Innovative Teacher Comment
Style Guide for Submission to the Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings
Barbara Ross Wooldridge, The University of Texas at Tyler, USA
This Style Guide provides formatting instructions to be used by authors and typists when preparing a manuscript for publication as an Innovative Teacher Comment in the SMA Proceedings. The layout of this document is intended to serve as a model of how your final submission should look. Please read carefully and follow instructions precisely to ensure that your paper is acceptable for publication in the SMA Proceedings.
The SMA Proceeding is produced from the manuscripts that authors prepare and submit. Authors must submit their manuscripts electronically in final, camera-ready form. Formatted manuscripts must be submitted as an email attachment to the SMA Proceedings Editor, Jie Fowler () by September 1st. Late submission may not be published in the SMA Proceedings or Conference Program. If you have questions about submitting your manuscript for publication, contact Jie.
General Instructions
Submission Rules
§ Manuscripts must be prepared in Microsoft Word and saved as a ".doc" document.
§ Use the following naming convention: track name, underscore, authors' last names (capitalize the first letter of the name; do not space between names), underscore, first three words of the title (capitalize the first letter of each word; do not space between words). Example: TeachingInnovative_BranchDavisJones_SocialMediaMarketing
§ The manuscript must be submitted to the Proceedings Editor by September 1st unless otherwise advised.
General Formatting Rules
§ Use the Times New Roman font throughout the manuscript.
§ Single space the body of the manuscript. Insert two returns before each major heading and sub-heading EXCEPT when a sub-heading immediately follows a major heading and then use a single return.
§ DO NOT double space between paragraphs.
§ Indent the first line of each paragraph by .5 inch.
§ The body of the text is justified aligned, 10-point Times New Roman.
§ Within the body of the manuscript, only two heading levels may be used.
1. First Heading - left align, boldface, 10-point Times New Roman
2. Second Heading - left align, boldface, italic. 10-point Times New Roman
Refer to Preparing the Title Heading section below for formatting the manuscript title.
§ For all headings, capitalize the first letter of each word except for articles and conjunctions (e.g. a, the, of) appearing after the first word in the heading (e.g., A Historical Perspective; Looking at Resource Theory from a Historical Perspective).
§ Tables and Figures are inserted into the body of the text and flushed left. For print clarity, please use black/white and grayscale only.
§ Footnotes should be avoided.
§ DO NOT number the pages of the manuscript.
§ DO NOT include citations or reference in the manuscript. Instead, please include the name and contact information for the contact author (see "Contact" section below).
Final submission of an Innovative Teaching Comment should not exceed 1 formatted pages; approximately 2 double-spaced pages, 12-point Times New Roman.
Word Processing Settings
Manuscripts must be prepared in Microsoft Word and saved as a ".doc" file. Set margins as follows: top margin 1 inch; bottom margin at 1.25 inches; side margins at 1 inch. Set the font style to Times New Roman. Set tab to .5 inch, so that the first line of each paragraph is indented.
Preparing Sections of the Manuscript
Manuscript Type
The first line of the manuscript indicates the type of manuscript - Innovative Teacher Comment.
§ Times New Roman, 20-point font, boldface
§ Capitalize the first letter of each word
§ Insert one return after the manuscript type
Manuscript Title
Insert the manuscript title using upper and lower case and capitalize the first letter of each word except for articles and conjunctions (e.g. a, the, of). Single space for titles of more than one line.
§ Times New Roman, 20-point font, boldface
§ Insert two returns after the manuscript type
Each author is placed on a separate line. For each author, include the following: 1) complete author's name, 2) affiliation(s), and 3) country (use USA for the United States of America) separated by commas.
§ 12-point Times New Roman, left aligned
§ Insert one return between authors and two returns after the last author
§ DO NOT include titles before the names (Dr./Mr./Ms.) or rank after the name (Ph.D., Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor).
§ DO NOT abbreviate the name of the affiliated institution
§ For individuals who author more than one manuscript, make sure your name and affiliation are consistent across manuscripts.
Headings within the Body
Two heading levels may be used in the body of the manuscript: major heading and sub-heading. Use upper and lower case; capitalize the first letter of each word except for articles and conjunctions (e.g. a, the, of) appearing after the first word in the heading (e.g., A Historical Perspective; Looking at Resource Theory from a Historical Perspective). DO NOT use headings other than those described herein.
For the major heading, apply the following settings: left alignment; boldface; 12-point font. Insert two returns between major heading and narrative and between a major heading and a sub-heading.
For sub-headings apply the following settings: left alignment; boldface; 12-point font italic style. Insert a single return between the sub-heading and narrative.
The body text of the paper is single-spaced in 10-point Times New Roman, justified, and begins immediately following author(s). Headings (major and sub-headings) may be customized to the content of the paper. There is no limit to the number of major and/or sub-headings that may be used.
Tables should be referenced within the text of the manuscript (e.g., refer to Table 1) and inserted within the applicable section of text.
§ Tables should contain at least 3 columns.
§ Tables should appear within the body of the manuscript and numbered consecutively (e.g., Table 1, Table 2).
§ Insert two returns before and after the table.
§ The table title is left aligned, 10-point Times New Roman, boldface, upper and lower case, and capitalize first word of each word in the description except for articles and conjunctions. A colon (:) is placed after the table number.
§ Insert the title of the table immediately following the table number (e.g., Table 1: Study 1 Results), followed by one return.
§ Tables must be created using a white background. Please ensure that tables are sharp and clear. It is highly recommended for print clarify that only black, white, and gray scale (if contrast or highlighting is desired) be used.
§ Within the table, center column labels and data; left align data in first column.
§ Column titles are enclosed in horizontal lines (see Table 1 below).
Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of Respondents
Description / Number / PercentAge:
35 to 55
>55 / 65
29 / 46
Grade School
High School
College / 19
83 / 14
Figures should appear within the body of the paper and numbered consecutively (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2). Figures must be created using a white background. Please ensure the image is sharp and clear. It is highly recommended for print clarity that only black, white, and gray scale be used.
§ Figures should appear within the body of the manuscript and numbered consecutively (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2).
§ Insert two returns before and after a figure.
§ The figure title is left aligned, 10-point Times New Roman, boldface, upper and lower case, and capitalize first word of each word in the description except for articles and conjunctions. A colon (:) is placed after the table number.
§ Insert the title of the figure immediately following the figure number (e.g., Figure 1: Advertising Treatment 1), followed by one return.
Contact Author
The contact author name and email should appear at the end of the document.
§ Two returns before the contact author information
§ 10-point, Times New Roman, left aligned
§ Capitalize (first letter) and bold Contact Author, followed by a colon (:), author's name, affiliation, and email address.
Contact Author: John Smith, University of South Florida,
Revised 7/07/16
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