Sharp Social Studies
Government and Civics
SS-GC-U-1 / 6th Grade / 7th Grade / 8th GradeStandard - SS-6-GC-U-1
Students will understand that the purposes and sources of power in present day governments vary, each reflecting and impacting the culture(s) of the people governed. / Standard -SS-7-GC-U-1
Students will understand that forms of government in world civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. had similarities and differences in their purposes and sources of power. / Standard -SS-8-GC-U-1
Students will understand that the American political system developed from a colonial base of representative democracy by the actions of people who envisioned an independent country and new purposes for the government
Teacher Target
Students will understand that governments differ and are reflected in the culture. / Teacher Target
Students will understand that forms of government in World Cavitations had different purposes and sources of power. / Teacher Target
Students will understand that the American political system was derived from a colonial base.
Student Target
I can identify and explain the basic forms of government(democracy, republic, dictatorship, monarchy)
I can explain how governments both reflect and impact cultures.
I can analyze forms of government by utilizing both print and non-print sources. / Student Target
1. I can compare the purposes of different governments in world civilizations.
2. I can compare the sources of power of different governments in world civilizations. / Student Target
1. I can explain the influences of English Democracy upon the American government.
2. I can explain how the Enlightenment influenced American attitudes and beliefs towards government.
Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator
SS-GC-U-2 /
Standard - SS-6-GC-U-2
Students will understand that individual rights of people vary under different forms of government. / Standard -SS-7-GC-U-2Students will understand that the key ideals (e.g., citizenship, justice, equality, and rule of law) of a democratic form of government were practiced in some world civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. / Standard - SS-8-GC-U-2
Students will understand that the United States government was formed to establish order, provide security and accomplish common goals.
Teacher Target
Students will understand how individual rights are affected by the different forms of government. / Teacher Target
Students will understand how the key concepts of a democracy were practiced in world civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. / Teacher Target
Students will understand the reason and purposes for the formation of the U.S. government.
Student Target
I can compare/contrast the rights and responsibilities of citizens under different forms of governments.
I can analyze forms of government by utilizing both print and no-print sources. (duplicated) / Student Target
1. I can identify citizenship in a world civilization.
2. I can identify justice in a world civilization.
3. I can identify equality in a civilization.
4. I can identify rule of law in a civilization. / Student Target
1. I can explain the six major goals of American government.
2. I can explain how the American government seeks to achieve each goal.
Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator
SS-GC-U-3 /
Standard - SS-6-GC-U-3
Students will understand that democratic governments of the present day function to protect the rights, liberty and property of their citizens while promoting the common good. / Standard - SS-7-GC-U-3Students will understand that individual rights in world civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. varied under different forms of government. / Standard - SS-8-GC-U-3
Students will understand that the fundamental values and principles (e.g., liberty, justice, individual human dignity, the rule of law) of American representative democracy as expressed in historical documents (e.g., the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States) are enduring and remain significant today.
Teacher Target
Students will understand the functional purposes of democratic governments. / Teacher Target
Students will understand how individual rights are varied in regards to forms of governments. / Teacher Target
Students will understand the connection and value between the fundamental values of America and the historical documents that formed the U.S.
Student Target
I can explain how democratic governments preserve and protect individual rights, liberty, and property by creating laws. / Student Target
1. I can identify how individual rights are influenced and changed by the form of government in place. / Student Target
1. I can explain how the Declaration of Independence reflects beliefs in liberty and the rule of law.
2. I can explain how the Constitution promotes justice, equality, and the rule of law.
Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator
SS-GC-U-4 /
Standard - SS-6-GC-U-4
Students will understand that the United States does not exist in isolation; its democratic form of government has played and continues to play a role in our interconnected society. / Standard - / Standard - SS-8-GC-U-4Students will understand that the Constitution of the United States establishes a government of limited powers that are shared among different levels and branches. The Constitution is a document that can be changed from time to time through both formal and informal processes (e.g., amendments, court cases, executive actions) to meet the needs of its citizens.
