The Anglican Parish of St. Mary The Virgin
~ Office 579-0039~
Anglican Church of Canada ~ Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
St. Mary the Virgin St. Peter on the Rock
1 Cornwall Crescent St. John’s, NL A1E 1Z4
Fax 579-1453
February 4, 2018 ~ Epiphany 5
Music Prelude
Welcome and Announcements
Holy Eucharist (BAS Rite)
Processional Hymn: CP#355(v 1, 3, 5, 7)
All Creatures of Our God and King
The Gathering of the CommunityPg. 185
COLLECT (In unison): Merciful Lord, grant to your faithful people pardon and peace, that we may be cleansed from all our sins and serve you with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN
Children’s Sermon
We sing “Jesus Loves Me” as
all our young people leave for
Confirmation Class and
Children's Church
The Proclamation of the Word
1st Reading:ISAIAH 40:21-31
Reader: Chris Murphy
The Word of the Lord
People: Thanks be to God.
REFRAIN: Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted.
Hallelujah! How good it is to sing praises to our God! how pleasant it is to honour him with praise! The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem; he gathers the exiles of Israel. R
He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds. He counts the number of the stars and calls them all by their names. R
Great is our Lord and mighty in power; there is no limit to his wisdom. The Lord lifts up the lowly, but casts the wicked to the ground. Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make music to our God upon the harp. R
He covers the heavens with clouds and prepares rain for the earth; He makes grass to grow upon the mountains and green plants to serve mankind. R
He provides food for flocks and herds and for the young ravens when they cry. He is not impressed by the might of a horse; he has no pleasure in the strength of a man. But the Lord has pleasure in those who fear him, in those who await his gracious favour. Hallelujah! R
2nd Reading:1 CORINTHIANS 9:16-23
Reader:Janet Vivian-Walsh
The Word of the Lord
People: Thanks be to God
Gradual Hymn: CP#293
Your Hands, O Lord, in Days of Old
GOSPEL: MARK 1:29-39
Response: Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ.
As soon as they left the synagogue, they entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Now Simon's mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told Jesus about her at once. He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then the fever left her, and she began to serve them. That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him. In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place and there he prayed. And Simon and his companions hunted for him. When they found him, they said to him, "Everyone is searching for you." He answered, "Let us go on to the neighbouring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do." And he went throughout Galilee, proclaiming the message in their synagogues and casting out demons.
People: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
The Apostle’s Creed Pg 189
Prayers of the People:
Andrea MacDonald
Response: Hear our prayer.
Confession/Absolution Pg 191
The Peace Pg 192
The Celebration of the Eucharist
Offertory Hymn: CP#531
You Who Dwell in the Shelter of the Lord
PRAYER OVER THE GIFTS(In unison): God of compassion and forgiveness, receive our offering this day, and make us one with him who is our peace, Jesus Christ our Saviour. AMEN
Eucharist Prayer # 3 Pg 198
The Lord’s Prayer Pg 211
Breaking of Bread # 6 Pg 213
Jesus, Lamb of God CP#747
Wayne Dawe and Gerry Beresford
During Communion the Community sings:
CP #615 – Just As I Am
(In unison): Eternal God, in you we find peace beyond all telling. May we who share in this heavenly banquet be instruments of your peace on earth, in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. AMEN
Doxology & Blessing Pg 214
Recessional Hymn: CP# 565
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
The Dismissal
Go forth to love and to serve the Lord.
All: Thanks Be To God.
Music Postlude
PRAYERS: Located atour entrances are prayer request books. Please feel free to list names of people for whom prayers are requested and we will pray for them. We are a praying community and pray regularly for our church family. This Sunday we will be praying for James and Janet Walsh and family and Vera Warford and family. Our prayer and common love for God unites us.
PRAYING FOR THE SICK: This weekwe continue to prayer for Ken, Marilyn, Alfred, Winston, Nevaeh, Jean, Ruby-Rowena, Eva, Lenny, Mary, Jim, Charlotte, William, Alicia, Mark, Kim, Barbara, Angela, Terrie and Paul.
EMERGENCY CONTACT: Should there be a pastoral emergency and you need to speak to your parish priest, Rev. Nancy can be reached on her cell phone at 631-1929. Please remember this is for emergencies only. Any other messages can be left on the Parish Office voice mail.
