Bayberry Lakes Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Call To Order: The Bayberry Lakes Homeowners’ Association, Inc., was called to order by President B. Kamer, at 7:00PM, June 23, 2016, at the Bayberry Lakes Homeowners’ Clubhouse, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum:
Bill KamerPresidentPresent
Kevin M. TuckerVice PresidentPresent
Thomas ZahnenTreasurerPresent
Sabrina ZahnenDirectorPresent
Kathleen RidallDirectorPresent
Norm ScottDirectorPresent
Adam TominskyDirectorPresent
Motion made by T. Zahnen, seconded by K. Ridall, to accept the resignation of B. Pittillo as Secretary; motion carried. (Note: Following the meeting A. Tominsky volunteered as secretary.)
Approval of Minutes: Motion made by N. Scott, seconded by A. Tominsky, to waive the reading and approve the Minutes of May 5, 2016; motion carried.
Financial Report: T. Zahnen provided a written financial report including, but not limited to: May Operating Balance: $180,483.33/Reserve $172,133.58. Outstanding Fees for prior years $54,234.51. Late notices and/or legal notices have been sent to all delinquent owners. Payment plans for fees must be approved by the Board. Mid-year budget review occurred and with some minor adjustments the 2017 budget is anticipated to remain the same or a minor increase to reflect current CPI. Management to confirm proper reserve funding is occurring.
Unfinished Business:
- Violations: Management will be on site Friday, July 8th. Door hangers have been purchased and will be placed on an owner’s door that has a violation as a courtesy.
- Foreclosures/Lien/Collection Status and Update: Written legal status reports were provided to the Board. Board members, K. Tucker and B. Kamer, met with legal team and Clifton to review status of collections. Motion made by N. Scott, seconded by T. Zahnen, to approve the Policy for Collection of Annual Assessments; motion carried. Legal representation will continue with Smith Bigman Brock (Metz/Ganz) and Martell & Ozim.
Committee Reports:
- ARC: S. LeCates reported 3 ARC applications received to date for June 2016. M. Fink has moved and J. Henderson may be appointed as a replacement. Next Meeting is Wednesday, July 6, 2016.
- Neighborhood Watch: S. Zahnen reported a vehicle break in on Hollyberry Branch. A community website called NextDoor is being reviewed but appears to be similar to FaceBook versus a tool for community alerts.
- Block Happenings/Communication Committee: B. Kamer recessed the meeting for a presentation of the Team RWB (Team Red White and Blue) which is an organization with the primary focus of matching VETS with the community. 38 runners from within the community came together for a 5K run on 5/21/16 and raised $800 which was donated to Team RWB.
- Block Pot Luck Social: Tentatively scheduled for August 13thfrom 12P-2P. Management to invite vendors.
- Yard of the Month: Voting took place on the new website from June 1st-10th and reflects the June Yard of the Month is Mr. and Mrs. J. Henderson on 560 Bayberry Lakes. It was noted that delinquent owners cannot participate.
- Violation Committee: The violation committee will be needed following the door hanger initial notice and the 1st written violation notice. A final warning will then be sent. Lastly, a hearing will be set in front of the violation committee. Motion made by S. Zahnen, seconded by T. Zahnen, to accept the resignation of Helen Tucker due to conflict; motion carried.
Old Business:
- Commercial Property and the South Entrance: The association is currently maintaining this property. Management is seeking the proper ownership of this undeveloped lot to negotiate funds to maintain.
- Welcome Package: Volunteers delivered the welcome packages to the entire community on or about June 4th. Minor corrections are needed.
- Common Area Pressure Washing: Management to obtain proposals to pressure wash clubhouse, pool, tennis court areas on twice a year basis.
- Replacement of sign pole for the corner of Cinderberry/Blvd.: Management locating vendor who can provide the decorative sign posts for the community.
- Placing License Plate Reading Cameras at both North and South Entrances: B. Pittillo provided a written report and several proposals for this pending project needed for security improvement(s). Motion made by T. Zahnen, seconded by K.M. Tucker, to table for further review by the board; motion carried. Management to contact City of Daytona Beach to obtain a trespass authorization.
- Assisted Living Business Update: Legal is preparing for a pre-suit mediation. Owners have also submitted an ARC in regard to the unapproved paint color.
- Rules And Regulations: Owner has challenged current rules and regulations regarding rental/leasing restrictions. A legal opinion has been requested. There are also typos and possible differences in the pool rules vs. what is posted at the pool. Management to update.
- Replacement of stop sign at Springberry: Management contacted City of Daytona Beach and was advised a new stop sign was installed.
New Business:
- Acknowledgement of Clifton Management as new management company: B. Kamer reported board members interviewing 5 management companies prior to finalizing its decision to retain Clifton Management. Motion made by A. Tominsky, seconded by S. Zahnen, to approve Clifton Management, Inc., as the property management company; motion carried. (Prior to the meeting, Sherry Clifton, CAM, introduced her staff present as being Staci Cummings (receptionist), Yvette Strasser (deposit entry/violations), Shirley Baker (work product/direct contact), and KathyMarcley (financials/bill pay). Those unable to attend were Kim Multop (work product), Bree Reyes (runner) and Virginia Ziegler (file clerk). Light snacks were provided on behalf of the Clifton Team for those present.
- Acknowledgement of Victoria Perkins – Website Designer: Victoria Perkins, owner of was retained and built the association owned website for a cost of $500 and $30/month to maintain. Motion made S. Zahnen, seconded by N. Scott, to ratify the hiring of Cut Above Designs; motion carried.
- Bids for Pond Maintenance Contract: 3 bids were obtained for pond maintenance. Motion made by T. Zahnen, seconded by K. M. Tucker, to approve the current vendor Mallard Environmental Services for a 1 year contract in the amount of $695/month; motion carried. Management to meet with Mallard for the following: Weeds on edges, recommendations and costs for needed landscaping improvements, and evaluation of current signs to include alligators are present.
- Bids for Pool Maintenance: 4 bids were obtained for pool maintenance. Motion made by S. Zahnen, seconded by A. Tominsky, to approve a 1 year contract with PurePool Solutions in the amount of $400 per month; motion carried. Management to forward termination notice to Blue Ribbon Pools and execute contract with PurePool Solutions.
- Bulletin Board: Motion made by S. Zahnen, seconded by K. Ridall, to approve up to $500 for a bulletin board ($390+tax) and install at the clubhouse; motion carried. The bulletin board will be placed on the exterior of the clubhouse with ½ left unlocked for owner’s use and ½ locked for association business.
Open Floor/Resident Participation:
*There have been/are issues with the fountain timer and the main irrigation timer. Fountain is being addressed by Vertex and the irrigation is being followed up with Rountree.
*New bear proof waste receptacles are being ordered from waste management that were damaged by bears.
*The pool area is on video. Members are asked to contact 911 in cases of blatant violations and/or trespassing.
*Hills Fencing to be contacted to correct pool gate timers to be 8:30P from Memorial Day to Labor Day and 6:30P following Labor Day.
Next Board Meeting: August 25, 2016 at 7:00PM.
Adjournment: Motion made by T. Zahnen, seconded by K.M. Tucker, to adjourn the meeting at 9:02PM; motion carried.