
SECTION 1School Aims2

SECTION 2General Information3

About Our School3


Attendance and Punctuality4 Behaviour/Discipline 4

Calendar/School Holidays: see Appendix 15

Child Protection & Safeguarding of children5

Internet Safety Booklet: see Appendix 25

Internet Consent Form: see Appendix 35

Complaints procedure: 6

Summary of complaints procedure: see Appendix 4 & 56

Parking see Appendix 126

Contact Information6

Medicines in school: see Appendix 6&76

Equal Opportunities7


HomeSchool Agreement: see Appendix 87

Lunches and Snacks7

School Times8

School Uniform8

Daily Routines: see Appendix 98

SECTION 3Teaching and Learning9

Assemblies/Collective Worship9


Health Education (Personal Social Health Education/Citizenship) 9 Health Matters 9

Helping Your Child10


Sex Education10

Special Educational Needs 11

Staff List: see Appendix1011

Parent Voice11

Pupil Voice11

Contact Form: see Appendix 11

Provision of care see Appendix 13

SECTION 1School Aims

Our aim is to provide the foundations for a positive future for our pupils.A future where pupils learn to stay safe, to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle, and to enjoy all they do.A future where they are money smart, and make a positive & respectful contribution to their culturally diverse community; at a local, national & global level.A future where they aspire to be the best they can be & achieve their full potential.Our intention is to enable everybody at RingwayPrimary School to achieve the highest standards possible for themselves, as individuals. We do this by the following aims.

We want our school to be a place where:

  • Every child and every adult experiences achievement in their learning, in their self esteem, and appreciates the success and aspirations of others
  • Every child and every adult achieves the best that they are able to do
  • Every child is prepared for adult life, whilst enjoying their childhood, in which they will develop lively and enquiring minds
  • Every child’s level of need is met, with regard to equality of opportunity
  • All members of the school community may work alongside each other in close partnership as is appropriate
  • Everyone in school has a feeling of self respect and respect for other people, and where the standard of behaviour is high
  • There are high standards in the quality of teaching and the quality of learning
  • Expectations are high
  • Everybody can work in a safe, supportive and happy atmosphere
  • A lively range of extra curricular provision is available
  • We provide equality of opportunity regardless of sex, race, culture or disadvantage
  • All members of our school community will develop respect for, and understanding of, other people’s religions, moral values and way of life
  • Children develop their independence academically and socially
  • The curriculum provides opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve and promotes the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
  • Following health guidelines,our school policy bans smoking anywhere within the school gates, in conjunction with Manchester City Council premises.
  • Considering safety of our children, our school policy does not permit dogs anywhere on school premises (with the exception of guide dogs)

The ethos of our school seeks to deliver these aims in an atmosphere of care, consideration and courtesy.

SECTION 2General Information

About the School

RingwayPrimary School is a community school for children of three to eleven years of age. We have a Foundation Centre with a Nursery and a Reception class.

The school is currently 2 form entry from Year 3.

Parents/carers who are considering applying for a place for their children at the school are welcome to visit.


Parent Conferences are held each term.

We have a Parent Notice Board in the foyer, a website ( an e-mail address: rtnightly newsletters on a Wednesday. However, our Head as an open door policy and our staff come out on the drive each afternoon and make themselves available. If you need to see a teacher in the morning you must enquire through the office.


Our Admissions Procedures are those as laid down by the City Council’s Local Education Authority.

Children may enter the Nursery at age three, depending upon places available.

The admission list does not work on a ‘first come – first served’ basis, so the date on which you put your child’s name down does not affect the position on the list. Where there are more requests for places than the number available, the following priorities are used:

Category 1

Exceptional social and/or medical circumstances, i.e. ‘Children in Need’ as defined in the Children Act 1989. It must be clear that attendance at the school is essential.

Category 2

An older brother or sister in the school (or within the last 5 years) when the younger child starts. Also, any parent working in the school.

Category 3

Distance from the school. Priority is given to children who live nearest to the school. The distance is measured as a straight line on a map between home address and school.

Transferring from Nursery to Reception Class

Although many parents expect their child to transfer from the nursery class to the reception class of the same school, this cannot be guaranteed. Admissions are arranged from the Education Offices at Overseas House; with appropriate forms being distributed to parents / carers from school.

Admission to Foundation 3 (Reception Class)

There is oneintake a year into Foundation 3 in September.

Parents will be notified by the Local Authority if their child has a place at the end of April.


Each summer we hold a meeting for parents of new pupils to help them with transition. We also do home visits.


If a child of statutory school age on the waiting list is not offered a place, parents/carers can appeal to the Independent Education Appeals Committee. Appeal forms are available in every school.

New Parents / Carers are welcome to visit the school to take a look at what we provide and to have a general conversation with us. For those who wish to enrol their children, there will be various opportunities to meet with us, by way of preparing for a successful start.

