Table of Contents ...... 1-2

Message to Our School Community...... 3

Mission Statement ...... 4
Philosophy/Belief Statement...... 4

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Daily Schedule ...... 5
Morning Arrival Procedures ...... 5
Notes for Dismissal ...... 5
Aftercare ...... 6
Early Dismissal – Schedules ...... 6
School Delayed Opening or Closing ...... 6
Sign In and Sign Out ...... 6

Attendance Policy ...... 7
Attendance Breakdown...... 7
Tardiness ...... 7
Outstanding Attendance Award ...... 7

Excused Absences ...... 7-8
Unexcused Absences ...... 8
Illegal-Unexcused Absences ...... 8
Absences for Family Educational Trips ...... 8
Appointments ...... 8

Bullying Procedure ...... 9
Reporting Obligations ...... 9-10

Parent to School ...... 10
School to Parent ...... 10
Parent to Principal ...... 10
Academic Program ...... 10
Auxiliary Services for Students ...... 11
Homework ...... 11

Report Cards (grading codes & sub codes) ...... 11
Honor Roll ...... 12
Student Intervention Team (S.I.T.) ...... 12
Code of Conduct ...... 12
Written Warning ...... 13
Detention ...... 13
In-School Suspension ...... 13-14
Out-of-School Suspension ...... 14
Expulsion ...... 14
Search & Seizure ...... 14
Cell Phone/Electronics Policy ...... 14
Drugs/Weapons Policy ...... 15
Positive Reinvorcement ...... 15
Dress Code
Grooming – Boys ...... 15
- Girls ...... 16
Jewelry ...... 16
Boys: K-8 Winter Uniform ...... 16
K-8 Summer Uniform ...... 16
Girls: K-5 Winter Uniform ...... 17
6-8 Winter Uniform ...... 17
K-5 Summer Uniform ...... 17
6-8 Summer Uniform ...... 17-18
Physical Education Uniform
Summer ...... 18
Winter ...... 18
Dress Down Day Clothes ...... 18

Extra Curricular Activities ...... 19
Health Services as Dictated by Nazareth Area School District
Health Services ...... 20
Forms for Parent Use ...... 20
Mandated Screenings ...... 20
ImmunizationsRequirements for 2017-2018 ...... 20
Additional Requirements for Attendance into 7-12th Grade ...... 21
Medication in School ...... 21
When to Keep Students Home from School ...... 21-22

Lunch and Recess
Lunch Periods ...... 22
Ordering Lunch ...... 22
Inside Lunch Rules ...... 22-23
Lunchroom Volunteer Guidelines ...... 23

Outside Recess Rules ...... 23
Scholarship Grants & Financial Aid ...... 24

Tuition & Fees Policy
Admissions ...... 24
Transfer Procedure ...... 24
Use of School Property ...... 24


Message to our school community

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Holy Family School. We are glad you have chosen our school to provide an education for your child. This handbook has been created to acquaint you, our parents and students, with general information and specific policies about Holy Family School. Parents are the primary educators and when parents work together with teachers in harmony, their efforts result in the highest quality of education for their child.

Please read the entire contents of this handbook because it will answer many of the questions you may have regarding policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. We hope this handbook will be helpful to you through the school year, and we look forward to working in partnership with you.

After reading this handbook, sign the attached commitment letter (hard copies only).

Commitment forms will be sent home to be signed in September. Please print and keep this manual in a convenient place to consult when necessary or consult it online.


Mrs. Bruce and the Faculty and Staff of Holy Family School



Since 1910, Holy Family School has been an anchor in our community, with a devoted staff that sees Christ in every child. Dedicated to empowering students with intellectual growth and faith-filled lives, Holy Family provides a nurturing, disciplined environment and culture of service. In teaching lasting values that involve the whole family, Holy Family instills ideals that embrace academic strength, a deeper relationship with God, and a desire to lead responsible Christian lives.

