Press Release

Could You Save A Baby’s Life? insert town/city>Residents Can Now Learn How

-Royal Life Saving Society UK course to run at <insert name of club/venue>


Nine out of 10 parents don't know basic first aid skills that could help them to save their child's life, and only 20 per cent of parents in the UK think that they could resuscitate their child – Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) research shows.

And RLSS UK insert name of club> is now offering the charity’s Save A Baby’s Life course to help reduce these figures and give parents and others who care for children in the <insert region>area the confidence to put emergency lifesaving skills into practice if, in the unlikely event, a baby's life is threatened.

<insert club/leisure centre name>will be hosting Save a Baby’s Life workshops at <venue name>where trained instructors will cover basic life saving techniques and provide advice on what to do when a baby stops breathing, or how best to deal with a choking or drowning situation. Using a life-like baby manikin, people will learn how to perform basic CPR and first aid as they would in a real life situation.

With 84 per cent of people thinking it should be mandatory that all new parents are taught some sort of basic baby first aid, those who agree, the chance to do just that.

Kerry Thompson, single mum of six-month old James, took part in one of the first Save a Baby’s Life workshops. She said: “I would like to think I will never need to use these skills, but should I ever be unfortunate enough to have to, I feel confident that I could keep my son stable until the paramedics arrived, if not revive him fully myself.

“The workshop’s brilliant take-home booklet took home from the workshop reminds me regularly of the steps I should take if faced with an emergency. It is one of the best things I have done for the sake of my baby and I am thrilled that I had the chance to attend.”

<Insert name of trainer/club chairman: “It is frightening how many people care for babies and young children every day but would not know what to do if a child stopped breathing. This programme is designed to equip members of the communitywith the vital skills they would need in order to attempt to save a baby’s life if the emergency occurred.

“The hands-on style of learning we encourage through the workshops means it doesn’t take long to understand the basics, but they are invaluable skills that will stay with people for life.

“Our aim is to ensure that parents and others who care for babies feel confident and calm to deal with an emergency situation safely and if one baby’s life is saved as a result of the Save a Baby’s life workshop, it has been a success.”

Di Standley, Chief Executive at the RLSS UK, added: “We hope that the Save a Baby’s Life campaign will raise awareness for the need of basic first aid training for parents across the UK, to prevent accidents becoming fatalities.”

Save a Baby’s Life workshops will be taking part at <insert location>on <insert date>.To find out more about the course, and how you can take part, contact<insert name>on <insert contact details>or visit<insert venue website>.

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Words: <insert wordcount>

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Notes to Editors -

The Royal LifeSaving Society UK (RLSS UK) isthe drowning prevention charity. More than 400 people drown in the UK every year and the RLSS UK aims to prevent drowning through water safety education.

The RLSS UK is the governing body and leading provider of training and education in lifesaving, lifeguarding, water safety and life support skills in the UK. It is also the governing body for Lifesaving Sport.

Through its trading subsidiary, IQL UK, there are nearly 90,000 RLSS UK Pool Lifeguards in the UK trained in the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ). Around 95 per cent of all pool and beach lifeguards are trained by the RLSS UK.

Awards and programmes teach a range of ‘lifesaving skills ranging from life support (CPR) to water survival and rescue skills. Programmes include Rookie Lifeguard (aimed at eight to12-year –olds), Survive and Save (aimed at 12years+) and Save a Baby’s Life (a free course aimed at parents and carers of young children).

The RLSS UK (then the Life Saving Society) was formed in 1891.In 1904, as there was great support for the organisation from the Royal Family, the society was granted permission to use the Royal title and became the Royal Life Saving Society.

Drowning Prevention Week is the national campaign run by the Royal Life Saving Society UK to cut down the number of accidental drowning that occur each year and support families affected by drowning. This year, it is sponsored by international experts in pool safety the Swimming Pool Safety Company.

For more information and interview/spokesperson opportunities contact <insert nameby <insert email address>or calling <insert phone number.

For further media opportunities with RLSS UK call PR Manager Porcha Treanor on 01789 774495.