Assessment Team Minutes

November 3, 2016

Present: Karen Archibee, Patrick Devendorf, Kathy Evans,

Kathy Flaherty, Mike Flaherty, Allison German,

Christy Huynh, Rick Kolenda, Michele May, J.J. O’Connell,

Sara Rebeor. Dan Roberts, Barbara St.Michel,

Kate Wolfe-Lyga, Kayla Richardson (Campus Labs)

Assessment Presentation

Dan Roberts – Summer Orientation Assessment

·  Dan briefly stepped back into his Orientation role to present their summer assessment findings, and how that data can potentially be utilized by the new Orientation Coordinator to improve services.

Assessment Process

·  We are making great strides divisionally with our assessment process; one area that still needs improvement is “closing the loop.” We need to be able to show that we are utilizing the data obtained from assessments for continuous improvement.

o  Some Part III’s did not cite specific changes or potential plans to address the results

·  Kathy is almost finished aligning our divisional goals with institutional goals

o  In the future we will be asked to align unit/department goals and map against the ‘Tomorrow Plan’ under Impact Statement and Performance Drivers


Training, Development & Outreach (co-chairs: Sara Rebeor & Christy Huynh)

·  Upcoming Events:

o  November 15th – Workshop “What is Baseline?” We will be walking through the site and seeing all the tools and services it provides us. Please RSVP. 2:00pm, 143 MCC.

o  January 10th – Annual Assessment Showcase & Poster Presentation, 9-12pm (information regarding size for posters will be forthcoming)

o  Last week’s Assessment Digest contained a link to the webinar “Learning Outcomes as a Blueprint for Student Success,” so if you were not able to attend the live event, check it out on the web!

Marketing & Communication Subcommittee (co-chairs: Kathy Evans & Rick Kolenda)

·  “We Heard Your Voice” campaigns are ongoing through digital signage & flyers.

o  The list of departments featured during Spring semester will be distributed soon

·  Reviewed each link on the assessment website as a group. The following suggestions were made:

o  Results page:

§  List Mission & Vision for each department/unit; make viewable by public

§  Team members will discuss with their Directors whether to include links to department assessment documents (Parts I & III); and whether to make them viewable by public or require login permission for Team members, Directors and Administrators

o  Team structure page:

§  Add new Team & Steering minutes

§  Remove all sub-committee minutes

o  Training page:

§  Needs to be updated

o  Resources page:

§  Update Workshops/Trainings/Webinars

§  Utilize this page – the web resources listed are excellent!

Assessment “Around the Room”:

·  Career Services: Student testimonials are being used on website & digital signage; First Destination survey calling took place last week; conducting analysis on what faculty are currently active partners vs. what faculty still need to be reached

·  Financial Aid: Making revisions to goals & outcomes for 2016-2017 cycle

·  Campus Life: Assessing upcoming Family & Friends weekend

·  Admissions: Sorting through assessment feedback from Saturday’s Open House; looking at effectiveness of email communications (i.e. how many open email, click on links, etc)

·  Dean of Students: Finishing up analyzing benchmarking data and completing Part III’s for 2015-2016, which will then impact Part I for 2016-2017.

·  Walker Health/Lifestyles: No new updates

·  Res. Life: Working with statistician to analyze RYFF well-being results; Fall survey is currently being administered to 266 junior/senior students who took the survey last year, response rate to date is 25%

·  Athletics: Just finished up fall & moving into winter sports; Class conflict survey will be administered soon

·  Auxiliary Services: NACUFS paper survey will be distributed this month

·  Counseling: Currently reviewing “Let’s Talk” data; client satisfaction survey took longer than expected to launch, so it is being handed out at the end of counseling sessions

·  Disability Services: Currently contacting students with reminders about office hours, gathering data on usage of SMART pens.

Next Meeting: Thursday, December 1st, 2016, 1:00-2:00pm – 133 Marano Campus Center