Faith – Discipline – Responsibility

PHILOSOPHY/ Belief Statement

Holy Family School provides a Catholic centered education based on the love and concern for the child as a total person created by God. The religious and academic natures of our school are irrevocably entwined. In order to foster the spirit of Christ’s love, we recognize each child as an individual and work to meet his or her needs. Holy Family School accepts as our responsibility the goal of academic excellence that is achieved by appropriately challenging each child in the learning process. Although strong academic content is integral to our curriculum, we stress the process of learning in order to prepare our students to be viable members within their church, chosen profession and their community.

  • We believe each child is special in the eyes of God and we strive to develop his or her individual gifts while centering the student in a faith community.
  • We believe the development of basic skills, critical thinking, decision-making abilities, and creative talents are all components of the educational process.
  • We believe individual needs are met through the recognition of differences in developmental rates and learning modalities and adapting curriculum using a variety of techniques and teaching styles to meet those needs.
  • We believe students develop best in a safe, comfortable learning environment that provides opportunities to grow in confidence.
  • We believe involvement in religious activities, academic achievements, extracurricular and school sponsored social events, and health and physical education activities help students develop a positive self-image.
  • We believe that fostering the values of faith, hope, and love, through religion classes, bi-monthly school masses, daily prayer, Para-liturgical services, mission activities, and Catholic Schools Week festivities helps to give our students a solid foundation to meet the world’s challenges and participate in celebrating our love for God and others.



Daily Schedule

7:45 AM / School doors open
8:10 AM / Morning Prayer
8:15 AM / Classes begin
11:30 AM / Lunch period 1
12:00 PM / Lunch period 2
12:30 PM / Lunch period 3
2:35 PM / Closing Prayer
2:40 PM / Dismissal early buses called
2:45 PM / Dismissal

Morning Arrival Procedures
There are 3 ways your child may arrive at school. Please refer below for the safety of our students.
1. Bus: Students riding the bus will be dropped off in front of the school on Convent Avenue.
2. Car: Parents are not allowed to drop off students directly in front of the school on Convent
Avenue. The options are:
a. Students may be dropped off in front of the church parking lot on Center Street
and then a crossing guard will assist them.
b. Parents may park in the paved lot across from the gymnasium. Students in
grades K-3 must be accompanied to the front door. Older students may walk to
the front door without an adult.
3. Walker: Students who live close enough to the school may walk, and the crossing guard
will assist them.

Any student arriving after 8:10 a.m. must report to the office with a parent/guardian for a late slip before going to class.

Notes for Dismissal
At the beginning of the year, a form must be completed stating how a student will normally be dismissed each day. If a dismissal change must be made, a written note must be sent in that morning for only that day and given to the homeroom teacher. The note must state who will be picking up the student. If there is a dismissal change during the school day, do not email the school or teacher or do not call the teacher. Only call the school office to guarantee the message will be received on time.

If a student wishes to ride another school bus in their school district, the proper notification will need to be completed. Click on this link for the form.

Aftercare is provided as a service to our working parents. If your child misses the bus or is not picked up, they will remain in aftercare until someone on the approved list arrives. Aftercare is available to Holy Family students for a fee. For more information, go to this link.

There is no aftercare on scheduled or unscheduled early dismissal days.
Early Dismissal – Scheduled
There are times during the year when there are noon dismissals. Check the school calendar for these dates. Lunch will not be served, and aftercare will not be provided.

School Delays/Closings
If the school will have a 2-hour delay or early dismissal due to severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, do not call the school. Phone lines must be open to communicate with school districts and the media. Parents will be notified through the school’s parent alert system. This information can also be found on WFMZ or Channel 69. If our school is not specifically mentioned, we follow the Nazareth Area School District. Any child remaining after an emergency dismissal will be supervised by a faculty or staff member until the student is picked up.

The district in which you live dictates your busing schedule. If Nazareth has a 2-hour delay, Holy Family School’s doors will be open at 9:45 a.m. If your school district has a different delay schedule, follow the Nazareth School District.

