Clay Middle School
Athletics Handbook
For students and parents
Clay Middle School Athletic Department Profile
Clay Middle School offers interscholastic competition in 11 different sports and 38 separate teams. The following is a listing of the different interscholastic teams and seasons:
FALL SPORTS Tentative Starting Date
• 8th Grade Football “A” Team Week of August 1, 2011
• 8th Grade Football “B” Team Week of August 1, 2011
• 7th Grade Football “A” Team Week of August 1, 2011
• 7th Grade Football “B” Team Week of August 1, 2011
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys Varsity Cross Country Week of August 8, 2011
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys JV Cross Country Week of August 8, 2011
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Girls Varsity Cross Country Week of August 8, 2011
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Girls JV Cross Country Week of August 8, 2011
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys Varsity Tennis Week of August 8, 2011
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys JV Tennis Week of August 8, 2011
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Girls Varsity Tennis Week of August 8, 2011
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Girls JV Tennis Week of August 8, 2011
• 8th Grade Volleyball Week of August 8, 2011
• 7th Grade Volleyball Week of August 9, 2011
• 8th Grade Cheerleading Week of August 1, 2011
• 7th Grade Cheerleading Week of August 1, 2011
• 8th Grade Boys Basketball “A” Team Week of October 24, 2011 (tryouts)
• 8th Grade Boys Basketball “B” Team Week of October 24, 2011 (tryouts)
• 7th Grade Boys Basketball “A” Team Week of October 24, 2011 (tryouts)
• 7th Grade Boys Basketball “B” Team Week of October 24, 2011 (tryouts)
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Varsity Wrestling Week of November 28, 2011
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Reserve Wrestling Week of November 28, 2011
• 8th Grade Girls Basketball “A” Team Week of November 28, 2011 (tryouts)
• 8th Grade Girls Basketball “B” Team Week of November 28, 2011 (tryouts)
• 7th Grade Girls Basketball “A” Team Week of November 28, 2011 (tryouts)
• 7th Grade Girls Basketball “B” Team Week of November 28, 2011 (tryouts)
• 8th Grade Winter Cheerleading Week of August 2, 2011
• 7th Grade Winter Cheerleading Week of August 2, 2011
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys Varsity Track Week of March 12, 2012
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys JV Track Week of March 12, 2012
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Girls Varsity Track Week of March 12, 2012
• 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Girls JV Track Week of March 12, 2012
• 8th Grade Baseball Week of March 12, 2012 (tryouts)
• 7th Grade Baseball Week of March 12, 2012 (tryouts)
• 8th Grade Softball Week of March 12, 2012 (tryouts)
• 7th Grade Softball Week of March 12, 2012 (tryouts)
A. A completed Clay Middle School Athletic Physical Examination form on file in the
athletic office by the first day of practice/try-outs. This form is found on the third
to the last page of this handbook. **Requires physician, student athlete and parent
B. Consent Form/Parent & Student Certification/Emergency Medical Authorization Form
must be on file in the athletic office by the first day of practice/try-outs. This form is
found on the back cover of this handbook. **Requires student athlete and parent
C. Please be familiar with the section relating to Insurance in this handbook.
D. Please be familiar with the section titled Academic Eligibility in this handbook.
E.** Please be familiar with the section regarding injuries.
F. Financial Obligations and Equipment
1. Uniforms--In several sports, athletes may purchase a portion of their game or
practice uniform which will become their property.
2. Equipment--All athletes are responsible for the proper care and security of
equipment issued to them. School- furnished equipment is to be worn ONLY for Clay Middle School contests and practices. All equipment not returned in good condition at the end of the season will be subject to financial compensation to the school.
a history of . . .
Pride, Tradition, Spirit
Clay families support the athletics department by becoming an Athletic Parent Booster. Patrons’ donations enable the athletic department to hire officials, buy uniforms, pay workers for events, and purchase general equipment and merchandise for Trojan athletic teams. Tax revenues cannot be used for such things as uniforms, equipment, game officials, and many other needs of the athletic department. Therefore, Athletic Parent Boosters’ support and athletic fund-raising activities are necessary as gate receipts fall far short of financing the needs of a large athletic program such as the one at Clay. Please contact the athletic office. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.
