Minimum Standards for Teaching Performance and for Qualification for Merit
Dept. of Communication (annual review – calendar year Jan. – Dec.)
Effective 1/2002
Point allocation form and narrative that addresses each area under Minimum Standards for Teaching Performance and Merit is due Oct. 15, 2013. Documentation MUST be attached to merit report.
If there is any appeal on the merit point award – the appeal will go to the P & T committee (by vote of faculty on 3/25/02 faculty meeting)
I. Minimum Standards for Teaching Performance
A. Teaching:
- Teaching the normal load of 12 hours (unless given reassigned time – which must be documented and accounted for)
2. Evidence of teaching effectiveness as indicated by: 90% attendance in all classes taught, preparation for class as evidenced by factors in #3 below, syllabus review by chair.
3.(a) Satisfactory student evaluation of instruction (a minimum of a 3.0 on adjusted T-Scores on the 4 “Overall Measures of Teaching Effectiveness” as measured by the IDEA forms –Overall Excellence of Teacher, Overall Excellence of Course) and comments regarding attempts to modify teaching based on comments, plus
(b) chair or peer observation. (If faculty member fell below satisfactory previous year, then show evidence of improvement.)
Please attach IDEA forms.
4. Maintain a minimum of 8 office hours per week
B. Service:
- Attending all regularly scheduled faculty meetings (unless you have an excused absence)
- Active membership on at least 2 department/college/university committees (minimum: attendance at committee meetings)
- Membership in at least one relevant professional organization
C. Scholarship/Research/Creative Work
- One piece from: research in progress, paper completed and submitted, creative piece – supply sample or details, publications, papers or presentations to professional group, grant applications (please indicate if work was paid or not paid).
II. Minimum Standards for Merit (meritorious service)
You must still fill out the point allocation form here indicating how many of the 10 possible points go under each category (teaching must carry 5 pts., and there must be at least 1 point in service and 1 point in research)
A. Teaching (evidence of at least one of these):
- Excellence in teaching as evidenced by a teaching portfolio which addresses that excellence through innovation in the classroom, special project supervision, evidence of interactivity between departments/colleagues, etc.)
- Creation of new courses or major revisions of existing courses
- Unpaid overloads or additional on-campus sections of students/extended campus classes/ Honors students theses / special problems/ helping to design BIS student programs/doing BTO 100 as unpaid overload/teaching night classes/other)
B. Service (evidence of 2 out of the 4 categories):
- Active membership and/or leadership in more than 2 departmental, college-wide, university-wide committees (note committees and your role in each)
- Membership in more than one professional organization and/or leadership roles in one
- Advising a student group such as PRSSA or SPJ (excludes reassign time for advising)
- Community service – (demonstrate how these activities are related to your professional skills and competencies – this “relatedness” is also required for tenure/promotion)
- Active participation in the advising process.
C. Scholarship/Research/Creative work
Evidence of one additional piece from research in progress, paper completed and submitted, creative piece – supply sample or details, publications, papers or presentations to professional group, grant applications. (please indicate if work was paid or not paid).
NOTE: Research conducted under reassign time cannot be counted for merit, but may be counted under minimum standards of performance as part of your load.
D. Other
Any other awards/service (for example at the state level)/honors to be noted
Draft – 10/15/01 Revised by Exec. Comm. (10/19/01, 12/3/01) by faculty (1/8/02)
Minimum office hours updated spring 2011
Due date updated fall 2013 for 2012-2013 reports