18 May 2015


Minutes of proceedings at a meeting of the above Governing Body held at Pure Offices, 4100 Park Approach, Leeds, LS15 8GB on Monday, 18 March 2015 at 6.00pm.


Tim Kitching (Chair), Matthew Browne, Vineet Budhiraja, Jacqui Cameron, Martin Fleetwood, Rachel Hassey, Andrew Rowlands, Helen Stout and Nigel Wood.


Andrea Mannion (TNLP Trust Governors’ and Schools’ Support):

Dave Noble (Business Director and Company Secretary);

Diane Potter(HR, OperationsandMarketing Director).


An apology for absence was received from James Firth-Gieben.

Request to Consider an Additional Item

The Chair asked if an additional item could be included after Agenda Item 7 to give consideration to a document that was sent out from Martin Fleetwood on 15 May 2015.


There were no declarations of interest.


The Chair reminded members that the minutes of the last meeting had been uploaded onto the Academy website for a number of weeks now and that everyone had had the opportunity to consider them prior to the meeting.

Resolved 14

That the minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2015 be agreed as a correct record.


There were no matters arising from the minutes.


The Chair explained that that there were twoParent Governor Positions on the Governing Body and that elections to fill these would take place when the Academy opened to Reception children in September 2015. Members noted that Gemma Sargeant had been engaging with parents for some time now and that two parents had already expressed an interest in becoming Governors.

Members of the Project Team had discussed the best way forward in recruiting Parent

Governors especially in view of the phased intake. It was recommended that elections

take place during September 2015 and that 1 Parent be appointed for a four year term of office and 1 Parent be appointed for a 1 year term of office.This would then give the opportunity for a wider audience to apply in September 2016 when the school population would grow from reception classes to reception, year 1 and year 7 classes.

Resolved 15

That Governors agree to the recommendation to elect 2 Parent Governors in AM

September 2015 – 1 for a four year term of office and 1 for a 1 year term of office;

terms of office to be allocated on the basis of number of votes received.

Q: Was there any plans to initiate a Parents Forum/Voice because2 Parentsdid not appear to be a very equitable representation?

A: We will discuss this collectively and agree a strategy on how the Academy will engage with Parents. Another consideration is to appointing Parents as Associate Members on the Governing Body.

Members were informed that Parents had actually being involved already and that 2 had been invited to sit on the interview panel for the Early Years Foundation Stage Leader and Year 1.


The Chair reported that feedback from recent Development Sessions had been very positive but that the allocation of a 1 hour session was not sufficientand the combination of meetings on the same night caused difficulties in managing business effectively. The alternatives could be either twilight, evening or half day sessions.

Resolved 16

That the next Development Session be held on a Monday evening from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm.


The Chair asked members if they could report on any Governor Training that they had attended. They reported as follows:

Course / Name / Date
Safer Recruitment (1 Day) / Helen Stout / 5 June 2014
Safer Recruitment (1 Day) / Martin Fleetwood / 5 June 2014
Pay Policy / Helen Stout / 6 November 2014
Preparing for Ofsted / Helen Stout / 19 November 2014
Safer Recruitment (1 Day) / Matthew Browne / 6 February 2015
Safer Recruitment (1 Day) / Tim Kitching / 6 February 2015
Governing Body’s Strategic Role / Matthew Browne / 2 April 2015
Governing Body’s Strategic Role / Helen Stout / 2 April 2015
Governing Body’s Strategic Role / Tim Kitching / 2 April 2015
Governing Body’s Strategic Role / Rachel Hassey / 2 April 2015
TNLP Trust Governors Conference / Matthew Browne / 23 April 2015
TNLP Trust Governors Conference / Helen Stout / 23 April 2015
TNLP Trust Governors Conference / Drew Rowlands / 23 April 2015
TNLP Trust Governors Conference / Rachel Hassey / 23 April 2015
TNLP Trust Governors Conference / Tim Kitching / 23 April 2015
TNLP Trust Governors Conference / Martin Fleetwood / 23 April 2015
First Aid Training / Nigel Wood
Holding School to Account / Helen Stout / 13 May 2015
Holding School to Account / James Firth-Gieben / 13 May 2015
Holding School to Account / Matthew Browne / 13 May 2015

The Chair asked if a register could be produced listing all of the Governor Training that AM

members had attended. Andrea Mannion said that she would produce a list and MB

Matthew Browne said that he would upload the information onto the Governors section

of the website.

Rachel Hassey, Drew Rowlands and Tim Kitching said that they had all enjoyed the Trust Governors Conference and had been very impressed with the collaboration and unique ethos of the TNLP members/partners.

Drew Rowlands reported that he been part of the interview panel for the Early Years Foundation Stage Leader and Year 1.

Tim Kitching informed members that he attended as many weekly Project Team meetings as he could and said that these were very productive, focussed meetings.


