Revised Portobello Conservation Area Character Appraisal
We would like your feedback on the revised Portobello Conservation Area Character Appraisal.
This survey contains 10 short questions based on the consultation document which can be found on the City of Edinburgh Council website.
About you
1. Your name
2. Your organisation
3. Your contact email address
Please note: this information will only be used by us to keep you informed of the progress of the Portobello Conservation Area Character Appraisal consultation and will not be passed on or used by third parties. You may leave this section blank if you prefer.
Special Characteristics
This section asks you about the Special Characteristics chapter of the revised appraisal.
4. How well do you feel the revised appraisal reflects the special character of the Portobello Conservation Area overall?
Please tick one box
Very well / Fairly well / Neither well nor badly / Fairly badly / Very badly / / / /
Please provide a comment on your choice
5. How well do you feel the revised appraisal describes the different elements of the Portobello’s special character?
Please tick one box
Very well / Fairly well / Neither well nor badly / Fairly badly / Very badly / / / /
Please provide a comment on your choice
6. Have any special characteristics been missed?
7. Do you agree with the separation of the three different character zones i.e. the High Street, Promenade and the residential zone?
Yes / No / Not sure / /
Please provide a comment on your choice
Management and Document Format
This section asks you about the Management chapter of the revised appraisal and about the format of the document.
8. How well do you feel the Management chapter reflects issues relevant to the Portobello Conservation Area?
Please tick one box
Very well / Fairly well / Neither well nor badly / Fairly badly / Very badly / / / /
Please provide a comment on your choice
9. How user-friendly do you feel the format of the revised appraisal is?
Please tick one box
Very user-friendly / Fairly user-friendly / Not sure/neutral / Not particularly user-friendly / Not at all user-friendly / / / /
Please provide a comment on your choice
10. Do you have any further suggestions for changes or improvements to the document?
Thank you for taking part!
If you would prefer to complete this survey electronically by email, please visit:
Alternatively please post it to Daniel Lodge, Planning Initiatives, Planning & Transport, Business Centre G3, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street EH8 8BG
Any questions? Please contact
0131 529 3901