Towns of Richfield and Erin


January 26, 2015

Regular School Board Meeting

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ellen Duhamel, President STAFF PRESENT: John Engstrom, District Administrator

Tom Wolff, Vice-President Denise Howe, Business Manager

Jennifer Setterlun, Clerk

Tony Kellicut, Treasurer

John Tennessen, Member at Large

I.  The regular meeting of the School Board of the Friess Lake School District was called to order by Board President Ellen Duhamel at 5: 30 P.M. The meeting was posted at Friess Lake School, Richfield Town Hall, Erin Town Hall, Hartford Times Press, WTKM Radio Station, and the Journal/Sentinel-Cedarburg Office.

II.  Roll call was taken. A quorum was verified. John Engstrom, Denise Howe and James Carlson from School Factory were also present.

III.  Tony Kellicut led the Pledge of Allegiance.

IV.  Open Forum

A. There was no one present for Open Forum.

V.  Recognition, Appreciation, Awards

A.  John Engstrom congratulated Kathy Knapp on her retirement and thanked her for her many years of service.

B.  John Engstrom congratulated the winners and participants in the Math Meet, Spelling Bee and Geography Bee.

C.  Tom Wolff thanked John Engstrom for being a good sport and participating in the pie throwing fundraiser event recently.

VI.  Presentations

A. There were no presentations at this time.

VII.  Approval of Minutes

A.  Tom Wolff made a motion to approve the December 22, 2014 Regular School Board meeting minutes as presented, John Tennessen 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

VIII.  Approval of Financial Reports and Bills Payable

A.  John Tennessen made a motion to approve the December 31, 2014 Financial Reports as presented, Jennifer Setterlun 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

  1. Student Achievement Reports and Updates

A.  Enrollment Report

  1. The 2014-2015 Enrollment as of January 23, 2015 was reported as follows:

Preschool Speech - 2 EC-0 4K-11 5K-20 1-21 2-16 3-26 4-21 5-22

6-20 7-32 8-32 Total: 223

  1. James Carlson from School Factory updated the Board on the Mission Statement and progress of the Makers Lab program enhancements.
  2. John Engstrom gave the Board a Legislative Update regarding single versus multiple assessments, the Senate Bill versus the Assembly Bill as well as potential changes in grading and report cards.
  1. Personnel Items
  2. Jennifer Setterlun made a motion to hire Krista Kregel as a part time reading interventionist as presented, Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

XI. Board Reports and Updates

A. General Board Communications

1. John Tennessen reported that he was unable to attend the WASB meeting on January 21, 2015.

B. Board President’s Report – Ellen Duhamel

1. Ellen Duhamel reported that she attended Kathy Knapp’s retirement party on behalf of the Board and was pleased at the turnout of employees, retirees and others who came to celebrate with her and show their appreciation.

C. It was reported that there are two positions open in the upcoming School Board election on April 7, 2015. Ellen Duhamel is running again for School Board and there are currently no other candidates running for the second seat.

D. In regards to long term district planning, the Board discussed an upcoming press release from Hartford Union High School regarding discussions of unifying area school districts.

XII. Building and Grounds Reports and Updates

A.  Tom Wolff reported that he hasn’t received any quotes yet regarding needed improvements of the LED sign. He further reported that concerns over future highway changes that might infringe on the area the sign is located do not appear to be an issue.

B.  It was reported that boiler repairs will be done over Spring Break when it is warmer due to equipment shut down that will be needed to perform the work.

C.  It was reported that more quotes are still needed in regards to painting the metal exterior overhangs on the building this Spring or Summer.

XIII. Policies

A. A draft volunteer policy continued to be reviewed. A finished version will be presented at the next regular School Board meeting for possible adoption.

XIV. Future Agenda Items

A.  The Board discussed future agenda items such as: Volunteer Policy, Update from James Carlson from School Factory, Legislative Update, 2015-2016 Preliminary Budget Update, K-12 Consolidation discussions and updating the marketing pamphlet.

B. The next regular School Board meeting was scheduled for February 23, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. The March meeting was scheduled for March 23, 2015 at 6:00 P.M.

XV. At 6:47 P.M., Tom Wolff made a motion to adjourn, Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.


Ellen Duhamel, President


Jennifer Setterlun, Clerk

H: Denise/012615 Regular School Board meeting minutes 1