HOME VISITS: If you or someone you know would like a visit from Rev’d Nancy, please call her at the Parish Office to make arrangements.
PASTORAL/SPIRITUAL CARE is available to all who enter an Eastern Health facility. To avail of this ministry of the church, upon admission, you (or your next of kin) will be asked if you would like to receive pastoral care. If you answer ‘yes’ and state your denomination, you will be added to the list of patients to be visited by the chaplain and/or pastoral visitor. If you answer ‘no’, your choice will be respected and you will not receive a pastoral visit. Should you later change your mind, please advise the nurse or the Pastoral Care office at 777-6959. Chaplains are bound by the Protection of Information Act; Chaplains can only advise your parish clergy of your admission with your consent.
FOOD BANK: While we no longer operate our own food bank, wedo help Emmaus House and the Community Food Sharing Association. Please help this important ministry by bringingnon-perishable food to our worship. Baskets are at the entrance.
ST. PETER ON THE ROCK Annual Congregational Meeting to be held on Sunday, February 11thfollowing the 6:30 pm service. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
2018 ENVELOPES are at back of the church. If you haven’t pick up yours yet, please do so today.
2017 YEAR END CHURCH RECEIPTS Please pick up your 2017 Church Income Tax Receipts from the back of the church. If there is a discrepancy, please contact the office. Thank you.
OUR ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING is scheduled for Sunday, April 15thin the Canon Stirling Auditoriumfollowing our 10:30 service. In preparation for our meeting, parish organizations and committees are reminded to email their reports to the office ASAP. Those groups that keep separate bank accounts are to have their books audited.
USED CELL PHONES: Our sponsored family, the Siriwayos, are in need of three good used cell phones. If you have one to donate, please speak with Rev. Nancy or Fred Tulk.
ANGLICAN LIFE – ST. MARY’S CHURCH ARTICLE: Look for Melanie Clarke’s article in the Anglican Life newspaper about our refugee sponsorship and the arrival of the Siriwayo family.
ST. MARY’S SERVICE CLUB(Men’s Service Club) is recruiting new members – both men and women - to help with outreach ministry at St. Luke’s. Every 3rd Tuesday in each month the Club leads Bingo for the residents and would love to have your help. If you are able to help with this valuable ministry, please leave your name with Rev. Nancy or speak with Ross Learning for more information.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: You are invited to participate in the 2018 World Day of Prayer Service for the St. John’s Area. This year’s service is hosted by the Roman Catholic Parishes of St. Patrick’s and Corpus Christi. The service will take place at Corpus Christi Parish, 260 Waterford Bridge Rd, St. John’s, on Friday, March 02, 2018 at 7:00 PM.
“SEAT WITH A HEARTBEAT” LENTEN CAMPAIGN: Home Again Furniture Bank is asking for help with their Lenten campaign. Their envelopes are in the pews, should you wish to help with this worthy cause. Don’t forget to include your envelop number.
ST. MICHAEL'S MEN'S ASSOCIATION are having a Jigg's Dinner with pancakes for dessert ($18.00), with a mini bake sale at their Parish Hall on KiwanisStreet. Saturday, February 10th, 6:30 pm. Take-outs available. For tickets call Buster at 579-8279.
St. Mary’s Parish Staff
The Rev’d Nancy March - Priest-in-Charge
The Reverend Gerald Taylor - Deacon
Mrs. Linda Guest - Administrative Assistant
Mr. Chris McGee - Organist & Choir Director
Mr. Cyril Coombs - Sexton
St. Mary the Virgin
Rector’s Warden – Rick Appleby
People’s Warden – Austin Benson
Hon. Solicitor – D. Bradford L. Wicks QC
Sacristan- Barbara Collins
*ACW – Anita Williams *MSC – Bill Rowe*Godly Play–Lisa Bishop *CLB–Amber Williams *Sides people – Everett Russell
St. Peter On The Rock
Wardens – Barry Edgar & Nellie Moore
The Rev. Eugene Castella –Emeritus
The Ven. Neil Kellett –Emeritus
St. Mary’s Church
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