Attendance and Punctuality

School starts at 8.55am

We believe that effective learning, and a positive attitude to learning, can only be achieved through good attendance and punctuality. Our intention at RingwayPrimary School is to enable everyone to achieve the highest standards possible, for themselves, as individuals. Whereas the Headteacher has overall responsibility for attendance, all staff, parents/carers, children and governors must play their part in achieving the highest pupil attendance possible. It is vital that Parents/Carers let the school know if their child is absent.

We DO NOT sanction holidays in TERM TIME for any reason.

Attendance Summary

Good attendance is at least 96%+

Classes with 96%+ get extra weekly play. Pupils with 96%+ attendance are put into monthly draws with great prizes.

At the end of the year all 96%+ get a £5 shopping voucher & 100% pupils get a £10 shopping voucher.

Pupils & Parents get a Well Done Green letter at the end of each term.

Pupil voice – we ask children for prize & reward ideas regularly.

Amber Letter – Below 96%– If you get an amber letter at the end of the term you need to take action to improve your child’s attendance.

Red Letter– if your child’s attendance drops below 90% this is very serious and you will be invited in to discuss with an attendance panel or receive a home visit from the parent liaison officer & school nurse.

Allowing a child to be absent without good reason is against the law. The school now has the right to issue penalty notices and parents can be fined £60 - £2500 if it then goes to court.

If your child misses three and a half days of school each half term regularly over their school life from 5-6 years old, they will miss a staggering four terms of education - that is almost a year and a half!

Please be ON TIME!

If your child is late every day for school over their school life from 5-16 years old, they will miss a staggering seventy eight days of education – that is nearly a whole term!

Please don’t be late School starts at 8.55 & registers close at 9.25 so if your child arrives after this they still have to be given an unauthorised latemark!!

Medical appointments MUST be made outside of school hours or at least after 1.00pm

Behaviour and Discipline

Our School Rules at RingwayPrimary School are based on: Care, Consideration and Courtesy.

We are proud to be a GOLD INCLUSION standard school. We view exclusion as a last possible resort strategy. We do however do internal seclusion if necessary.

Good behaviour from every child is essential so that each one can learn and be taught effectively.

Each class will draw up its own Classroom Rules at the beginning of a school year.

Our Golden Rules are:

  • Do be gentle
  • Do be kind and helpful
  • Do work hard
  • Do look after property
  • Do be honest

Name-calling of a personal, homophobic or racist nature will not be tolerated. The Governors have a policy on behaviour, which is based on good behaviour as the norm. Good behaviour will be positively recognised and rewarded. Self-discipline is encouraged from an early age. We strongly support anti-bullying and anti-racism. In these cases our Head becomes involved immediately and logs the incidents.

If your child has behaviour issues, our SENCo will arrange support for you and will produce a Pastoral Support Plan & possible Common Assessment Framework form to help you.

We reward good behaviour and positive attitudes by our spoken and written response, by awarding stickers and Merit Certificates, by reference/applause at our Family Assemblies and Good Work Assemblies, by Golden Time, by sending the children to other staff members to share good news, and by communication with Parents/Carers.

Mainly our Behaviour system is:-

Time in the **Star Room** is a reward for excellent behaviour.

Regularly ask your child if they were on the star today.

Parents/carers of children who misbehave at lunchtimes may be asked to take their children home for lunch. If a child’s behaviour is giving cause for concern, parents/carers will be informed at an early stage. As a last resort, the Headteacher has the right to exclude a child from school.

At the start of school parents/carer’s are asked to sign a Home/School Agreement in support of good behaviour & attendance.

Calendar / School Holidays: see Appendix 1

Child Protection & Safeguarding of children

Parents/carers need to be aware that the Local Education Authority requires us to report any sign of non-accidental injury or abuse immediately and directly to the Social Services Department. This is not a matter of discretion or choice on the part of the school staff. It is likely in such situations, that a social worker will contact parents/carers directly and not via the school.The Designated Person for Safeguarding & Child Protection is Nuala Forkan and Deputy is Rowena Thomas.All staff & volunteers on our premises are DBS checked & cleared.

This requirement forms part of the Local Education Authority’s procedure for dealing with child abuse and it is not a matter for the discretion of individual Headteachers or members of the school staff. We have created an Internet Safety Booklet for parents – please keep your child safe on the net. See Appendix 2 & 3

Allegations against a member of staff

Please make an appointment to see the Head Teacher immediately. (If it is against the Head – please contact The Chair of Governors via the Office). Policy available in the office.

Recruitment and selection of staff

All recruitment of staff complies with Local Authority Policy & DBS checks are taken out. A rigorous interview & selection process is in place.

All our staff have up to date Safeguarding training and are very vigilant for all signs of abuse.

They will inform the designated person immediately if they suspect abuse and the designated person may then make a referral to Social Services.

