Study Guide: Unit Five, 1750-1900

Controlling Ideas: Enlightenment, Rise of Capitalism, Industrialization, Nationalism

Chapter 21:

Development of the Enlightenment

Congress of Vienna: Consequences of Revolutions: New Political Ideologies: Conservatism, Liberalism, Radicalism (p. 621-622 & 756,762-763)

Compare/Contrast: American, French, Haitian Revolutions

Chapter 22:

What was the impact of Enclosure movement?

How did 19th century European industrialization impact European families, women, & gender relations?

How did 19th century European industrialization impact the environment & the world? (Think PERSIA)

2nd Agricultural Revolution: Reasons & Impact

Why Britain? Why not continental Europe? What hindered Russia’s transition to full industrialization?

Who benefited most from the Industrial Revolution? (social class)

What were the necessary factors for industrialization?

Chapter 23:

19th c reform movements: abolition, immigration, women’s rights, social justice, racial justice, & Native peoples

Mexican War of Independence

Role of “Personalist” Leaders

Impact of Regionalism

Abolition of slavery: Reason, Impact

Chapter 24:

Muhammad Ali

Ottoman Empire

Greek War of Independence


Crimean War


Russia & reform efforts


Opium Wars

Treaty of Nanking

Taiping Rebellion

Compare/Contrast relationship with Europeans: Ottoman, Russia, Qing

Chapter 25:


Muhammad Ali

Impact of abolition of slave trade

British in India

Sepoy Revolt: Reasons, Effects

Indian Nationalism

British in Africa: Cape Colony

U.S. & Australia: policy toward indigenous peoples

New Labor Migrations: Reasons, Effects, Where did they go?

Chapter 26:

Technologies & industries: Impact on the world economy?

Migration & Population Changes: Reasons, Effects

Middle Class women vs. working class women

Social Darwinism

Socialism & Marxism

Nationalism: reasons, effects, impact: Germany, Italy, Japan

Liberal vs. Conservative (p. 621-622 & 756,762-763)

Compare/contrast China, Japan, Russia responses to Westernization/Industrialization

Chapter 27:

Original Imperialism vs. New Imperialism

Tools of imperialism

The Berlin Conference: Cause, Effect, Purpose, Impact

Compare/Contrast: Imperialism in Africa, Asia, Latin America

Changes & Continuities: The World Economy

Impact on the Environment

Big Broad Questions:

What was a new Western motive for overseas territorial expansion in the industrial era?

Why had India become Britain’s most important colony by 1800?

During the era of British colonialism, why were the British content to leave Indian social hierarchies intact?

By what method did Western imperialists work to gain a dependable corps of local managers to aid in the administration of their colonies?

How would you describe international relations between the western powers in the decades leading up to 1914?

Which areas of the world were nominally independent but nonetheless endured significant Western informal political and economic influence by 1914?


Industrialization and global integration

Imperialism and Nation State formation

Nationalism, revolution, and reform