The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, February 19, 2013. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Leon Baker, Steven Bury, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Linda Jones, and Carrie Sokoloski. Others present included: Administrative Clerk Jessica Ayre, Fire Chief George Lane, Director of Operations Kevin Dorwart, Public Works Director Jack Rice, and Police Chief Ty Ulrich. Emily Boyles from KXGN, Eric Killela from the Ranger-Review, Erin Redland-Brandt representing Interstate Engineering. Council members Matt Hull and Gerald Reichert were absent.

Mayor Jerry Jimison opened the Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. By reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sokoloski moved to approve the minutes of the February 5, 2013 regular council meeting; second by Bury and the motion passed with Jones and Coon abstaining.


Personnel Committee: February 12, 2013 – 4:00 p.m.


Council Members: Mayor Jerry Jimison, Leon Baker, Matt Hull

Department Reps & Personnel: Fire Chief George Lane, Fire Captain Todd Opp, Fireman Bruce Miller

Other: Eric Killelea, Jason Stuart


1.  Committee Chairman Hull briefly explained some of the discussions related to the staffing of the fire department that have been ongoing since firefighter Bruce Stairs’ resignation in October. Mr. Hull reported that circumstances have pressed the need to move forward with filling the vacant firefighter position.

ACTION: The Committee recommends that the City begin taking applications for the vacant full-time firefighter position. Search will be simultaneously conducted internally and externally.

2.  Chief Lane presented a letter requesting the promotion of Captain Todd Opp to the position of Assistant Chief. The Assistant Chief position has been vacant since Guy Schultz resigned in December. Mr. Opp has been with the department for 19 years.

ACTION: The Committee recommends promoting Todd Opp to Assistant Chief, effective February 20, 2013.

3.  Chief Lane presented a letter requesting the appointment of Thomas Allen to the position of part-time firefighter. Mr. Allen was interviewed last summer, has passed a background check, and recently passed the physical fitness test.

ACTION: The Committee recommends appointing Thomas Allen to firefighter, effective February 20, 2013.

4.  Chief Lane informed the Committee that he has spoken to the part-time firefighters and encouraged anybody interested in becoming a Captain with the department to submit a letter of interest. He said that any interested individuals would be reviewed by himself and the fire officers. He agreed to keep the Committee updated on the process.


5.  Mayor Jimison asked Chief Lane for an update on his attempts to hire an assistant building inspector. Chief Lane reported that he spoke to one individual about the opportunity, but this individual didn’t express much interest. The Chief also explained that the cost of training an individual for the position could be up to $1500. The Mayor suggested that we should consider City employees in other departments for the position. The possibility of internal options will be discussed at a future Department Head meeting.


6.  Chief Lane requested a meeting with the Personnel Committee, himself, the Mayor, and Wally Broeder (ambulance director) to discuss issues regarding staffing on ambulance runs. Mr. Hull asked the Mayor if he would be willing to set up that meeting. He obliged.


Meeting adjourned at 4:21 p.m.

Submitted by: Personnel Committee Chairman Matt Hull; Councilman Ward II

Sokoloski asked how many hours the Assistant Chief would be working. George Lane stated that it is a voluntary position and mandatory hours of training are not required.

Street Committee Meeting-February 13, 2013 at 4:05 p.m.

In attendance: Jack Rice, Kevin Dorwart, Jerry Jimison, Rhett Coon, Carrie Sokoloski, Mike Dryden, Amy Deines, Eric Kililea, Emilie Boyles and Aaron Redland Brandt.


1. Request for Traffic Study on North Merrill. A request was made a few months ago, on the change in speed limit traveling north on Merrill Avenue. As you travel north, the speed limit changes from 25 to 35 MPH at Dawson County High School, and then up to 45 MPH in the area of Bob’s Body Shop. At the intersection of Merrill at Colorado, the speed zone goes back down to 25 MPH. This is confusing for drivers and has caused concern over speeders. The City did recently post a 25 MPH sign between Oregon and Colorado. The Montana Department of Transportation (DOT) plans to do a traffic study in this area as soon as time allows.

Recommendation: It was decided that Mayor Jimison will attempt to set up a meeting for him and Public Works Director Jack Rice to discuss this project Shane Mintz at the DOT.

