THTE 494 Raising Money for the Arts

Spring 2007

Class Time: T-TH, 9:30-10:50

Class Locations: KAP147

Instructor: Corbett Barklie

Office: 213-273-8500

Cell: 213-447-2879

Final Exam: May 8, 2007 8:00-10:00AM


In this class we will explore all types of fundraising including government grants, private grants, corporate sponsorships, individual donors, social enterprise ventures, and special events. In addition, it will explore how various types of organizations are challenged to raise money. Types of organizations include: Emerging and Small Organizations, Mid-sized Organizations, and Large Organizations or Institutions. Community leaders will be brought in to demonstrate various types of organizations and fund raising methods.

Grading Specifics

First Examination: 20 Points

This test will be given at the end of the fifth week. This exam will give you the opportunity to assimilate the basic theories and facts covered in the early weeks of the course, in particular those forming the basis of the systematic approach to fundraising that has been discussed throughout the course.

Midterm Examination: 25 Points

A take home exam, this test will allow you to bring together the full extent of your learning to date. It will be cumulative and you will be expected to bring any relevant material covered in the course to bear in your responses to the questions asked.

Final Examination: 40 Points

This is a collaborative project. Together you will create a realistic and inclusive fundraising plan for the Theater @ Boston Court. The plan will include government, foundation and corporate giving, corporate sponsorships, individual donors, and special events. Although collaborating on the research and compilation portion of the Final, each one of you will be responsible for writing a specific section of the report.

Attendance & Participation: 15 Points

Absences: you will lose one (1) point for each absence. There is no negotiation unless there is a health or family crisis (you must provide documentation).

Tardiness: Late entry is disruptive and disrespectful. Three (3) tardies equal one absence.

NOTE: At fifteen minutes past the start of class you will be considered absent.


January 9 & 11

Context for fundraising in the Arts

§  What is Philanthropy?

§  History of the Non-profit Arts

§  Why is fundraising necessary in the Arts?

§  Is there a case for Arts fundraising?

January 16 & 18

Ø  Concepts and Questions:

§  What is fund-raising?

§  What defines its structures and activities?

§  Can anybody do fund-raising?

§  What is a non-profit organization?

§  What’s the fundraising role of a Board of Directors?

Ø  The Los Angeles Arts Community: Overview of the community. Discuss difference between small, mid-sized and large organizations. Interview various arts organization leaders about fundraising activities. Who gives money and why?

January 23 & 25

Government Giving: In-depth review of government giving and grant writing.

January 30 & February 1

Foundation Giving: In-depth review of foundation. The review will include an exploration of the grant writing process, grant review process, and donor acknowledgement.

February 6 & 8

Corporate Giving & Sponsorships: How is corporate sponsorship different from corporate philanthropic giving? How does an organization assess the value of the sponsorship. How can small and mid-size arts organizations involve themselves with sponsorships?

First Test

February 13 & 15

Corporate Sponsorship (continued)

Individual Donors: Includes direct mail campaigns, telecampaigns, one on one solicitations.

February 20 & 22

Individual Donors

February 27 & March 1

Social enterprise endeavors

March 6 & 8

Major Donors & Campaigns

Special Events

March 8th – You teach day

Mid-Term (take home)


March 20 & 22

Final Project Design & Assignments

March 27 & 29

§  Fundraising Plan Development

§  Fundraising Plan Development

April 3 & 5

§  Fundraising Plan Development

§  Fundraising Plan Development

April 10 & 12

§  Fundraising Plan Development

§  Fundraising Plan Development

April 17 & 19

§  Fundraising Plan Development

§  Fundraising Plan Review

April 24 & 26

§  Fundraising Plan Review

FINAL – May 8, 2007

Presentation of Final Project