What Do We Do Now?!

(Salinity Test Groups)

Site Observation: You have 1 hour to observe 3 sites! For each site, do the following:

  1. Pick a placewhere there is salt water (kai), fresh water (wai), or brackish water (wai kai).
  1. Estimate an area of about 20 square feet & mark it off with stones.
  1. Make a drawing of the area (site). Include all the rocks, limu, plants, litter, fish, bugs, etc. you can see in the drawing. Also, draw where the water source is (stream, pond&/or high/low ocean tide lines).
  1. Put on your gloves to collect a water sample and bring it to your chaperones &/or teachers who will help you:
  2. test the level of pH (acid & base)
  3. titrate the salinity (figure out the amount of salt)
  4. test the temperature of the water
  1. Before you leave your site, collect all the rubbish you safely can.


What could people do to care for your sites better?

BONUS: If you have time, ask an adult to help you test the turbidity of the water (how murky or cloudy it is).

What Do We Do Now?!

(PollutionTest Groups)

Site Observation: You have 1 hour to do 5 tests observe 1 site! Follow these steps:

  1. Pick a place where there is salt water (kai), fresh water (wai), or brackish water (wai kai).
  1. Estimate an area of about 20 square feet & mark it off with stones.
  1. Make a drawing of the area (site). Include all the rocks, limu, plants, litter, fish, bugs, etc. you can see in the drawing. Also, draw where the water source is (stream, pond&/or high/low ocean tide lines).
  1. Put on your gloves to collect a water sample and then do these tests – don’t forget to use the Data Sheet on the back to record the results of your tests (if you need help, bring it to your chaperones &/or teachers):
  2. test the level of pH (acid & base)
  3. testthe temperature of the water (see adult)
  4. test for nitrates
  5. test for dissolved oxygen
  6. test for phosphates
  1. Before you leave your site, collect all the rubbish you safely can.


What could people do to care for your sites better?

BONUS: If you have time, ask an adult to help you test the turbidity of the water (how murky or cloudy it is).