reflux/colitis/Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Y N Epilepsy or seizures Y N Kidney disorder Y N Skin condition

Y N Respiratory disorders (eg asthma/emphysema/bronchitis/pneumonia/cystic fibrosis)

Y N Thyroid disorders Y N Sprain/strain/fracture Y N Fibromalgia

Y N Bone or joint disorders (such as osteoporosis; osteoarthritis; rheumatoid arthritis;

gout; myositis ossificans or ankylosing spondylitis) Y N Spinal or head injury

Y N Joint replacements or metal pins or plates Y N Neurological disorders Y N Tumours/cancer/


Other specify)______

List any major illnesses, disabilities, surgeries, accidents, significant trauma (emotional or physical such

as death or divorce) with year or age of occurrence



Please list any major family illnesses in your immediate family (e.g: diabetes; cardiovascular

conditions; respiratory disorders; neurological disorders; psychological disorders;

immune disorders; arthritis; prostate problems).


Exercise & Energy

How much exercise do you do a week? Please list all sports/activities that you do: ______


Is your job active or sedentary? ______

How is your energy? ______

Dislike physical movement ___General physical weakness/ lack of strength ___ General fatigue___


What time of day is your energy: Highest? ______Lowest? ______

Diet Do you eat? Meat___ Dairy___ Fish___ Vegetables___ Artificial sweeteners___

Please list your average daily intake of cups of: Coffee___ Tea ___ Cigarettes: ___ Fizzy drinks ___

Water ___ Alcohol ___

How many meals do you eat in an average day? ______

Please list any food/s or taste/s which you have a particular craving for and dislike of______


Do you use recreational drugs? Y N

Emotions & Sleep Do you have?

Panic attacks ___ Depression ___ Anxiety___ Moodiness/anger ___ Nervousness ___ Poor memory___Poorconcentration ___ Sadness/Grief ___ Indecisiveness ___ Restlessness ___ Irritability___Impatience ___ Frustration ___ Fearfulness ___ Easily obsessive ___ Feeling hyperactive ___

Feeling spacey ___ Worrying ___ Mental exhaustion/burnout ___ Mental fatigue ___

Do you feel easily stressed? ______

How many hours do you sleep anight? ______

Do you sleep soundly? ______

Do you have? Difficulty falling asleep ___ Vivid dream/nightmares ___ Night terrors ___ Waking early ___ Difficulty waking___ Sleep heavily___ Light sleep/wake easily ___ Waking feeling fatigued ___Waking up at about _____am/pm and not being able to fall asleep again ___ Sleepwalking ___

Are you in a relationship? ______

How do you feel about your relationship? ______

How do you feel about your work? ______

Please rate your current stress level from 0 (none) to 10 (extremely stressed)

At home: ______At work: ______

What is your favorite season? ______Least favourite? ______

Muscles, Joints & Bones

Are you in pain or discomfort? Y N

Where do you feel it? ______


What time of day is it at its most discomforting?______

Is the pain constant or episodic? ______

Does the pain radiate to other parts and if so, where? ______

What does it feel like? Tick all that apply

Sharp ___ Dull ___ Aching ___ Heavy ___ Tingling ___ Stabbing ___ Throbbing ___ Shooting ___

Numb___ Deep ___ Burning___ Localised ___ Diffused___ Cramping___

On a scale of 1-10 (1 is slight discomfort, 10 refers to very severe) rate the pain in terms of severity.______

What other symptoms are you experiencing? Tick any that apply

Changes in sensation such as numbness or pins & needles___ Swelling___ Stiffness ___ Back ache ___

Muscle weakness___ Movement limitation___ Jaw pain ___ Changes in bowel or urinary function___ Difficulty walking ___ Achy knees ___ Body heaviness ___ Sciatica ___ Tremors ___

Indicate on the drawings below where you have pain/symptoms

Have you taken painkillers within the last 4 hours? Y N

I have or often have (tick all symptoms from the following lists that apply)

Head, Neck, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat Dizziness when standing up ___ Lack of co-ordination___

Fainting or feeling lightheaded___ Head stuffiness ___ Vertigo ___

Headache ___ If yes do you feel it: Front___ Temple/side of head ___ Back ___ Top___

Describe the pain ______

Hair: Dry ____ Brittle ____ Hair loss/thinning ____ Premature graying___ Dry scalp ____

Itchy scalp ____ Scaly scalp ____ Dandruff ____

Ear: Hearing loss ___ Tinnitus/ringing ___ Excessive wax ___ Ear pain___

Clogged/popping in ears___ Ear infections ___

Eye: Poor vision ____ Blurred vision ____ Poor night vision___ Eye pain___ Dry eyes ____

Gritty eyes ____ Itchy eyes___ Red/burning eyes___ Spots/floaters___ Cataracts ___

Nose: Runny nose ___ Nosebleeds ___ Stuffy/blocked nose ___ Itchy nose ___ Sinus congestion ___

Sinus infections ___Phelgm___ Nasal discharge: Clear ___ White ___ Yellow ___ Bloody ___

Thick ___ Watery ___

Mouth: Dry mouth ___ Bad/bitter taste in the morning___ Ulcers ___ Bleeding gums ___

Inflamed gums ___ Loose teeth ___ Tooth loss ___ Abcesses ___ Jaw ache ___Cold sores ___

Throat: Dry throat___ Itchy throat ___ Sore throat ___ Swollen glands___ Stiff neck___ Phelgm ___

Difficulty swallowing/ lump in throat ___ Feeling unable to speak ___

Respiratory Easily catching colds ___ Shortness of breath on exertion/at rest ___ Asthma ___

Bronchitis ___ Coughing ___ Wheezing ___ Coughing up blood ___ Chest stuffiness ___