2. Request for 15 minute Parking Zone on the 100 Block of West Benham at the future location of the Dawson County Food Bank. While remodeling the new Food Bank, Bob Ackerman noted the need for short-term parking. He asked that the parking space in front of the food Bank, and closest to the alley to be designated as 15 minute parking.

Recommendation: The Committee recommends granting the request and asks the Public Works department to install a 15 minute parking sign in the parking spot in front of the new Dawson County Food Bank and closest to the alley.

3. Expanded National Highway System – Montana Department of Transportation.

A letter was sent by the Montana DOT to Mayor Jimison, informing him that some of Glendive’s principal arterials are now part of the National Highway System’s (NHS) expanded map. These arterials include:

A.  from the I-94 Circle interchange, east on Alder Avenue to Towne Street, east on Towne Street to Merrill Avenue, and north on Merrill Avenue to the I-94 City Center interchange;

B.  from the intersection of West Towne Street and Montana Highway 16 to the Glendive/Sidney interchange of I-94; and

C.  from the West Glendive I-94 interchange, east on Towne Street to the intersection of West Towne Street and Alder Avenue.

Recommendation: FYI.

4. Request for Stop signs on Wyoming and Washington entering Colorado.

This request was discussed at the Street Committee Meeting on November 14, and based on the recommendations from that meeting, and after approval from the Glendive City Council, “Yield” signs were installed on Wyoming Avenue, Washington Drive and Colorado Boulevard. Public Works also requested a traffic study of the area from the Montana DOT, as mentioned in Agenda Item 1, above.

Recommendation: No action by the Committee is necessary. We will await further information after the DOT study of the area.

5. Request by Jakin Hill to close Mead Street (added to the Agenda upon agreement of the Committee).

Public Works Director Rice was called by Jakin Hill regarding the removal of a tree on his property on the corner of Meade and Relf on Saturday, February 16. He is concerned about the size of the tree and the way in which it might fall. He has road closure signs ready, pending approval by the City.

Recommendation: The City sees no problem with Mr. Hill temporarily closing Meade to ensure the safety of citizens while he removes a tree. FYI: Full Council approval is not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carrie Sokoloski, Councilman Ward II, Street Committee Chair.

Jones mentioned similarities between the Attic 15 minute parking request and that of the food bank request and asked if the committee would look into the matter. Mayor Jimison stated that he would follow through with the request at the Street Committee meeting and possibly bring information to the committee from GMC. Dryden and Sokoloski expressed the need for structure parking to allow the bus to park in the parking lot.

Finance/Utilities/Property/Recreation- February 13, 2013 4:25 pm


Council Members: Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Carrie Sokoloski

City Officials: Mayor Jimison; Public Works Jack Rice; Finance Kevin Dorwart; Wally Broeder

Media: Eric Killea, Ranger-Review; Emily Boyles, KXGN

Guests: Erin Redlin-Brandt, Interstate Engineering; Amy Deines, DCEDC Director;


1. PER Water Treatment Plant: Contract accepted with Dowl HKM to do PER for the water

treatment plant.


2. DCEDC Energy Expo: DCEDC Director Deines withdrew their request for the city to contribute $5,000.00 to help fund the Energy Expo May 15 and 16 at DCC.


3. Brett Fitch Memorial Park request: Mayor Jimison asked the committee to respond to the request from the Fitch Foundation for a $10,000.00-$15,000.00 donation to help complete the 1st phase of the project. The Foundation hoped the project could progress to the construction bid stage by spring 2013.

Committee took no action on this request.

4. CTEP Update Trails Project: Interstate Engineering employee Redlin-Brandt reported that plans are underway to add lighting to the Trails Project. The city is awaiting a response from the state of Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks on the city’s proposed MOU concerning an easement into Makoshika Park.

5. Ambulance/Multi-use Building Update from Bauer Group: Mayor Jimison provided responses, from the Bauer Group, to questions from city officials, and requested direction from the committee and Director Broeder to specific questions from the Bauer Group.


6. Pool liner bid: Interstate Engineering recommended that the city accept the bid of $88,370.00 for the swimming pool liner and installation.

ACTION: Committee recommends the council accept the bid for the swimming pool liner.