If Nazareth is not delayed, but your district is delayed, Holy Family will be open and your child will not be marked late provided they arrive at the time their school district would be in session.

If Nazareth has a regular day or a delayed opening and your district is closed, Holy Family will be open. Parents are encouraged to make every effort to get their student to school. A parent must discern whether it is safe to travel to school. When your school district is closed, they will not provide transportation. Therefore, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide transportation to and from school.

If Nazareth is closed, and your district is not, Holy Family School is closed.

Sign In and Sign Out
Our school is equipped with security cameras. Visitors are to enter the school through the main entrance. Press the buzzer for admittance and go directly to the main office. No one is permitted to go to any classroom without signing in first. Cafeteria volunteers must report directly to the main office, sign the Volunteer Angel Points log, and receive a name badge. All visitors should park in the parking lot across from the gym.

When it is necessary for a student to leave school early,the parent/guardian must go directly to the office to sign them out.


Regular attendance and punctuality promote an attitude of responsibility toward schoolwork, support the learning process, and maintain academic achievement. The importance of regular attendance cannot be overemphasized. Holy Family utilizes the attendance guidelines developed by the Nazareth Area School District.
Attendance Breakdown
Students should not arrive to school prior to 7:45 a.m. Holy Family School cannot assume the responsibility for the care of students prior to 7:45 a.m.
7:45 a.m. – 8:10 a.m.: School doors open
8:10 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.: Tardy
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.: Morning Session
11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.: Afternoon Session
2:35 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.: Dismissal
A student will be marked tardy if they arrive between 8:10-8:30 a.m. Students arriving late must report to the office accompanied by a parent/guardian to be signed in. The nurse will complete a tardy slip for admittance to their classroom. Three or more unexcused tardies will result in a letter being sent home from the administration outlining the consequences. Tardiness totaling 235 minutes equals a full day illegal absence.
Outstanding Attendance Award
To be eligible for this award, a student must arrive to school on time each day. The students who receive this award will receive a certificate and a treat at the end of the year.
When a student is unable to attend school, the parent/guardian must call 610-759-5642 option 2 prior to 9:00 a.m. which will record the information regarding the absence. Parents must provide the student’s name, grade, teacher’s name, reason for the absence, and if missed work is requested. If work is requested, the teacher will have it ready in the office by 2:45 p.m. If the work is not requested, it is the student’s responsibility to get the missed work upon their return.

If a parent forgets to call, the school will call the home or parent’s place of work to confirm the reason for the student’s absence.

Absenteeism from school will be categorized as either excused or unexcused. Attendance in school is mandatory the day of school dances and extracurricular school-sponsored events. When a student is absent, the following procedures must be followed:

  1. If a call to the school is not received and a student is absent, school personnel will contact the parent/guardian to verify the student’s absence and circumstances.
  2. When a student returns to school after an absence a written note signed by the parent/guardian is required. The note must include: student’s name, date(s) of absence, and specific reason for the absence. However, a doctor’s note is required for a
    student who is absent 3 or more consecutive days or returning to school after certain contagious diseases. 7
  3. When a student returns to school after an absence due to illness, they have the same amount of time to make up that work. For example: if a student is out 3 days, they have 3 days to make up the missed work. This does not include long term assignments.
  4. A note is needed even when a student has been sent home from school by school officials due to illness or other reasons. Failure to send the required excuse to school shall result in the absence being recorded as “unlawful” or “illegal” as per the state attendance laws.
  5. If a student has a doctor’s appointment, please get a doctor’s excuse so the school will be able to differentiate if the absence is excused or unexcused.

Excused Absences
1. Illness verified by doctor’s note
2. Death in the family
3. Funeral – family member
4. Religious holidays
5. Administrative reasons: school activities, high school visits, etc.
6. Suspension
7. Weather: when a school district is closed and Holy Family remains open

Unexcused Absences
1. Illness covered by parent note
2. Family vacation while school is in session
3. Funeral – non-family member/with affidavit

lllegal-Unexcused Absences
1. Missed the bus
2. Overslept
3. Family out of town without affidavit
4. Other circumstances will be addressed as needed

On the day of the 10th unexcused absence a letter shall be sent to the parents outlining the necessary next steps.

