Name ______English 1

Death Penalty: Pro/Con

Directions: You will conduct research on the death penalty and decide for yourself whether or not you are for or against it. Follow the steps below before deciding how you feel about the death penalty. MAKE SURE YOU SAVE THIS TEMPLATE WITH YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME BEFORE YOU START TYPING!!! Also, as you find your sources, make sure to record them (see Part 2). You will eventually write an opinion/reaction once you have gathered enough materials and sources to form your own opinion on the subject matter.

Part 1: Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty: Research online several websites and/or articles that discuss the pros and cons of the death penalty. Make a list using bulleted points charting your examples. You should have at least FIVE pros, and at least FIVE cons.

Pros: (In support of the death penalty)






Cons: (Reasons for going against the death penalty)






Part 2: Sources- List the websites below where you found your information and label the title of the webpage as seen at the top of the screen. Put the article's title in quotation marks. Use the following format below. You should use at least TWO sources.

Source 1:


Title of article: "


Source 2:


Title of article: "


Source 3: (optional)


Title of article: "


Part 3: Your Opinion- Decide how YOU personally feel about the concept of the death penalty. Are your Pro/In support of the death penalty, or Con/Against the death penalty? Write an opinion paper (1- page minimum; 3-4 paragraphs; intro, 2 body paragraphs, brief conclusion/call to action ) supporting your beliefs. You may choose to be in the middle if you can argue both sides logically. If so, explain why you are for AND against the death penalty. Your paper should use support from the online resources, your own knowledge, opinions, beliefs, etc. You may choose to reference Jefferson from A Lesson Before Dying or any other stories, fiction or non-fiction, in your writing if it will help you support your claims. You can use the word "I" since this is a personal opinion paper.

*Intro: Start your paper by using an attention-getter that signals to the reader that the topic you are arguing will be an emotionally charged one that is controversial.

*Thesis statement: Before stating how you feel on the subject matter and jumping into your body paragraphs, make sure to state WHY you feel this way. Use direct arguments and reasons from your sources to make your opinion seem justified. Keep your tone formal.

Sample Intro: Determining a person's life or death is no light matter. However, when a person fails to act in a humane manner by taking the life of an innocent person, justice must be served. If left unpunished, a criminal who has committed the unthinkable act of murder might be free to roam the streets and commit more atrocious acts. Therefore, it is necessary to use our legal system to ensure that murder is not treated as a minor infraction of the law, but rather a punishable act that deserves the same amount of compassion and humanity as the person who took another's life. This is why the death penalty needs to be in existence and why those who take the lives of others don't deserve the right to have their own.

*Use transition words to start your body paragraphs and to guide the reader from one point to the next. Ex- therefore, furthermore, in addition to this, for instance, another example, etc.

*Use examples from your sources and explain why you support them. Justify the points that will enhance your argument and explain why you are in favor of or against the death penalty.

*Use anecdotes and personal examples if necessary. Use scenarios and personal examples of people who may or may not have received the death penalty for crimes they committed. Example- should a person who murdered many people be executed? How would the families of the victims feel about this? Explain.

*Conclusion: Keep it brief- several sentences will suffice. Sum up your main points and get passionate and fiery as you make your final claims about why you are FOR or AGAINST the death penalty and why others should believe and agree with what you have just argued.