7. Finance bids (backhoe): Finance Director Dorwart recommended the city accept a bid for financing the purchase of the new backhoe from US Bank at a rate of 2.6% contingent upon the usual financing requirements being met.

ACTION: Committee recommends council accept the bid.

8. Finance bids (pool project): Director Dorwart sought permission to seek bids for $100,000.00 to $200,000 to finance swimming pool boiler and repairs.

ACTION: Committee recommends council approval of the city soliciting financing bids on

establishing a line of credit between $100,000 and $200,000 dollar amount for financing repairs of the city’s swimming pool.

9. Boiler for swimming pool: Interstate Engineering reported that no bids were received for the

boiler for the city swimming pool. Interstate Engineering will look into more options for replacing the current boiler at the Lloyd Square pool.


10. Splash Park Construction: Interstate Engineering will oversee purchasing equipment and construction engineering of the proposed splash park in Whipkey Park.


11. Public Comment: None


Meeting adjourned 5:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted FUPR chairperson Mike Dryden

FYI- Grant awarded to City for $15,000.00 Main Street Fund Grant.

FYI- Special bow season ended February 15, 2013. Mayor Jimison reported to the council that there would be an official press release from Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks concerning the bow hunt. The Mayor stated that 39 hunters have registered for the bow hunt within the City limits; 6 of those were from Glendive. An unofficial count by Mayor Jimison totaled 55 deer to conclude a successful end to the second year of this deer hunt.


Mayor Jimison asked for public comment twice. There was none.


Permission to advertise for full time firefighter position. Coon moved to approve advertisement for full time firefighter position; second by Bury. Chief lane stated that this would bring the total full time firefighters to 5 and he would like the position to be open February 20, 2013 through March 6, 2013.

Appoint Todd Opp as Assistant Fire Chief effective 02/20/13. Coon moved to appoint Todd Opp as Assistant Fire Chief effective February 20, 2013; second by Baker. Chief lane recommended the appointment and added that Opp is a valuable asset and has filled in for the Chief on different occasions.

Appoint Thomas Allen as part paid volunteer firefighter effective 02/20/13. Bury moved to appoint Thomas Allen as a part paid volunteer firefighter effective February 20, 2013; second by Baker. Chief Lane stated that Allen will be a good asset to the department.

Accept bid for pool liner of $88,370.00 from Aquatic Renovation Systems, Inc. Sokoloski moved accept the pool liner bid of $88,370.00 from Aquatic Renovation Systems; second by Coon. Brandt added that two bids were received.

Permission to advertise for bids for pool repair financing $100,000.00 to $200,000.00. Bury made a motion to advertise for bids for pool repair financing $100,000.00 to $200,000.00; second by Coon. Director of Operations, Kevin Dorwart, explained the budgeting process and amounts set aside in this fiscal year as well as the next according to the original plans. Coon explained the planned process and benefits and added that this will be a nice solution to the pool problem.

Accept bid from U.S. Bank of 2.6% for backhoe financing. Bury motioned to accept the bid from U.S. Bank of 2.6% for backhoe financing; Baker seconded the motion.

Accept Jack Rice’s letter of resignation from City/County Planning Board effective 03/01/13. Sokoloski moved to accept Jack Rice’s letter of resignation from the City/County Planning Board; second by Bury. Rice stated that the Planning Board has good members and that he has enjoyed working on it. Dryden added that Rice will be missed.

Accounts Payable Claims: $64,109.49 –Bury moved to approve the accounts payable claims in the amount of $64,109.49; second by Coon and the motion passed.


Fire- Chief Lane stated that the new truck is getting lights and radio put in and that many construction projects are currently going on including the VA clinic and Guest House Inn. Lane has inspection planned on new apartments located at the corner of Sargent and Raymond set for February 20, 2013.

Public Works- Public Works Director, Jack Rice, stated that the crew has been busy with drainage issues due to the quick snow melt. The crew had been patching the prior week to fill in new potholes that have formed. They have been busy working on seasonal building and machine maintenance before the busy season starts. Rice also stated he has been busy attending meetings and hopes to hire an assistant soon.

Operations-Director of Operations, Kevin Dorwart, has been following bills and attending meetings. He stated there are six or seven projects currently going on (ambulance building, CTEP, wastewater treatment plant, etc.) each in various stages all requiring attention.