The Genesee Community Charter School

Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Members Present: Stacey Cicero-Ryan, Kathleen DaBoll-Lavoie, PatrickFlanigan, MicheleHannagan, Nathan Hayes, HarryPierre-Philippe, Mark Schiesser, JeffreySciortino, BridgetShumway, AlexisStubbe, Lisa Wing

Members Absent: LarryColey*, Michelle Erklenz-Watts, MarciaJoy, ChojySchroeder*, TracyWalker

(*Non-voting until approved by NYSED)

Legal Counsel: George DesMarteau

Invited Guests: Maureen Milke, Robin Blew,

Mark Schiesser called the meeting to order at 5:30pm

Teacher Presentation:

Presentation from 3rd Grade teachers Melissa Fredericks, Maggie Deutschbein about the fall expedition, Shine On. The expedition was the study of the sun, myths about the sun, and solar system. The students had to write a scientific story about a part of the solar system, explain their theory. The students’ work was presented as a slide show which showcased their art work and text.

The teachers reported that this expedition could be tied to the Writing Standard of the Common Core; they could provide different level of support for different learners; and could appropriately assess the students for grammar and content.


Motion 160113.1

Upon motion of Michele Hannagan and duly seconded by Alexis Stubbe, RESOLVED, that the minutes of November 11, 2015 be approved.

Voting in the Affirmative: Stacey Cicero-Ryan, Kathleen DaBoll-Lavoie, PatrickFlanigan, MicheleHannagan, Nathan Hayes, HarryPierre-Philippe, MarkSchiesser, BridgetShumway, AlexisStubbe, Lisa Wing.

Voting in the Negative: None

Members Absent: LarryColey*, Michelle Erklenz-Watts, MarciaJoy, ChojySchroeder*, JeffreySciortino, Tracy Walker

Motion 160113.1 passed 10 to 0

Motion 160113.2

Upon motion of Mark Schiesser and duly seconded by BridgetShumway, RESOLVED, that the minutes of December 9, 2015 be approved.

Voting in the Affirmative: Stacey Cicero-Ryan, Kathleen DaBoll-Lavoie, PatrickFlanigan, MicheleHannagan, Nathan Hayes, HarryPierre-Philippe, MarkSchiesser, BridgetShumway, AlexisStubbe, Lisa Wing.

Voting in the Negative: None

Members Absent: LarryColey*, Michelle Erklenz-Watts, MarciaJoy, ChojySchroeder*, JeffreySciortino, Tracy Walker

Motion 160113.2 passed 10 to 0

There was an error in the December 16, 2015 minutes. They will resent and reviewed at the February meeting.

Financial Report

The Budget Review and Balance Sheet as November 30, 2015 were distributed. No issues to report. The following line items are being closely monitored: Food Service, Professional Development

(under Instruction) and classroom supplies.

Lease Negotiation

M. Schiesser had introduced Dan Mennelly, Chief program Officer and Joe Graves, Operations. Both museum representatives were available to answer any questions about the lease negotiations. They both emphasized their willingness to ensure that the relationship between GCCS and the RMSC continues. They also stressed that K. Bennett would like this to work, because it was important for her and for the organization to work through this impasse.

L. Wing distributed the latest proposal from K Bennett regarding the rent/lease negotiation. It was briefly discussed and there were a few questions for Joe Graves.

Motion 160113.3

Upon motion of BridgetShumway and duly seconded by Stacey Cicero-Ryan, RESOLVED, that the Board adjourn to Executive Session to discuss lease negotiations.

Voting in the Affirmative: Stacey Cicero-Ryan, Kathleen DaBoll-Lavoie, PatrickFlanigan, MicheleHannagan, Nathan Hayes, HarryPierre-Philippe, MarkSchiesser, BridgetShumway, AlexisStubbe, Lisa Wing.

Voting in the Negative: None

Members Absent: LarryColey*, Michelle Erklenz-Watts, MarciaJoy, ChojySchroeder*, JeffreySciortino, Tracy Walker

Motion 160113.3passed 10 to 0

Motion 160113.4

Upon motion of MicheleHannagan and duly seconded by Lisa Wing, RESOLVED, that the Board return to Public Session.

Voting in the Affirmative Stacey Cicero-Ryan, Kathleen DaBoll-Lavoie, PatrickFlanigan, MicheleHannagan, Nathan Hayes, HarryPierre-Philippe, MarkSchiesser, JeffreySciortino, BridgetShumway, AlexisStubbe, Lisa Wing.

Voting in the Negative: None

Members Absent: LarryColey*, Michelle Erklenz-Watts, MarciaJoy, ChojySchroeder*,

Tracy Walker

Motion 160113.4 passed 11 to 0

Future Agenda Items

Ø  Committee Updates (from General Calendar) –

Personnel, Finance, Nominating, Discipline, Executive

Ø  School Leader Evaluation Process

Ø  Recruitment Practices for students and staff

Motion 160113.5

Upon motion of MicheleHannagan and duly seconded by Kathleen DaBoll-Lavoie, RESOLVED, that this meeting be adjourned.

Voting in the Affirmative Stacey Cicero-Ryan, Kathleen DaBoll-Lavoie, PatrickFlanigan, MicheleHannagan, Nathan Hayes, HarryPierre-Philippe, MarkSchiesser, JeffreySciortino, BridgetShumway, AlexisStubbe, Lisa Wing.

Voting in the Negative: None

Members Absent: LarryColey*, Michelle Erklenz-Watts, MarciaJoy, ChojySchroeder*,

Tracy Walker

Motion 160113.5 passed 11 to 0

Respectfully Submitted

Harry Pierre-Philippe

Board Minutes 1/13/2016