Consideration of the effects upon the governance arrangements of the Temple Learning Academy’s Governing Body of the Temple Learning Foundation presenting a bid to create the ELECT Alternative Provision Free School.

Martin Fleetwood informed members that in October 2014 the Foundation hadagreed to support a bid for a KS4 Alternative Provision Free School.

He said that Temple Moor had been running a light version of support for very vulnerable KS4 learners for a number of years whichreceived an outstanding comment in the last Ofsted report in March 2013 andhe had spoken about the provision at National Capita Conferences.The provision was based in a Victorian primary school just down the road from Temple Moor and next to Templenewsam Halton Primary School. The five year lease with the Council had come to an end and a big investment was needed toget the heating system ready for the next winter.

Everything had been going well in getting the bid ready for re-presentation to the DfE on the 28 May 2015 when he received, last week,feedback from the New Schools Network indicating that we were in fact creating Multi Academy Trust (MAT) and needed to write the bid with that in mind. The most obvious solution was the one outlined in the paper which had been sent out in advance of the meeting, in making the existing Temple Academy Governing Body in to the MAT Board.

Martin spoke to the paper and referred to the extract in the current ELECT Alternative Free School bid that mapped out the conversation of the Foundation into a MAT.

In essence the Temple Learning Foundation would convert the local Governing Body of Temple Learning Academy into the Temple Learning Foundation Multi Academy Trust Board who would on then establish separate Local Governing Bodies for the ELECT Academy and Temple Learning Academy.

This was obviously a big change and one that needed the consent of the Foundation and the Temple Learning Governors.Members noted thatthe Headteacherswho form the Foundation had given their consent at a special meeting on 15 May 2015 butthey wanted the Trustees of Temple Learning Academy to have the opportunity to explore the proposal at this meeting. The Chair pointed out that little time had been given to explore the proposal but recognised that this was a result of circumstance rather than a deliberate strategy. Martin stressed that members should not feel under any pressure to agree to convert to a MAT and invited their questions/comments.

Q: What would this involve in terms of commitment and would we need any specific training?

A: The current training would continue; and the ELECT Governing Body would not need to meet as often as the TLA Governing Body.

Q: How would the ELECT Academy be different to a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU)?

A: Very little – KS2/3/4 permanently excluded pupils would attend a PRU for the rest of their education or offered another school different to the one that they came from. PRUs offered 12 week programmes.

Q: Would it still be the aim for these pupils to return to mainstream education?

A: Yes.

Q: Would this be a studio school?

A: No - pupils would leave at 16 unlike a studio school when they left at 19.

Q: What happens in terms of finance?

A: The new Board would receive all of the resources for both Academies and would then distribute them to the 2 local Governing Bodies who would be accountable for standards and value for money for both of the Academies.

Q: Where will the site be and would there be the possibility of sharing facilities?

A: The sites identified are quite local and there would be the chance to meet collectively to discuss the curriculum and opportunities to work together.

Q: We have signed up to the TLA and have bought into its vision, would both Academieshave the same vision?

A: Yes, especially around creativity which we all consider to be very important in the development of any child.

Q: Is there enough demand for alternative provision?

A: Yes absolutely.

Q: Will pupils from the local area attend?

A: Yes they would. Martin and David clarified the current situation and explained the income that the current ELECT provision brought in?

Q: Is there a working MAT model?

A: Yes.

Q: What would happen with the current ELECT staff?

A: Current staff would be retained through the TUPE process.

Q: If an individual Governor would like to revert back to being just a Governor of Temple Learning Academy, was this possible?

A: Yes it was.

Q: Would the Committee Structure need to change?

A: The current structure would address our needs at the moment but we may need to make changes as and when required.

A member expressed concern that the TLA Governing Body was still learning to be a Governing Body and now they were being asked to Govern twodifferent types of Academies, although felt that it was potentially an exciting prospect.

Martin said that the Governors had been appointed because of their skills irrespective of the type of school but that everyone had to be comfortable with the decision. The bid had to be submitted by the 28 May 2015 and would be reviewed by the DfE between July and September 2015 with a view to opening in September 2016. This would mean that Governors would not need to change their focus until early 2016.

The Chair reiterated the need for everyone to feel comfortable and because they had not had much time to digest the situation asked if they would like an additional 24 hours to consider the proposal further. He said that he was happy for people to vote via the website, by secret ballot or by a show of hands. Members agreed to vote by a show of hands.


Vote yes or no to convert to a MAT and enable the bid for the ELECT Alternative Provision Academy bid to go forward and meet the 28 May 2015 deadline.

Resolved 17

Governors voted unanimously in favour of converting into a MAT, in the event that the bid for the ELECT Alternative Provision Academy was successful.

Core Strategic Function:

Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.