Teacher Target
Students will understand and develop a global world view. / Teacher Target / Teacher Target
Students will understand the purposes, powers, and processes of the Constitution.
Student Target
I can analyze forms of government by utilizing both print and no-print sources. (duplicated)
I can explain how the United States, both past and present, impacts the world politically and economically.
I can analyze information from current events/news about different governments in order to describe how they reflect/impact culture. / Student Target / Student Target
1. I can explain how the Constitution establishes a limited government.
2. I can identify and explain the three branches of government established in the Constitution.
3. I can explain how the Constitution is Amended.
4. I can explain how judicial interpretation can change the meaning of the Constitution.
Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator
SS-GC-U-5 / Standard - / Standard - / Standard - SS-8-GC-U-5
Students will understand that as members of a democratic society, all citizens of the United States have certain rights and responsibilities, including civic participation.
Teacher Target / Teacher Target / Teacher Target
Students will understand the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizens.
Student Target / Student Target / Student Target
1. I can identify and explain the rights of a U.S. citizen.
2. I can identify and explain the responsibilities of a U.S. citizen.
Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator
SS-GC-S-1 / Standard - SS-6-GC-S-1
Students will demonstrate an understanding (e.g., speak, draw, write, projects, present) of the nature of government:
a)describe different forms of government in the present day
b)compare purposes and sources of power in the most common forms of government (e.g., monarchy, democracy, republic, dictatorship) in the present day
c)explain how democratic governments of the present day function to preserve and protect the rights (e.g., voting), liberty, and property of their citizens by making, enacting and enforcing appropriate rules and laws / Standard - SS-7-GC-S-1
Students will demonstrate an understanding (e.g., speak, draw, write, projects, present) of the nature of government:
a)explain the role of government (e.g., establishing order, providing security, achieving common goals) in world civilizations prior to 1500 A.D.. and make connections to how government influences culture, society and the economy
c)compare different forms of government, and the purposes and sources of power in the most common forms of government (e.g., monarchy, democracy, republic, dictatorship) in world civilizations prior to 1500 A.D.
d)analyze how some world civilizations prior to 1500 A.D.. (e.g. Greece, Rome) demonstrated the use of democratic principles (e.g., justice, equality, responsibility, freedom) / Standard - SS-8-GC-S-1
Students will demonstrate an understanding (e.g., illustrate, write, model, projects, present) of the nature of government:
a)explain the role of government (e.g., establishing order, providing security, achieving common goals) in the United States prior to Reconstruction and make connections to how government influences culture, society and the economy
b)describe how democratic governments in the United States prior to Reconstruction functioned to preserve and protect the rights (e.g., voting), liberty and property of their citizens by making, enacting and enforcing rules and laws (e.g., constitutions, laws, statutes)
c)compare purposes and sources of power in the most common forms of government (e.g., monarchy, democracy, republic)
Teacher Target
Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of different forms of government. / Teacher Target
Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of different forms of government in Ancient Civilization. / Teacher Target
Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the U.S. government.
Student Target
I can identify and explain the basic forms of government(democracy, republic, dictatorship, monarchy) / Student Target
