

When her brother goes off to school, Amanda finds new things to do, including dancing, cleaning her room, and making a very sad, very mad, day go away. With the help of her mother.

--- Conversation Questions---

(1) / Oliver told Amanda she could not go to school, why?
(Answer) / Because she was too little.
(Follow Up) / Name something you are too little to do?
(2) / Tell me why mother could not play with Amanda.
(Answer) / Because she was washing and ironing.
(Follow Up) / List the chores you do around your house.
(3) / Name the nickname that mother kept calling Amanda.
(Answer) / Her sweet potato.
(Follow Up) / Do you have a nickname?
(4) / Recall why Amanda liked to dance.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / What are some different kinds of dances?
(5) / Amanda had a special name she used while she used while wearing her ballet costume, tell what it was.
(Answer) / The Sugar Plum Fairy.
(Follow Up) / Do you have a nickname?
(6) / Give reasons why Amanda could have fun without Oliver.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / What do you do for fun when you are alone.
(7) / Amanda had a special name she used while she was wearing her ballet costume, what was it?
(Answer) / The sugar plum fairy.
(Follow Up) / Do you like ballet?
(8) / How did Amanda care for her sick stuffed animals while she was sick?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / What can you do to help a sick person?
(9) / Suppose you were Amanda, why would you want to keep your room messy?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Which is better, messy or clean?
(10) / Tell me what a sweet potato is.
(Answer) / An orange vegetable, those looks like a potato.
(Follow Up) / Do you like sweet potatoes?
1. / Write the title of the story and draw Amanda.
2. / Make a list of things you can do by yourself.
3. / Design an invitation inviting five friends to a birthday party. Include the date, time, and location.
4. / N/A
1. / Bring in a picture of your best friend when you were a child. Ask the child to tell you about their best friend. Ask some things they like to do together. Our story is about a brother and sister who are very best friends. Let’s read and see what happens when one has to go away.
2. / Have a stuffed pig. Ask the child if they had ever had a child to move away. How did it make them feel. Let’s read and see how things go for her when her brother goes to school.

Book Title: Amanda Pig on Her Own

Author: Jean Van Leeuwen / Illustrator: Ann Schwenneger
ISBN: 0-14-037144-3 / # of Text Pages: 48 AR: 2.4 LEX: 340
Building Oral Vocabulary
8 / puzzle / 15 / twirled / 43 / skyscraper
Prediction Questions
5 / Do you think Amanda will be sad without her brother?
25 / Do you think Amanda will be able to clean her whole room?
37 / How could Amanda get in a better mood?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.