Use the calendar template, the dates listed below and the sample included at the end of this document to create a your own personal Advent Calendar to copy and use during your church school lessons.

Tip: Visit the Resources section of the DCE website to view and download Orthodox Clipart to help make you calendars more attractive.


1HolyUnmercenariesCosmas and Damian

8Archangel Michael and the Heavenly Host

11St. Theodore of the Studion

13St. John Chrysostom

14Apostle Philip

15Nativity Fast Begins

17St. Gregory the Wonderworker

19Prophet Obadiah and St. Philaret of Moscow

21Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple

23St. Alexander Nevsky

24St. Catherine theGreat Martyr

26St. Innocent ofIrkutsk

30Holy Apostle Andrew, the First‑Called


1Prophet Nahum

4 St. Barbara the Greatmartyr, St. John of Damasc,
St. Alexander Hotovitzky

6St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

9 The Conception of the Theotokos by St. Anna

12St. Spiridon the Wonderworker

13St. Herman of Alaska

17Holy Prophet Daniel & the 3 Holy Youths

20St. Ignatius the Great Martyr

21 St. Anastasia the Great Martyr

24 Eve of the Nativity of Christ

25Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

26Synaxis of the Most­Holy Theotokos St. Joseph and
St. Stephen the Protomartyr

29 Holy Innocents of Bethlehem

Here are some ideas to get you started in preparing for the Feast ofthe Nativity ofChrist.
Try each day to do something good for someone else (e.g. play with a younger brother or sister while dinner is being prepared
Help with setting or clearing the table for breakfast or dinner
Make special greeting cards to send to relatives for Christmas
Make a paper chain; write on each link things that you have done each day to help others. /
Here are some ideas to get you started in preparing for the Feast ofthe Nativity ofChrist.
Try each day to do something good for someone else (e.g. play with a younger brother or sister while dinner is being prepared
Help with setting or clearing the table for breakfast or dinner
Make special greeting cards to send to relatives for Christmas
Make a paper chain; write on each link things that you have done each day to help others. /