Coughing up phlegm clear/yellow ___ Pain inhaling ___ Tight chest ____ Difficulty breathing ___

Cardiovascular Chest pain ___ Palpitations ___ Racing heart ___ Irregular heartbeat ___

Anaemia___ Cold hands,feet ___ Swelling/oedema in ankles/feet ___ Varicose veins ___

Gastrointestinal Average number of bowel movements a day? ______Colour ______

Bad breath ___ Nausea ___ Vomiting ___ Burbing ___ Heartburn ___ Acid regurgitation ___

Hiccup ___ Indigestion ___ Abdominal pain ___ Bloating ___ Constipation ___Diarrhoea ___

Loose/soft stools ___ Irregular/infrequent bowel movements ___ Urgency ___ Strong smell ___

Undigested food in stools ___ Blood in stools ___ Mucus in stools ___ Flatulence ___

Rumbling ___ Painful bowel movements ___ Fullness/pain behind ribs ___

Ulcer ___ Hernia ___ Haemorrhoids ___ Prolapsed organs ___ Candidasis ___

Appetite: Always hungry___ Good ___ Poor ___ Hungry but no desire to eat ___Weight loss___

Weight gain ___ Feeling of retention of food instomach ___Sleepiness after meals ___

Skin & Nails Skin: Normal ____ Dry ____ Flaky ____ Oily ____ Bumpy ____ Rashes ___

Easily flushing in face ___ Acne ___ Eczema ___ Psoriasis ___ Rosacea ___Itching ___

Atopic dermatitis ___Easy bruising ___ Sweating easily or spontaneous sweating ___

Sweating on exertion ___ Profuse sweating ___Night sweating ___ Sensation of heat/flushing ___

Fever ___ Chills ___ Aversion to heat ___ Aversion to cold ___ Easily feeling chilled ___

Easily feeling hot ___Soft or brittle nails ___

Genito-urinary Frequent thirst ___ Lack of thirst ___ Desire for hot drinks ___

Desire for cold drinks ___ Frequent urination ___ Scanty urination ___ Urgent urination ___

Colour of urine: Clear ___ Pale yellow ___ Dark yellow ___ Painful urination ___ Dribbling ___

Incontinence ___ Getting up in the night ___ Burning sensation ___ Bloody urine ___

Strong smell ___ Oedema or swelling___ Kidney stones ___Urinary tract infections ___

Male reproductive Pain/itching of genitalia___ Genital discharge ___ Erectile dysfunction ___

Increased libido ___ Decreased libido ___ Impotence ___Premature ejaculation ___

Nocturnal emission ___ Prostate disorder ___ Infertilityor sub fertility___

Female reproductive

Are you or could you be pregnant? Y N Are you breast-feeding? Y N

If you have children, please list number & methods of birth & any problems ______


Normal method of contraception ______

Age you first began to menstruate ______

Is your cycle: Regular ___ Irregular ___ Often early ___ Often late ___ Absent ___

How many days do you bleed? ______

Cycle length Normal (25-29 days) Long (30+ days) Short cycle (24- days)

Is your flow? Heavy ___ Light ___ Average ___ Thick ___ Watery ___ Average ___ Clotted ___

Is the colour? Pink/pale ___ Bright red ___ Dark red ___ Brown ___

Do you spot between periods? Y N

Are you periods painful? Y N

Describe the pain & at what point in your cycle you feel it ______


Do you get PMS symptoms? Bloating ___ Breast tenderness ___ Cramps ___ Nausea ___ Headaches ___

Low mood ___ Irritability ___ Weepiness ___ Fatigue ___ Acne ___ Sleep disturbance ___

Is your vaginal discharge? White ___ Clear ___ Yellowish ___ Pink ___ Thick ___ Watery ___

Strong smelling ___

Vaginal itching/burning? Y N Frequent yeast infections? Y N Frequent urinary infections? Y N

Do you have? Pain during intercourse ___ Bleeding after intercourse ___ Low libido ___ Hot flushes ___

Vaginal dryness ___ Infertility or sub fertility ___

Age of menopause ______Hysterectomy age & reason ______


Have you been diagnosed with? Breast lumps/cysts ___ Endometriosis ___ Chlamydia ___ Fibroids ___

Polyps ___ Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ___ Pelvic Inflammatory Disease ___ Uterine prolapse ___

If you are pregnant, please list any health concerns you would like to have treated: ______

For Your Information— Please read the following and indicate your understanding by signing below:

I hereby request and consent to the one or more of the following being performed on myself (or the client named below, for whom I am legally responsible):

  • TCM and Western diagnostic procedures including questioning, pulse and tongue evaluation, postural assessment, range of motion, muscle and joint testing.
  • Physical therapy including one or more of the following: acupuncture; electro-acupuncture; cupping, moxibustion;Tui-Na; Thai Yoga; Acupressure;Shiatsu;Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage and Western remedial & myofascial bodywork.
  • Advice on diet, lifestyle, remedial exercise; simple breathwork; stretching & postural alignment and prescription of herbal therapy where appropriate.

The treatment:

  • Only sterile, disposable needles are used throughout your treatment.
  • Occasionally you may get bruising after needling or cupping. Please do not worry about this: the bruise will fade after a few days.
  • Herbal medicines are intended only for the person for whom they areprescribed. Please do not give your herbal prescriptions to anyone else.

The information that I have provided is accurate to my knowledge and understanding. I will also inform the therapist of any changes to my condition or health that may impact my treatment.

Signature…………………………………………………………………………………. Date………………………………….

Signature of therapist……………………………………………………………….. Date………………………………….

Copyright: Tyler Cornelius BSc (Hons) TCM,Bachelor of Medicine (Beijing), MATCM, BTEC (Dip), NLSSM (Dip), MISRM, Dip Oriental Bodywork.