If you are a victim of Domestic Violence, please ask your GP for help and tell someone at school who will signpost help for you.

Complaints procedure see appendix 4 & 5

Health & Safety

Please sign your child in at Breakfast Club and sign them in at the office if late after 9.25am. Your child also needs signing in/out for any medical appointments.

Each room has a fire drill map & instructions – of you hear a fire bell please leave the room and go to the fire meeting point.

Mobile Phone Policy

Mobile phones arenot allowed in school and may be confiscated & kept in the safe until 3.15pm if found and MUST BE collected by an adult.


Dogs are not allowed in school (except guide dogs). Please do not bring your dog onto school property. Thank you.

SMOKING or VAPING – Smoking or Vaping is not allowed on school premises

Car Park Regulations

All pupils are encouraged to walk or cycle to school. Disabled pupils only should be picked up and dropped off by car. SCHOOL CAR PARK is for staff and visitors only – due to shortage of space parents should not be using the car park and should DEFINITELY not be blocking or using Rossett Avenue or the back entrance of the school.See appendix 12

Contact Information

It is vital that parents/carers keep us up to date with contact information. Should you make any changes, let us know. At the start of each year, a new Contact Form will be sent home, for you to update or confirm details.

YOU MUST KEEP US INFORMED OF NEW MOBILE NUMBERS – GROUPCALL USED REGULARLY TO ONTACT PARENTS. Unfortunately, from time to time, accidents happen or children feel unwell. It is very important that we have a telephone number where we are able to get in touch with you or a responsible relative, friend or neighbour during the day. We have qualified first-aiders on the staff that can treat small cuts and bruises. However, if there were a real emergency, a telephone contact number would be essential. We can take the children to hospital if necessary, but doctors are very reluctant to give treatment unless a parent/carer is present.

Please keep contact telephone numbers up to date.

It is the policy of the school to administer medicines only in exceptional circumstances using the procedure as per our Medications in School Policy.

Asthma medication must be kept available with/near the child, at all times.See appendix 6&7 Medicines in school.

Equal Opportunities

At RingwayPrimary School we embrace Manchester City Council’s Policy of Equal Opportunities with regard to gender, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, social background, home circumstances and disability.

Any racist incidents are dealt with by firmly explaining to the offending person that behaviour of this kind is unacceptable and by giving support to the victim. The number of racist incidents is reported annually to the Governors and to the Local Education Authority.Parents will be contacted if repeated racist behaviour occurs. Racist Incidents are recorded separately & reported to the Local Authority.

Our curriculum reflects the ethnically diverse nature of British society and the importance of learning about the global perspective as appropriate.

We have a DDA plan in place but would love to hear from parents about how we can improve our facilities for all members of the school community. We are currently aiming for the Equalities Award.


The school has a Governing Body whose job is to work closely with the Headteacher and the Local Authority in ensuring the smooth running of the school. The Governors help decide school policy, consult and advise on the curriculum, monitor finances, fix salaries, appoint staff, arbitrate on disciplinary matters and share fully in the joys and sometimes the heartbreaks of running a busy primary school.

The Governing Body has representatives from the local community, the Local Authority, the teaching staff, the non-teaching staff and parents. The parent governors serve a four year period and are nominated and elected by the parents of children at the school.

The Governors normally meet 6 times a term to discuss school issues. A copy of the minutes of all Governors’ meetings is available for you to read. If you would like to know more about the Governors and their work or wish to be considered as a parent governor, please contact the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors.

HomeSchool Agreement

The Government requires all schools, parents/carers, and children, to sign an agreement, see Appendix8.Please sign and return to school on your child’s 1st day.

Lunches and Snacks

There are three options for your child:

  • Your child may go home for lunch
  • Your child may have a school dinner
  • Your child may bring a packed lunch

If you pay for your child’s meal, please send the money on Monday mornings. It should be the correct amount, in a sealed envelope and marked with your child’s name and class. You can pay a month in advance, with cash or by cheque, if you prefer. A careful record is kept of any money owed to you if your child has been away. Money must be sent to the class teacher, not direct to the school office.If you are on income support, your child will be entitled to free school meals.Our school administrator will be pleased to advise you about how to claim this benefit.

Packed lunches should be brought in a suitable container.Please make sure that drinks are in unbreakable bottles or flasks, or in cartons. Packed Lunch – we promote healthy eating & advice. Ideally a sandwich with protein filling (ham, cheese, egg, tuna etc) a piece of fruit and/or yogurt as well as a juice drink. Treats should be saved for the weekend or kept to a minimum.

Snacks – mid morning. Children may purchase breadsticks or fruit/raisins from school.

Crisps and sugary drinks are not allowed.Milk is available for a small fee. The milk is refrigerated and is available with added fluoride or ordinary. Sweets must not be brought into school.