Benchmark #1 ReviewCCGPS Math 3

  1. Below are survival times (in days) of 13 guinea pigs that were injected with a bacterial infection in a medical study:

91 83 84 79 91 93 95 97 97 111 101 105 98

(a)Find the mean and standard deviation for this data set.

(b)Find the 5-number summary for this data set.

(c)Create a boxplot for this data set AND describe the SHAPE of the distribution of survival times.

(d)Another set of data from a similar study produced the same mean survival times but the standard deviation was 5.78. Which set of data would be considered MORE RELIABLE? Explain your reasoning.

a)Using the Empirical Rule, approximately what percent of the freshmen scored between 65 and 80?

b)Using z-scores, approximately what percent of the freshmen score below a 62?

c)Using z-scores, approximately what percent of the freshmen scored above 84?

d)Using z-scores, approximately what percent of the freshmen scored between 62 and 84?

  1. Which sampling method was utilized? Why?

(a)Student organization looking to survey Ola High school students get an alphabetical list of all students and picked every 40th name on the list to survey.

(b)Select three students from a class to receive ice cream by puttingall the students' names in a hat and picking out three names randomly.

(c)Select threefemale students and threemale students to receive ice creamby putting all the men's names in one hat and all the women's names in a different hatand picking out three names from each hat.

(d)In Fall 1995, the BBC in Britain requested viewers to call the network and indicate their favorite poem.

(e)Divide the class into four groups (freshman, sophomore, junior andsenior) and take a random sampleof two students from each group.

(f) randomly e-mails a Customer Satisfaction Survey for certaintransactions done on its site in which customers choose to either respond or not.

(g)Divide the class into four groups (freshman, sophomore, junior andsenior) and survey all of the sophomore class and all of the junior class.

  1. Use the formulas below for each question.

a)You want to rent an unfurnished one-bedroom apartment in Boston next year. The mean monthly rent for a simple random sample of 32 apartments advertised in the local newspaper is $1,400. Assume that the standard deviation is known to be $220.

Find a 99% confidence interval for the mean monthly rent for unfurnished one-bedroomapartments

available for rent in this community.

b)Of the 1048 teens surveyed, 189 named Facebook as their favorite social media network.Give a 90% confidence interval for the proportion of all people in this age group who would choose Facebook as their favoritesocial media network.

Unit 2

1) Perform each polynomial operation.









2) Factor each polynomial.

a) y4 – 3y2 – 2y

b)20a5b3 + 30a3b2 – 40a2b3

c)81x2 – 4

d)100a2 – 225



