NSW Office – Fees for Services

(From 1 August 2016)

Standard fee Concession1

General Enquiries (relating to funded services)

·  Information, advice and referrals }

·  Advice to Government and NGO partners } - No charge (funded by NSW Govt)

·  Overseas enquiries by phone, fax or email }

International Parental Child Abduction – Social Work Support

·  Prevention of abduction / retention }

·  Information, support, advice and referrals } - No charge (funded by AGD)

·  Facilitating contact or residence arrangements for children }

International Parental Child Abduction – Legal Advice / Assistance

·  Information, advice and referrals re Hague / non-Hague applications, }

relocation and airport watchlist } - No charge (funded by AGD)

·  Assistance with Hague Convention return application }

·  Assistance with Hague Convention access application }

·  Assistance with reply affidavit in Hague proceedings - $150 / hour $115 / hour

Intercountry Casework – Child Welfare

·  One-off contact and report on facts - $1,500 -

·  Overseas police, child protection or related checks - $400 -

·  Assisting in OOHC adoption process2 - $250 - $1,350 -

·  Facilitating a kinship placement overseas - $3,000 plus expenses -

·  Conducting a kinship placement assessment in Australia3 - $3,000 plus expenses -

·  Conducting an initial viability assessment in Australia3 - $1,500 plus expenses -

·  Conducting a post-placement visit / report in Australia - Rates available on enquiry

Intercountry Adoption – Family Support ‘Case Management Services’

(For families engaged in the ICA process and adopted from overseas)

·  Information, advice, support and education }

·  Emotional and practical support } - No charge (funded by DSS)

·  Referrals to specialised services }

Intercountry Adoption – Tracing and Reunification

(For intercountry adoptees, including “expatriate” adoptions)

·  Information, support and counselling }

·  Tracing birth family overseas } - No charge (funded by DSS)

·  Support through the reunification process }

Intercountry Post Adoption Tracing and Reunification2

(For those adopted locally and via a local adoption arrangement overseas)

·  Obtaining and sharing birth records from overseas }

·  Intercountry post adoption tracing, outreach and family reunification } - No charge (funded by NSW Govt)

including support / counselling }

General Intercountry Family Tracing & Reunification4

·  Obtaining and sharing birth records from overseas }

·  Post-adoption and general family tracing, outreach to immediate } - $300 / 5 hours $200 / 5 hours

family members and reunification including support / counselling }

International Family Mediation5

·  Administration fee - $60 $45

·  Intake assessment - $120 $90

·  International family mediation - $120 / hour $90 / hour

·  Issuing Section 60I certificate - $120 $90

Other Services

·  Adult welfare assistance, assessment or report } Rates for these services available

·  Family crisis assistance involving overseas family members } on enquiry, based on $120 / hour

·  Family welfare including facilitating contact / residence arrangements } or $90 / hour concession

·  Support, contact facilitation (post-box service) and counselling - $120 / hour $90 / hour


1. Concession rate is available to people on low / statutory incomes on production of written proof.

2. Locating birth parent and facilitating consent process (exact rate clarified on enquiry).

3. Kinship placement assessments provide detailed and in-depth reports; initial viability assessments (other terms may be used) involve less detailed, initial assessments of the viability of a kinship placement proceeding.

4. $300 ($200 concession) obtains 5 hours’ work; any further work incurs a further fee for 5 hours.

5. Rates for all international family mediation services are per person / party involved.

Please also note:

·  Fees for any services not listed above are available on enquiry

·  All fees are inclusive of GST and are in Australian dollars

·  Invoices are payable strictly within 14 days

·  Fees are not refundable (except when no service can be provided)

·  Fees may be reviewed from time to time and may change without notice

·  Bank fees and charges for international funds transfers (or similar) will be added to expenses

Further information

General Disclaimer: ISS Australia forms part of the international ISS network and operates by referring cases to qualified caseworkers working for ISS network members overseas. Some ISS network members operate with limited resources and there may be delays or limitations on services in some countries as a result.

Disbursements / out-of-pocket expenses: additional charges may be incurred for travel, interpreting, accommodation, lodging documents, obtaining certificates and other items and are charged at cost only.

Staff: all staff providing casework services are qualified and experienced social workers (eligible for membership of AASW) and other similarly qualfied professionals, lawyers admitted to practice or accredited mediators.

Funding: services for which ISS Australia receives government funding are provided free of charge. Other services not funded by government are charged at the above rates.

Fee waiver: in exceptional circumstances of severe hardship ISS Australia may agree to waive all fees. Requests for fee waiver must be discussed with a caseworker and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

For assistance, referrals and further information

If you require one or more of the above services, wish to make a referral or need further information, please contact ISS Australia’s NSW Office:

Client Helpline: 1300 657 843 (local call cost only)

Phone: (02) 9267 0300


Web: www.iss.org.au