Children’s Fountain of Knowledge
Learning Center, Inc.
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Table of contents
· Emergency evacuation…………………………………………………..3
· Tornado/hurricane……………………………………………………….3
· Ice………………………………………………………………………………….4
· Sleet………………………………………………………………………………4
· Hail………………………………………………………………………………..4
· Major thunderstorms…………………………………………………….4
· Flood……………………………………………………………………………..4
· Communicable disease outbreak…………………………………..5
· Chemical spill………………………………………………………………..5
· Intruder inside/outside of center………………………………….5
· Evacuation Diagram………………………………………………………6
In case of an emergency the staff’s most important responsibility is to move the children to a designated safe area, whether the area be an alternate area of shelter or an on site designated area. If parents wish to reach an administrator and the center is not answering, the emergency contact number will be (956)220-3176. The director will have that phone with her at all times. Director will take admission forms to safe location to contact parents and authorities thru the emergency number.
Natural disasters common in our area
Emergency evacuation:
In case of a fire, bomb threat, electrical, or chemical emergency that would require an onsite evacuation of the building the staff will observe the following:
1. Director/designee will call 911 indicating the type of emergency.
2. Teachers will be alerted by an alarm to evacuate the building.
3. Teachers will do a head count cross referenced to the attendance, check to make sure the bathroom is empty, and lock it. Teacher will also take their emergency bag along with attendance. Emergency bag contains wipes, diapers, gloves, Kleenex, disposable cups, a one or two liter bottle of water, and some cookies.
4. Use evacuation doors and follow route towards designated meeting place. See Evacuation routes diagram.
5. Children 2 months and up who cannot walk on their own, which will include children who for example have a broken leg, will be evacuated on buggies. All others will be evacuated using caboose method.
6. As they reach designated meeting place a head count will be done.
· When tornado/hurricane warning is issued, and it is too dangerous to leave facilities, children will be gathered in a secure hallway which is deepest in the daycare. Children will then be instructed to kneel down with hands over head and sleep mats will be placed over them.
o The teacher will be informed when a blue code is issued. Once they receive the news they will gather children. Check the bathrooms, and lock them to make sure no one is left behind, and then do a head count which will be cross referenced with with attendance.
o The teacher will give the students a sleep mat. They will then follow the caboose method. In which the students get in a line and a leader and caboose will be assigned to students. If toddlers they will hold on to the walking rope, if they are preschoolers they will just hold onto each others shoulders as they walk.
o The teacher will then guide them into the hallway. She will take the attendance with her. Another head count will be done once the hall way is reached.
o The students will then be instructed to sit on floor with the mats over their heads.
o One administrator will do another head count while another one goes back to check the rooms.
· Children younger than 24 months and children with limited mobility will be placed in buggies and taken to designated room.
· When the warning has been lifted director/teachers will begin to call parents.
· If at all possible someone should turn off gas and power lines ASAP during the warning.
Ice/sleet/hail/major thunderstorms:
· If ice/sleet/hail occurs during night school will be cancelled.
· If ice/sleet/hail/major thunderstorm occurs during day:
o When weather warning has been issued children will not be allowed outside.
o If power goes out parents will be called for pick up.
· A flash flood calls for evacuating the school.
· If school has minor flooding with dry areas surrounding the school:
o Classroom by classroom will be evacuated to parking lot. Once outside a head count will be done.
o Children will hold hands and be lead by teachers who are following routes specified by officials.
o Once everyone has made it to designated higher ground parents will be called for pick up.
· If school has major flooding with major flooding also surrounding:
o Emergency officials will be called to help evacuate.
o A caboose system will be enforced.
o Teachers will do head counts before and after evacuation has occurred.
o Parents will be called after emergency officials to relay information.
· If school has no threat of being flooded but surrounding area is majorly flooded:
o Students will remain inside.
o Emergency officials will be contacted for help.
o Parents will be informed.
o Head count will be done before and after emergency occurs.
Human caused disasters
Communicable disease outbreak:
· When children are being dropped off parents will be asked to complete a questionnaire pertaining to the disease. Depending on the answers the child will or will not be excluded from school.
· The same will protocol will be enforced for personnel.
· Teachers will be using face masks, gloves, and taking temperatures of children while parents are filling out questionnaires.
Chemical spill:
· If emergency responders instruct to shelter in place:
o Children will not be allowed outside.
o All doors and windows must remain shut. All ventilation systems as well as fans will be shut off as to not allow outside fumes inside. Towels will be placed under doors this will help chemical fumes from seeping into the school. Put tape around all doors.
o Turn on radio for further emergency instructions.
o Will be alert to knocks on the door by the firefighters or emergency responders who may decide to evacuate the area if there is a change in situation or give the all clear signal.
o We would ask emergency responders on instructors on how to decontaminate the school.
o If we believe any one is believed to have been exposed, we will seek medical attention as soon as possible.
· If emergency responders instruct to evacuate:
o We will evacuate to wherever emergency responders instruct us to go, which would depend on where the chemical spill occurred.
Intruder inside and outside of the center:
· A specific code will be used. This will be issued when a teacher is dealing with a violent/intoxicated/unruly parent/adult that wants to pick up a child.
o The teacher will call an administrator to alert them of the problem.
o The administrator will drop everything they are doing, and go to the classroom to assess the situation.
o They will call the police if necessary and not allow the child to be taken home until police assess situation.
· A specific code will be used. When this is heard the center will be on immediate lock down.
o Teachers will take students to hide in the bathroom/diaper changing area.
o The classroom doors are locked at all times so there will be no need to lock them.
o Administrator will call police.