1. Never underestimate your opponent.
2. Work on your weaknesses until they become your strong points.
3. Remember that a great effort is usually the result of a great attitude.
4. Dedicate yourself to a mighty purpose.
5. Win with humility, lose with grace.
6. Ignore those who discourage you.
7. Work to improve your moral and spiritual strengths as well as your
physical ones.
8. Remember that how you conduct yourself off the field is just as
important as how you conduct yourself on the field.
9. Talent is God-given – be humble, Fame is man-given – be thankful,
Conceit is self-given – be careful.
10. Don’t ask to be deprived of tension and discipline – these are the tools
that shape success.
11. Do what has to be done, when it has to be done, and as well as it can
be done.
12. Remember that when you’re not working to improve, your competition is.
13. Always give your best.
14. Practice like a champion.
15. Play like a champion.
16. Live like a champion.
Clay Middle School
Athletic Handbook for
Students and Parents
I. Requirements for Participation
II. Clay Middle School Mission Statement, Message from the Athletics Department and a Listing of Administration
III. Athletic Department Profile
IV. Clay Athletic Department Important Dates
V. Introduction of Clay Athletics to Parents and Athletes
VI. Clay Middle School Policies for Eligibility and Participation
VII. Carmel Clay Schools Athletic Training Rules
VIII. Clay Sports Medicine and Sport Cautionary Statements
IX. Athletic Department Award—Robert L. Theil Award
X. "Why Do We Charge Admission?"
XI. Directions to Opposing Schools
XII. Clay Middle School Athletic Physical Form, Consent for Athletic Training
Services form and Emergency Medical/Consent Form (to be signed by
student-athlete and parent/guardian and returned)
5150 E. 126TH STEET
CARMEL, IN 46033
Clay Middle School Mission Statement
Clay Middle School staff and parents will collaborate to provide all students a successful and meaning
experience to bridge the gap between elementary school and high school.
A Message from the Athletics Department
The school and community are very proud of the athletic history and tradition of the Clay Middle School Trojans. The Clay athletics program is an integral part of the total middle school program and thus reflects the school’s overall commitment to excellence. We are proud to provide a number of athletic offerings for our young people that serve as educational extensions to the classroom. We believe that providing these opportunities for competition enhances the overall development of our student athletes and extends the educational mission of our school. Clay Athletics………the other half of education!
If you believe that organized sports can contribute to living a healthy life, that the positive values and virtues developed on the playing field can last a lifetime, and that good character influences enjoyment, satisfaction and performance, then our athletics program is for you. This program provides opportunities to teach values such as sportsmanship, honesty, dedication, teamwork, self-discipline, loyalty and cooperation. The teaching of these values is essential to the education of our youth.
This athletic handbook is designed to explain the expectations, regulations and policies relative to participation in interscholastic athletics at Clay Middle School. It is a privilege to participate in interscholastic athletics at Clay.
It is the responsibility of the student-athlete and parents to read this handbook and familiarize you with the various policies contained within. Please complete the back page of emergency medical information as well as the student-parent certificate and return it to the athletic office prior to the athlete’s first sport season of the school year. Your signature indicates that each of you has read, understands and will abide with the policies as stated.
The athletics department and administration need and depend on parent/guardian help and cooperation to aid coaches and the athletics director in promoting a successful athletics program. We are counting on the support of parents who have students involved in our athletics program as we assume the tremendous joint responsibility for the education of your child. We need the support of all parents in reinforcing that academic responsibilities come first and that each student-athlete must learn to manage his/her time, energy and talents in such a way as to excel in the classroom and in athletics. Please feel free to call the school whenever you have a question concerning our athletic program. We are here to serve you.
The faculty and staff of Clay Middle School thank you for your continued support of Trojan athletics. We invite you to share in our enthusiasm for the 2011-2012 sports season.
