Name of the company:* / GT Group LTD
Address: * / 65 Marjanishvilistr
Postal code: * / 0102
City: * / Tbilisi
Country:* / Georgia
Website: /
Contact person:
Mr /Ms* /  Mr  Ms
First name: / Jaba
Surname:* / Shelia
Position in the company: / Commercial Director
Phone:* / +995579610808
Mobile (used during the roadshow):* / +995579610808
E-mail:* /
Native language:* / Georgian
Negotiation languages: /  French /  English /  German /  Spanish
 Dutch /  Italian /  Turkish
 Other – please specify:…


Year of establishment:
Type of company (please specify – Limited, non for profit…):
Field of activity:* /  Production /  Services
(please only tick one option) /  Trade (Purchasing) /  Trade (Sales)
 Others (please specify):
Number of employees: /  1-9 /  50 – 149
 10 - 49 / 150 – 249
> 250
Turnover: (in EUR) / < 1.4 million / 7 - 40 million
 1.4 - 7 million / > 40 million
Sectors of activity:*
 / Agribusiness /  / Alternative Energy
 / Sustainable Construction /  / Information and Communication Technologies
 / Textiles /  / Tourism
 / Transport & Logistics /  / Other
Please specify:
Description of the company’s activities (main products, services, technologies and core business):
GT Group LTD is IT Solutions and Service Provider at Large Emerging Economies and Fast Growing Markets, GT Group LTD works in the IT market since 2014, and holds a leading position in this segment. Main specialization consists of: IT-solutions, optimization, support, development of IT-infrastructure.
Full range of services on:
Auditing and optimization of IT-infrastructure
Information Security and Privacy
Certification / Quality standard: / ISO 2000 / ISO/TS 16949
ISO 9001:2000 / éco-audit
ISO 14001 / Others (please specify): ______


Description of the co-operation sought ( Please select at least one section!)

Offer / Looking for
Commercial co-operation
Purchasing /  / 
Commercial agreement /  / 
Trade Intermediary (agent, representative, distributor) /  / 
Distribution agreement /  / 
Marketing agreement /  / 
Franchising /  / 
After sales service /  / 
Services /  / 
Industrial & technical co-operation
Engineering /  / 
Subcontracting /  / 
Production agreement /  / 
Licence agreement /  / 
Technological & creative co-operation
Transfer of know-how and technology /  / 
Technological cooperation /  / 
R&D cooperation /  / 
Financial co-operation
Joint Venture /  / 
Merging, exchange of shares /  / 
Company acquisition, takeover /  / 
Company succession /  / 
Financing & financing consulting /  / 
Company establishment, start-up /  / 
Other co-operation
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) /  / 
Investment support /  / 
Access to foreign markets /  / 
Other consultancy services /  / 
Bidding consortium (for joint public tenders) /  / 
Description of the desired co-operation project (specification of the co-operation request / offer):*
Looking for cooperation of new vendors, partner companies and business solution providers in IT sphere.
Countries of interest:* / ___European Countries, ______
If applicable, please highlight the innovative aspects and/or main advantages of your offer:


Position in the company:

Date: 14.02.2017 Signature: