Republic of Iraq
Positions for Human Rights Council
- Protecting and Promoting the Human Rights of Migrant Domestic Worker
In most modern countries, migrant workers preform the menial, labor-intensive jobs that the citizens of a country usually refuse to work, but despite playing a vital role in society, these workers are typically looked down upon by the rest of the population.[1] Employers use them because they can be exploited in many ways and paid very little.[2] In Iraq, the situations of these workers have been made much worse by the existence of religious extremist groups, like ISIS,who prey upon these workers because they have little or no legal protection and are at the mercy of their employers.[3] Not only does ISIS use migrant workers as fodder to further advance its jihadist goals[4], but in some instances, ISIS recruits migrant workers.[5],[6]
Iraq realizes and recognizes the true horror of the situation many migrant workers find themselves in within its country.[7] One of the biggest obstacles Iraq faces in improving the lives of its migrant workers is the elimination of ISIS. This may be achieved by regaining control of ISIS-controlled areas and obtaining some sort of peace.[8] If ISIS can be defeated and brought to its knees, then migrant workers will be able to rest more easily. A much easier task to handle would be the governmental cracking down of employers who mistreat, abuse, and exploit migrant workers.
- Combating Human Trafficking Among Refugees and Displaced Persons
Refugees and people who have been displaced from their homes are one of the easiest groups of people to fall victim to human trafficking.[9] Refugees are more in danger since they are fleeing from their home countries and are not welcomed in many places. These two groups can easily fall through the cracks of society and disappear without anyone noticing. Because of turmoil in neighboring countries and within Iraq, millions of Iraqis[10] have become displaced and, eventually, refugees. ISIS[11] and the Syrian Civil War[12] are two of the biggest producers of refugees.
Iraq has some regulations prohibiting some kinds of human trafficking, but more regulations are needed to stop the rampant trafficking of refugees.[13]Protection and justice are the most important aspects needed to help prevent human trafficking. ISIS attacks create many Iraqi refugees. ISISmust be dealt with for the amount of human trafficking to decease.[14] An end to the Syrian Civil War would also help this cause. Care, concern, and awareness of human trafficking of refugees and displaced people would also aid in combatting it.[15]
[1] “Office To Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons 2016 Trafficking in Persons Report Report.” U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State, 2016,
[2]“Protecting Migrant Workers in a Globalized World.”, 2 Mar. 2017,
[3]Migrant Workers Caught up in Libya and Iraq Conflicts.” Advancing the Rights of Migrant Workers throughout the Middle East, Migrant Rights, 14 Aug. 2014,
[4]“Iraq: Grave Fears for Kidnapped Migrant Workers.” International Trade Union Confederation Building Workers’ Power, 25 June 2014,
[5]Nuraniyah, Nava. “Migrant Maids and Nannies for Jihad.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 18 July 2017,
[6]Novriansyah, Dudy. “ISIS Targeting Indonesian Migrant Workers.”, 28 Apr. 2016,
[7]“Informal Briefing to the Human Rights Council: Statement by the Deputy High Commissioner on Honduras and Iraq.” OHCHR | , 30 Nov. 2016,
[8]Munayyer, Yousef. “There Is Only One Way to Destroy ISIS.” The Nation, 17 Nov. 2015,
[9]Cayless, Heather. “Trafficking Among Refugee Populations.” Globe Serve, 1 July 2008,
[10]“Iraq 2016/2017.” Amnesty International ,
[11]“Iraq.” Human Rights Watch,
[12]Buchan, Rachel. “The Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Greenhouse for Human Trafficking.” Human Rights First, 16 Aug. 2016,
[13]“Office To Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons 2016 Trafficking in Persons Report Report.” U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State, 2016,
[14]Munayyer, Yousef. “There Is Only One Way to Destroy ISIS.” The Nation, 17 Nov. 2015,
[15]“If You Care About Trafficking, You Should Care About Refugees.” UNICEF USA, 25 Jan. 2016,