1. I can explain the role and influence of government in world civilizations.
2. I can explain how governments influenced culture.
3. I can explain how governments influenced societies.
4. I can explain how governments influenced economies.
5. I can compare the following forms of government: democracy, monarchy, republic, and dictatorship. / Student Target
1. I can explain the role and influence of government in the United States prior to Reconstruction.
2. I can explain how the U.S. government influenced culture prior to Reconstruction.
3. I can explain how the U.S. government influenced societies prior to Reconstruction.
4. I can explain how the U.S. government influenced economies prior to Reconstruction.
5. I can describe how the making of laws protected U.S. citizens prior to Reconstruction.
6. I can describe how the enacting of laws protected U.S. citizens prior to Reconstruction.
7. I can compare the following forms of government: democracy, monarchy, and republic.
Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator
SS-GC-S-2 / Standard - SS-6-GC-S-2
Students will describe/give examples of similarities and differences between rights and responsibilities of individuals living in countries with different forms of government / Standard - SS-7-GC-S-2
Students will compare rights and responsibilities of individuals in world civilizations prior to 1500 C.E. to the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizens today / Standard - SS-8-GC-S-2
Students will investigate the Constitution of the United States:
a)examine ways the Constitution is a document that can be changed from time to time through both formal and informal processes (e.g., amendments, court cases, executive actions) to meet the needs of its citizens
b)explain the political process established by the U.S. Constitution and ways the Constitution separates power among the legislative, executive and judicial branches to prevent the concentration of political power and to establish a system of checks and balances
c)analyze why the powers of the state and federal governments are sometimes shared and sometimes separated (federalism)
Teacher Target
Students will be able to compare citizens of different forms of governments. / Teacher Target
Students will be able to compare rights and responsibilities of citizens in world civilizations. / Teacher Target
Students will investigate the Constitution of the United States of America.
Student Target
I can compare/contrast the rights and responsibilities of citizens under different forms of governments. / Student Target
1. I can compare rights and responsibilities of citizens in world civilizations. / Student Target
1. I can examine and explain how the U.S. government changed through formal and informal processes.
2. I can explain the political process established by the U.S. Constitution.
3. I can explain how the U.S. Constitution separates powers into three different branches of government.
4. I can explain how the three branches of government establishes a system of checks and balances.
5. I can analyze and explain the powers of the state and federal governments.
6. I can analyze and explain federalism.
Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator
SS-GC-S-3 / Standard - SS-6-GC-S-3
Students will analyze information from a variety of print and non-print sources (e.g., books, documents, articles, observations, interviews) to investigate, explain and answer questions about different forms of government in the present day / Standard - SS-7-GC-S-3
Students will analyze information from a variety of print and non-print sources (e.g., books, documents, articles, observations, interviews, Internet sources) to research, explain and answer questions about governments and people of world civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. / Standard - SS-8-GC-S-3
Students will make inferences about and among significant historical events and historical documents (e.g., the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States) to illustrate connections to democratic principles and guaranteed rights for all citizens
Teacher Target
Students will analyze different forms of information to investigate different forms of governments. / Teacher Target
Students will analyze different forms of information to investigate different forms of governments in world civilizations. / Teacher Target
Students will make inferences to make connections between democratic principles and historical events and documents.
Student Target
I can analyze forms of government by utilizing both print and non-print sources. / Student Target
1. I can analyze different forms of information.
2. I can explain and answer questions about world civilization governments. / Student Target
1. I can make connections between historical events and U.S. documents (Constitution, Declaration of Independence) by using inference.
2. I can use historical events and the Constitution to explain democratic principles.
3. I can use historical events and the Declaration of Independence to explain democratic principles.
4. I can use historical events and the Constitution to explain the guaranteed rights for its citizens.
5. I can use historical events and the Declaration of Independence to explain the guaranteed rights for its citizens
Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator
SS-GC-S-4 / Standard - / Standard - / Standard - SS-8-GC-S-4
Students will explain pros and cons of how citizen responsibilities (e.g.,participate in community activities, vote in elections) and duties (e.g., obey the law, pay taxes, serve on a jury, register for the military) impact the U.S. government’s ability to function as a
Teacher Target / Teacher Target / Teacher Target
Students will explain how citizen’s responsibilities and duties impact the function of the U.S. government.
Student Target / Student Target / Student Target
1. I can explain how a citizen’s responsibility can impact the function of the U.S. government.
2. I can explain how a citizen’s duties can impact the function of the U.S. government.
Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator
SS-GC-S-5 / Standard - / Standard - / Standard - SS-8-GC-S-5
Students will analyze information from a variety of print and non-print sources (e.g., books, documents, articles, interviews, Internet) to research answers to questions and explore issues
Teacher Target / Teacher Target / Teacher Target
Students will analyze material from a variety of sources to investigate the United States government.
Student Target / Student Target / Student Target
1. I can use different sources to investigate the United States government.
Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator / Standard Demonstrator