AP Art History – Romanesque and Early French Gothic

Terms / Works / Objectives
v Choir
v Diaphragm arch
v Compound pier
v Buttress
v Crossing
v Square schematism
v Groin vault
v Rib vault
v Sexpartite vault
v Radiating Chapel
v Courtly love
v Albigensian crusade
v Scholasticim
v Chevet
v Triforium
v Rectangular-bay system
v Crossing spire
v Embrasure
v Mullion
v Soffit
v Scientia
v ars
v Wiligelmus
v Gislebertus
v Bishop Odo
v Master Hugo
v Beatus of Liébana
v Bernard of Clairvaux
v Abbot Suger / v Saint Foy
v Saint-Peirre, Mossaic
v Saint-Lazare, Autun
v Saint Sernin
v Virgin & Child
v Christ in Majesty, San Clemente
v Page with Flood, from Apocalypse
v Cluny Lectionary
v Durham Cathedral
v Hellmouth, from Winchester Psalter
v Bayeux Tapestry
v Speyer Cathedral
v Hildegard’s Vision
v Pisa Cathedral Complex
v Allegory of Good Government
v Saint Denis
v Chartres Cathedral
v Nôtre Dame, Paris
v Amiens Cathedral
v Bourges Cathedral
v Reims Cathedral
v Virgin & Child, (saint Denis)
v Attack on the Castle of Love
v Page w/Louis IX and Blanche of Castile
v Abraham, Sarah…,from Psalter of Saint Louis / Context.
q  Describe various vaulting techniques used in Romanesque and Gothic churches. Advantages /disadvantages.
q  Unique features of Romanesque and Gothic structures that differentiate them from one another.
Feminist Interpretation.
q  Discuss the changes in the position and portrayal of women through the Romanesque and Gothic periodsand its impact on art.
q  Identify cultural conventions & visual symbols and discuss their social, political, economic, religious meanings as represented in painting, sculpture and architecture.
q  Identify how interpretations of styles and meanings have changed. How did the Crusades, Black Death and changes in the economic patterns make it easy to understand these works?
q  Identify, compare and analyse similarities and differences between Medieval, Romanesque and Gothic periods in art and architecture.