Fund of investments intoreal sector with international potential
1. Businessman, partners and team
Tell about you:
ü Your age and education (apply your photo)
ü Duration and essence of enterprise experience
ü Achievements and the projects which are successfully realized business
Your partners in this project:
ü Specify all founders of the project, their share and age
ü Describe their enterprise experience (by analogy above)
ü Describe their role and functionalities/zones of responsibility in the project
Hired personnel in the project:
ü Specify the number of employees, their specialties and experience in the sphere
ü Organizational scheme
2. Project/product, consumer and market
Briefly state an essence of the project or the offered product
Existence of the registeredtrademark, the exclusive rights / the patent Apply photo/video/infographics on a project/product (if is)
Type of the consumer and his description (private persons / companies / state. institutions) Age, level of the income the social status (for private clients)
Description of a segment of clients of B2B (company and establishment) Average check and frequency of purchases of your production / services Market:
Geography of sales (the markets of regions which you plan to capture) Market capacity (in quantitative and monetary value)
Sales channels (as you will sell - through partners, networks) Competitors (who will be your direct competitor and why)
3. The required investments
The invested capital in business:
The size of own means which are already invested in business In what assets own capital has been invested
The size and sources of the attracted capital (specify who investors)
(Specify) the size of the credits obtained in business and the personal purposes in banks
The required investments:
The amount of investments which are necessary for you Calculation for what purposes they will be spent
The term for which you plan to receive investments
4. Project economy
Specify as long there is your project and give key indicators for each full and not full reporting period.
Briefly state what economic effect you plan to reach within the investment project. Specify as as a result of implementation of the investment project key indicators of your business which as you consider, implementation of the project will affect will change – as the total revenue, prime costs, net profit or other indicators will change.
For example:
Revenue (before implementation of the project) = 1 million rubles Revenue (after implementation of the project) = 10 million rubles
5. Risks of the project and risk management
Tell about risks and essential factors which can prevent or negatively affect results of implementation of the project and also as you plan them to overcome.
It is necessary to tell about the following types of risks:
market and economic technological
sanitary and ecological legal
administrative and political
Thanks for your interest
to IMPEX Fund!
Yours faithfully to your business,
Zolotukhin Valery, founder of fund, investor