Course Name: Core French 3200
R – retain, D – delete, C – change, A -add
GCO 1: Oral ProductionStudents should be able to express themselves in order to meet their needs in accordance with the communication situation
Outcomes / R / D / C / A / Changed Outcomes
Students will be expected to
1.1.1 identify objects, people, places, events, and experiences in a variety of personal and global contexts
1.1.2 describe objects, people, places, events and experiences in a variety of personal and and global contexts
1.1.3 explain, with support, desires, feelings, preferences and opinions and points of view
1.1.4 express agreement and disagreement
1.1.5 speak with fluency and accuracy in a variety of personal and increasingly diverse contexts
1.1.6 recount experiences and events in a variety of contexts
1.1.7 demonstrate use of oral presentation strategies
GCO 2: Oral Interaction (Speaking and Listening)
Students should be able to communicate in a variety of interactive situations according to their needs. /
Outcomes / R / D / C / A / Changed Outcomes /
Students will be expected to
2.1.1 ask a variety of questions with increasing spontaneity
2.1.2 respond to a variety of questions with increasing spontaneity
2.1.3 exchange ideas, feelings and opinions with supporting detail
2.1.4 exchange information on objects, people, places, events and experiences
2.1.5 compare objects, people, places, events and experiences
2.1.6 compare interests, preferences, and opinions on various topics
2.1.7 ask for and give directions with many steps
2.1.8 speak with fluency and accuracy
2.2.1 identify the main idea in a variety of oral texts
2.2.2 identify specific details in a variety of oral texts
GCO 3: Reading and Viewing (Comprehension)
Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of a variety of texts in order to meet their need to communicate according to the situation. /
Outcomes / R / D / C / A / Changed Outcomes /
Students will be expected to
3.1.1 extract the main ideas from a variety of written and visual texts
3.1.2 extract specific details from a variety of written and visual texts
3.1.3 follow multi-step directions and instructions
3.1.4 use reading strategies
3.1.5 read with accuracy and precision
3.1.6 organize information from a variety of texts to complete
3.2.1 respond to a variety of written and visual texts using various modes of representation
3.2.2 express and justify an opinion of a written or visual text
3.2.3 use gathered information to complete a meaningful task
3.3.1 read aloud, individually or in a group, a variety of texts with fluency and accuracy
GCO 4: Writing and Representing (Production)
Students should be able to communicate through a variety of written and visual texts to meet their needs. /
Outcomes / R / D / C / A / Changed Outcomes /
Students will be expected to
4.1.1 create personal texts on diverse topics
4.1.2 create informational texts on diverse topics
4.1.3 complete a variety of texts such as applications, surveys, and interest inventories.
4.1.4 use the writing process
4.1.5 use strategies to complete and publish texts
4.1.6 write with precision and accuracy
4.2.1 Respond to a variety of texts on diverse topics (blogs, e-mails, opinions, editorials, rants)
GCO 5: Appreciation of French language and Cultural Diversity: Students should be able to demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of francophone cultures and of cultural diversity in Canada and the world. /
Outcomes / R / D / C / A / Changed Outcomes /
Students will be expected to
5.1.1 compare and contrast aspects of one’s own culture with those of various francophone cultures
5.2.1 examine the contributions of well-known francophones in their respective fields provincially, nationally, or internationally
5.3.1 identify the influence of other cultures (locally, provincially, nationally, and internationally)
5.3.2 recognize the importance of bilingualism and its role as a bilingual individual
Core French 3200 November 2014 Page 1 of 4