Literature Circles
English III
The Women of Brewster Place
Criticism: The study, analysis, interpretation, and history of literature. It is a dialog.
"Criticism asks what literature is, what it does, and what it is worth." Encyclopedia Britannica
Literary criticism analyzes, interprets, and evaluates works of literature. Though you most often find criticism in the form of an essay, in-depth book reviews may also be considered criticism. Criticism may analyze an individual work of literature. It may also examine an author’s body of work. As you work with literary criticism in your writing it is important that you incorporate your own reactions and points of view.
For this project you will develop a notebook of documents.
1. The book is divided into eight sections:
· (1) Mattie Michael
· (2) Etta Mae Johnson
· (3) Kiswana Browne
· (4) Luciela Louise Turner
· (5) Cora Lee
· (6) The Two
· (7) Block Party
· (8) Dusk
2. For each section include a brief summary and a reflection/reaction journal.
3. Find two pieces of Literary Criticism to include in the project and to cite in the essays.
4. Select an essay topic for three of the first six chapters and develop an essay to discuss the Block Party and its relevance. Each essay is to be a minimum of 2 pages typewritten, double spaced.
5. Specific examples from the novel need to be included in the essay and highlighted. You are to have a minimum of 4 passages from the novel (include page #) and two quotes from the literary criticism.
a. Racism/Prejudice
b. Poverty
c. Troublesome Men
d. Survival
e. Community
f. Corruption
g. Female Bonding
h. Grief
i. Alienation and Loneliness
j. Blending of Lives
k. Temptation
6. Write a minimum 1 page recommendation and include whether you agree or disagree with the critics.
7. Find information about the author’s credentials and other works.
8. Rubric to follow: Include a Works Cited in Easybib.
Cover Page with illustrations
Reaction Journals
4 essays
Author information
Literary Criticism
Recommendation Essay
Works Cited