Instructions for Drafting “Ghost” Report E-mails
1. Create a complete e-mail. It should include the actual e-mail addresses of required/desired recipients in the “to” and “cc” lines, as well as a draft of the body of the e-mail. Save this in your drafts folder and then copy it as an attachment to an e-mail sent to the COS.
2. Addresses: the current inclusive, master list can be found in both the NIPR and SIPR public e-mail folders “report e-mail addresses”.
To line: Secretary Stackley, Dr. Gilmore (for DOT&E oversight programs), VCNO, DCA (for programs relevant to USMC aviation).
CC line: Include the relevant personnel from the master list in seniority order as indicated below:
- USFF and CPF for all reports.
- David Duma (DOT&E, Principal Deputy Director) for all oversight reports
- PMD to ASN RDA for all reports
- PCD to ASN RDA for all reports
- USFF Deputy Commander for all reports
- OPNAV N8, N9, N9B, N9I on all reports
- Relevant resource sponsor for subject program (N2/N6, N95, N96, N97, N98)
- Relevant SYSCOM Commander for subject program (NAVAIR, NAVSEA, SPAWAR)
- Relevant TYCOM Commanders (Pac & Lant) for subject program
- Relevant Warfare Center Commander for subject program
- Relevant PEO for subject program
- CNAT only for relevant aviation training programs
- Relevant DOT&E Deputy Director for subject oversight program
- Relevant DASN for subject program
- Relevant OTAs for multi-service programs
- Relevant USCG Flag for subject program
- CPF N00War (Yoshihara) and USFF N8 Deputy (Cade) for all reports
- Randy Allen for all NAVAIR programs
- Respective EAs of senior leadership for subject program
- COTF Deputy, Chief of Staff and relevant A code
- Relevant Program Manager for subject program
3. E-mail. If the report is classified and will be sent via SIPR, a ghost NIPR Tipper e-mail is required as well as the actual SIPR e-mail.
All e-mails should include:
- Salutation
The e-mail should open by addressing the individuals who are in the “To:” address in seniority order. For example:
Secretary Stackley, Dr. Gilmore, VCNO, LtGen. Schmidle,
- Opening Paragraph
For a NIPR Tipper e-mail, the opening paragraph should read:
The COMOPTEVFOR Operational Assessment/Initial/Follow-on Operational Test & Evaluation (I/FOT&E) report OT-xxx of the program title, CNO Project No. xxxx has been completed and signed. The report is classified and has been sent via SIPRNET.
For e-mails that include an attached Commander’s Report:
The COMOPTEVFOR Operational Assessment/Initial/Follow-on Operational Test & Evaluation (I/FOT&E) report “OT-xxx” of the “program title”, CNO Project No. xxxx has been completed and signed. A copy of the Commander’s Report is attached. The purpose of this test was to determine the program’s operational effectiveness and operational suitability, and its readiness for Fleet introduction.[These words should come right out of the opening paragraph in the Commander’s Report.]
- Information Paragraph(s)
An accounting of COI performance and/or 4 star level significant deficiencies would be reported in this paragraph if applicable.
- Bottom Line Paragraph(s)
Bottom line, the “xxx program” is operationally effective and operationally suitable and I recommend Fleet introduction.
- E-mail Close out
All e-mails should close with the following:
Very Respectfully,
RDML Jeffrey R. Penfield
4. For questions or suggestions, please contact the Chief of Staff.
D. R. Pine
Chief of Staff