
Community Engagement Group

Date: Thursday 25 August 2016

Time: 1400 -1630

Venue:Haverhill Arts Centre, Haverhill, CB9 8AR.

Parking:Town Hall car park, Helions Walk, Suffolk, Haverhill, CB9 8DR.

Chair:David Taylor

Item / Subject / Purpose / Lead / Appendix
1 / Welcome, introductions and apologies / Information / David Taylor
2 / Minutes and actions arising / Information / David Taylor / 1
3 / Chairman’s report / Information / David Taylor / 2
4 / Lay member’s report / Information / Jo Finn / 3
5 / Engagement Process update / Information / Isabel Cockayne
6 / Nursing / Information / Barbara McLean / 4
7 / Feedback from CEG members / Information / All
8 / AOB / Information / All
9 / Questions from the public / Discussion
Forward Planner
22 December 2016
  • Gluten-free food prescribing
  • Patient Revolution update

Next meeting

Thursday 27October, Jubilee Room, Mildenhall Parish Council

Governing Body Meeting

Wednesday 28September, 0900-1200 at the Lecture Room, St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds


Community Engagement Group

Date Action
Raised / Action Item / Action / Date Action due by / Responsible Person / Update
Ongoing actions
1 / 28/04/16 / Minutes and Actions Arising / PO asked for a figure on GPs per practice and the number of patients per. / 25/08/16 / IC
New actions on 28 April 2016
1 / 07/07/16 / Chairman’s Report / DD asked for information on the effect of the EU referendum on the ability to recruit nurses and a breakdown of the policy relating to recruitment of nurses from outside the EU / 25/08/16 / BMc
2 / 07/07/16 / Chairman’s Report / It was agreed to ask a senior nursing staff member to attend a future meeting of the CEG. / 25/08/16 / JF
3 / 07/07/16 / Lay Member’s Report / AY suggested that Amanda Stevens, Operations Manager at Healthwatch Suffolk, should attend a future CEG meeting because of the interest shown in Enter & View and would put this forward. / 25/08/16 / AY
4 / 07/07/16 / Healthwatch Suffolk / PO suggested that WSCCG partner up with Healthwatch Suffolk and use their tool and referred back to the online forum suggestion he made at the February CEG meeting. / 25/08/16 / JFo
5 / 07/07/16 / Patient Revolution / DT suggested a small sub group of CEG members meet to discuss how to best publicise meetings. / 25/08/16 / DT/JF
6 / 07/07/16 / Patient Revolution / One of the points made at Patient Revolution was around patients on insulin not being allowed to go into care homes. PO wanted to know why this has happened and how can we get people on insulin back into care homes. / 25/08/16 / JFo
DT suggested that regular feedback on Connect could be included in the meetings or Lee Taylor could be invited back to update the group. / 25/08/16 / JFo