Yours in sports,
Kathleen J. Cox
Kathleen J. Cox, CMAA
Athletics Director, Clay Middle School
Clay Athletic Department
Important Dates Calendar
Week of Aug. 1, 2011 Cheerleader Tryouts for 2010-2011 Year
Tues., Aug. 2, 2011 Football Equipment Issue 8:30 a.m. Gymnasium/Locker Rooms
Fri., Aug. 5, 2011 Football Practices Begin—8th Grade Practice Football Field
Mon., Aug. 8, 2011 Football Practices Begin—7th Grade Practice Football Field
TBA Fall Athletics--Cross County Begins Outside
Tues., Aug. 9, 2011 Fall Athletics--Tennis Begins 3:30 PM Tennis courts
Tues., Aug. 9, 2011 Fall Athletics—Volleyball Begins 3:30 PM Gymnasiums
Tues., Aug. 16, 2011 Fall Athletic Parent Meeting 7:00 p.m. Auditorium/Selected classrooms
Mon. Oct. 24, 2011 Boys Basketball Begins Gymnasiums
Tues., Nov. 8, 2011 Parent Meeting for BBB & CH 5:00 p.m. Gymnasium
Mon., Nov. 28, 2011 Girls Basketball Begins TBA Gymnasiums
Mon., Nov. 28, 2011 Wrestling Begins TBA North Gymnasium
Mon. Dec. 5, 2011 Athletic Parent Meeting—GBB & WR 5:30 p.m. Gymnasium
Mon., Mar. 12, 2012 Spring Athletic Practices Begin
Wed., Mar. 21, 2012 Spring Athletic Parent Meeting (BA, SB, TR) 5:30 p.m. Auditorium/Selected classrooms
Sun., May 20, 2012 Athletic Physicals 3:30-6:30 p.m. Carmel High School
**Dates are subject to change. If you have questions concerning the athletic calendar, please call the Clay Parentlink line at 571-4450 and dial the sports information line at 612.
A. To the Parent
This material is presented to you because your daughter or son has indicated a desire to participate in interscholastic athletics and you have expressed your willingness to permit her/him to compete. Your family’s interest in this phase of our school program is gratifying. We believe that participation in sports provides a wealth of opportunities and experiences which assists students in personal adjustments.
We who are concerned with the educational development of boys and girls through athletics, feel that a properly controlled, well-organized sports program meets with the students’ needs of self-expression, mental alertness and physical growth. It is our hope to maintain a program that is sound in purpose and will further each student’s educational maturity.
B. To the Athlete
A student must be enrolled in a full course of study at Clay Middle School to be eligible to participate in athletics.
Being a member of a Clay Middle School athletic team is a fulfillment of an ambition for many students. The attainment of this goal carries with it certain traditions and responsibilities that must be maintained. A great athletic tradition is not built overnight; it takes the hard work of many people over many years. As a member of an interscholastic squad at Clay Middle School, you have inherited a wonderful tradition, a tradition you are challenged to uphold.
It will not be easy to contribute to such a great athletic tradition. When you wear the colors of our school, we assume that you not only understand our traditions, but are willing to assume the responsibilities that go with them.
1. RESPONSIBILITIES TO YOURSELF: The most important of these responsibilities is to broaden yourself and develop strength of character. You owe it to yourself to get the greatest possible good from your Junior High School experiences. Your academic studies, your participation in other extracurricular activities as well as sports, prepare you for your life as an adult.
2. RESPONSIBILITIES TO YOUR SCHOOL: Another responsibility you assume as a squad member is to your school. Clay Middle School cannot maintain its position as an outstanding school unless you do your best in whatever activity you wish to engage. By participating in athletics to the maximum of your ability, you are contributing to the reputation of your school. You assume a leadership role when you are on the athletic squad. The student body, our community and other communities judge our school by your conduct and attitudes, both on and off the field of play. Because of this leadership role, you can contribute greatly to your school spirit and community pride. Please make Clay Middle School proud of you, and your community proud of your school, by your faithful exemplification of these details.
3. RESPONSIBILITIES TO OTHERS: As a squad member you also bear a responsibility to your home. If you never give your parents anything to be ashamed of, you will have measured up to the ideal. When you know in your heart that you have lived up to all the team expectations, that you have practiced to the best of your ability everyday, and that you have played the game “all out” you can keep your self-respect and your family can be justly proud of you. The younger students in the schools are watching you. They will copy you in many ways. Do not do anything to let them down. Set good examples for them.