Ms. Des Pames’s Further Explanation of Middle School Expectations

I feel having high expectations that are clear and concise with consistent follow through gives students a chance to succeed. I am sending this home for you to read and respond via e-mail so that parents/guardians are fully aware of the same expectations and the follow through that will be expected of all students. You are more than welcome to contact me at any time about any of these policies and will gladly speak with you about them. I want your students to be a success and I feel that these guidelines will help them be successful.

  1. Students are to come into class, sit in their assigned seats, and read the board about what they need to have out and be doing at the time class begins.
  2. Agenda (filled out every daywith the objective and practice (homework) and please sign every Friday)
  3. Writing Implements (Pens should not be used in math except for grading)
  4. Late homeworkis not preferred, but some credit will be given for anything turned in and completed well.
  5. If a student is sick, they get the amount of days they were absent added onto the due date before being considered late.
  6. Anydress code violation (according to the student handbook) will be sent to the nurse to either change into an appropriate uniform (if available) or call home to have appropriate uniform brought to them.
  7. If an appropriate part of the uniform cannot be brought, the student will be sent to ACP until one arrives or for the remainder of the day.
  8. Sweatshirts or jackets must be an appropriate size and need not to be a distraction to others.
  9. Anyfood or gum is prohibited.
  10. Only water in see through containers with screw on tops will be allowed.
  11. Soda, Gatorade, cups with straws, coffee, energy drinks, etc. will be disposed of. No exceptions on the student’s part.
  12. Disrespect will not be tolerated, toward any person.
  13. Bathroom breaks
  14. Bathroom breaks will not be givenduring direct instruction time (usually for the first 15 minutes of class or the last 15 minutes of class students may be asked to wait) Students will be allowed to use the restroom during passing periods.
  15. Excessive use will be declined.
  16. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to look on our “assignment” calendar and see what we did the day(s) they were gone. They can also look on my website and see what we did in math and if there is any practice (homework). (Math gets updated daily by Ms. Des Palmes)
  17. If there is a worksheet for homework, it is the responsibility of the student to get one from me.
  18. Notes should be attained from other students or from my website. (Facilitates a sense of community)
  19. Extra credit
  20. I do not give extra credit to help those who did not do their work the first time around.
  21. All extra credit is offered to every student, not just those who are behind.
  22. Cell phones seen in a students possession will result in confiscation and automatic referral
  23. Cell phones need to remain in their backpacks at all times.
  24. I reserve the right to enforce any other rules that may not have been stated explicitly in this document for the betterment of all students and their education according to district and school guidelines.

Thank You,

Sara Des Palmes

Copper Trails 7th Grade Math



******** Formore accurate record keeping in 7th grade and to verify that you have received this document, please e-mail me:your name, your students name, phone number and e-mail address, to let me know that you have received this information sheet. Please put : “7th Grade Expectations” in the Subject line.

We always love to be in contact! We will contact you about any behavior (positive & negative) or school information. Please have this done by Friday, August 12th for 5 points extra credit to start the year off! It will still need to be required after that, but no extra credit will be awarded. I will e-mail you back that I have received your e-mail as confirmation of extra credit awarded.

If you do not have online capabilities, please still send a piece of paper with the best way to contact you and your signature by the same due date to verify that you have received this document.