Absences for Family Educational Trips

Holy Family discourages the scheduling of family vacations during regularly scheduled school days. If a family vacation must occur, an affidavit must be completed, notarized, and returned to the school 10 days before the absence. Go to this link for affidavit form.

Students are required to get their missed work prior to their trip. The work must be completed upon their return to school. Missed quizzes or tests should be completed in a timely manner upon their return.

If an appointment is absolutely necessary during school time, please inform the office and/or classroom teacher in advance. Upon returning to school, the student must have a doctor’s note.

If a student arrives between 8:30-11:30 it is ½ day am absence. If they leave between 11:30-2:30 it is ½ day pm absence.



Bullying disruptsthe educational process and the Christian and spiritual environment; therefore, bullying is unacceptable at Holy Family School. Bullying can be defined as intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words or other behaviors, such as name-calling, threatening, and/or shunning by one or more individuals against others. Bullying can take various forms and may include, but is not limited to, such actions as described below:

Physical: unwanted physical contact - hitting, kicking, punching, tripping, pushing,
wrestling, throwing objects, etc.
Verbal: name calling, insults, taunting, teasing, threats, etc.
Cyber: inappropriate use of any electronic devices occurringin or out of school and/or
interfering with the educational process
Emotional: social isolation, rumors, and gossip etc.
Sexual: inappropriate unwanted touching, comments, jokes, looking in bathroom stalls,
Written: inappropriate notes,inappropriate written communication, etc.

Incidents of bullying on school property will be addressed as follows:

  1. Teachers will go over the definition and consequences of bullying with the students.
  2. Teachers will post a definition of bullying and a list of rules regarding bullying for reference in their classrooms.
  3. Parents and students will read and sign an anti-bullying contract.
  4. Teachers will formally document bullying incidents on the bullying discipline form.
  5. Teachers will follow standard bullying discipline consequences outlined on the discipline form.
  6. Teachers and principal will respond to incidences brought to their attention by students and/or parents.
  7. Inappropriate behaviors may be handled in a variety of ways on a case by case, age-appropriate basis according to the infraction and the number of repeated inappropriate behaviors documented during the school year. Possible student consequences may include but are not limited to: warning by teacher and/or principal, loss of recess, loss ofprivileges, detention, parent/student conference, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, and expulsion.

Through this process it is the goal of administration, faculty and staff to have the student achieve redemption, learn from their mistake, and stop bullying.

1. Teacher to principal:
To report the incident to the principal, teachers will complete the Holy Family School Student
Behavior/Bullying Discipline Form (K-8).
2. School to parent/guardian of the student involved in acts of bullying:
The principal shall notify the parent/guardian if acts of bullying by a specific student are
verified after the investigation. If disciplinary consequences are imposed against the student,
a description of the consequences shall be included in the notification.
3. School to the victim and his/her parent/guardian:
The principal shall notify the victim’s parent/guardian if acts of bullying against a specific
student are verified after the investigation. In providing notification, the privacy rights of the
person responsible for the bullying will be respected. The disciplinary consequences
imposed on the violator will not be disclosed to the parent/guardian of the victim.


Parent to School
If sending a note please clearly indicate to whom the note is directed (i.e.: Mrs. Bruce, a teacher’s name, gift cards, aftercare, Scholastic book orders, lunch money, etc.). The note needs to include the student’s name and homeroom grade. Any money/checks need to be in an envelope.
If you desire to speak with a teacher, you may:
1. Call the school, dial the teacher’s extension, leave a message stating the reason for your
call, the best time to contact you, and a phone number where you may be reached.
Teachers may not be able to contact you until after school hours.
2. Email the teacher (go to this link for teacher emails)
3. Write a note to the teacher