Matthew Browne gave a PowerPoint presentation of Staff Organisation/Structure which included: The Structure of the Academy, All Through Issues, Curriculum Structure, Building to Reflect This, Staffing Structure, Subject Co-ordinators, Phase Leaders/Curriculum Designers and Assistant Principals.

Q: Music and Drama staff do not appear to be included on the structure, why is this?

A: These subjects are included within the Arts heading.

Q: In terms of the 2 Principals how will this work across the 4 Phases?

A: Both Principals will take responsibilities and be able to challenge each other.

Q: Do you consider that the grade for the Subject Co-ordinators is low, particularly for high school staff?

A: This has been discussed at great length with colleagues and it washighlightedthat primary school staff were expected to leadon at least 1 subject area already for no additional pay.


Matthew Browne gave a PowerPoint presentation on the TLA Education Plans which included: The Likely Learner, The Likely Leaver, Curriculum Vision, Our Working Day to Reflect Our Vision, The 5Rs of Lifelong Learning, The Different Phases, What is Project Based Learning?, An Example of a Past Project, EYFS Provision and Enrichment Possibilities.

Q: How are you intending to provide wraparound care?

A: This is currently being considered.

Q: Do you see it as more enrichment time?

A: It could be, or it could be used for help with homework. There is a meeting on 1 June 2015 with Associate Partners to discuss this further.

Q: Will it be free?

A: We will charge a fee, but the fee will be based on what parents can afford.

Q: It children are staying until 6.30 pm will they need feeding?

A: Yes food will be provided.

Everyone was extremely positive with both PowerPoint presentations and agreed that the whole vision was really inspirational and sounded really exciting for children.The Chair thanked Matthew for his enthusiastic delivery of the items.

Due to time constraints the Chair asked Matthew to include two comment boxes on the website so that the conversation could continue if needed.


Resolved 18

That Governors approve the process for reviewing policies via the website which gives opportunity to challenge and comment prior to each meeting; and,

That Governors formally adopt the following policies:

Admissions Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection Policy

Children Looked After Policy

Complaints Policy

Critical Incident and Security Threat Procedures

Data Protection Policy

Disability Equality Scheme

Disciplinary Policy and Procedures

E-Safety Policy

EYFS Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Home School Agreement and Policy

Our Local Offer for SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

Positive Relationships Policy

Single Equality Scheme and Policy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND Policy)

The Chair reported that a further three policies had been uploaded onto the website for Governors to review/comment/challenge.


Finance/Resources Committee

Governors were asked to consider which Committee they would like to be a member of and include their preference via the comment box on the website before the end of the month.

Election of Chair for the Finance/Resources Committee

Resolved 19

That Mr Tim Kitching be elected Chair of the Finance/Resources Committee.

Standards Committee

Arrangements as above Finance/Resources Committee.

Election of Chair for the Standards Committee.

Resolved 20

That Mr Drew Rowlands be elected Chair of the Standards Committee.


Resolved 21

That subject to the changes/amendments suggested by individual Governors, the model National Governors Association Terms of Reference be approved.

Core Strategic Function:

Holding the Principal (Senior Leadership) to Account.


Dave Noble referred Governors to the Project Plan Update for the Temple Learning Academy which had been sent out in advance of the meeting. He informed Governors that the Chair had signed the Land Transfer earlier in the day and that the construction process could now commence. A kick off meeting with the Construction Company ISG on Monday, 1 June 2015.

The Chair asked if Governors had any questions on the Project Plan.

Q: Are initial plans for the Academy available yet?

A: Not yet.

Q: When we receive the plans could they be shared on the website?

A: Yes, this would be arranged.

Q: We currently have 32 Reception children who have accepted their place at the Academy, is it realistic that we will have 60 by September 2015.

A: The Local Authority are confident that we will have 60 by then.

The Chair thanked Dave Noble for his presentation and in particular the time and effort that he had put into securing the premises over the last four months.


Diane Potter referred to her Staffing/Recruitment update that had been sent out in advance of the meeting. The report included items on: Appointments, Recruitment and Selection Update, Recruitment, Policies and Procedures, Contracts and Pay Conditions.

Resolved 22

That Governors adopt/approve:

The School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (Burgundy Book) and note that all Teachers will be enrolled in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme;

The National Joint Council Conditions of Service for Support Staff (Green Book) and that Support Staff have an automatic right to the LGPS West Yorkshire Pension Fund.

The Chair thanked Diane Potter for her presentation and asked Governors if they had any questions.

There were no questions from Governors, but Diane was congratulated on her well organised and robust arrangements for the two staff appointments which had been attended by the Chair and Vice-Chair.


Dave Noble referred Governors to the up to date Finance Report which had been sent out in advance of the meeting. Governors unanimously agreed that the Pre-opening