Theatre 3-4 Honors
Teacher: Ms. Shannon O’Bryan
Course Outline & Classroom Policies
I. Course Description:
This honors-level class is designed for students with significant experience in theatre and promotes significant depth of engagement and life-long appreciation for theatre through a broad spectrum of teacher-assigned and self-directed study and performance. In keeping with the rigor expected in an accelerated setting, students assemble a portfolio that showcases a significant body of work representing personal vision and artistic growth over time; mastery of theatre skills and techniques in one or more areas, and evidence of sophisticated oral and written analytical and problem-solving skills based on their structural, historical, and cultural knowledge. This course will include a mainstage performance, participation in Thespian events, and will require students to attend live performances and participate in some extra rehearsals and performances beyond the school day.
Course Outline:
The content will include, but not be limited to, the following:
1 –Mentoring and Ensemble Building through Theatre Games
2 – Monologue Auditions/Portfolio Presentations
3 – Playreading
4 – Scene Performance
5 – Student Directing (Level 4)
6 – Playwrighting (Level 3)
7 – Methods of Acting
8 – Children's Theatre
9 – One Act Play Production
10 – Business of Theatre
1. Daily participation in all activities.
2. Satisfactory completion of all assignments and performances.
3. Satisfactory grades on tests and quizzes.
4. Maintenance of a drama notebook for classroom materials.
5. Completion of reading and writing assignments including student portfolio.
6. Satisfactory completion of End-of-Year Exam (30% written/70% performance).
Classroom Procedures:
1. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. Sign in on the clipboard if you are late. Place backpacks and personal items except for your drama notebook and pencil at the back of the room.
2. Come to class prepared (homework completed; have all materials - this includes your drama notebook and a pencil).
3. Follow the school rules (esp. behavior and dress code). Cell phones are permitted in class for teacher assigned use only – keep them stored in your backpack.
4. Take care of restroom and locker needs before class starts.
5. Respect others (No put downs or racial/religious/sexual or other intolerant slurs), keep hands to yourself, no gum, food or drink other than a water bottle in class.
6. Demonstrate self-control (raise hand, remain seated, follow directions, ask questions).
Consequences:1. Warning
2. Contact parent and/or detention
3. Referral to office
Additional Information:
1. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any handout or schedule changes that may have occurred
due to an absence or tardy. Check your folder; ask an “A” student first!
2. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period whether by hard-copy or email. Assignments will not be accepted late.
3. There is no personal textbook for this class. All of the information will be given to you through
handouts and teacher lecture or demonstration. Therefore, it is vital to take notes and keep all hand-
outs in your drama notebook.
4. Grading is kept on a points system. Points are awarded for class participation, preparation, and
5. If at any time you are having a problem with the class, please make an appointment to see me
before it becomes a crisis. Please ask if you don’t understand something. There are no dumb
questions except those not asked!
6. I strongly recommend that you get involved with the plays at school. There will be at least two plays and several student directed scenes produced at the school this year for which you may audition, usher, or work on a technical crew. Also, your classwork may be selected to be presented at a showcase. Most rehearsals will take place after school. Check out the drama page on the Chiles website ChilesTheatre.comfor more information.
2016-2017 Season will include:
The Curious Savage (November 17-19) – Auditions September 14-16
Winter Showcase (Dec. 8)
Thespian Showcase and One-ActPlay (January 4)
Café Dinner Theatre (TBA)
Performing Arts Dept’s Musical (April 6-8) – Auditions January 18-20
Spring Showcase/One-Act Plays (May 2)
7. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to participate in the District Thespian Festival (Individual and Group Events and Plays) which is held in Niceville in January and Florida Theatre Festival (Auditions for Theatre Schools, Plays and Workshops) which is held in Gainesville in November. The cost is typically about $200 for each one. See the Drama website Chiles Theatre.comfor more information.
I have read and understand the above course outline and classroom policies and have reviewed it with my mother/father.
I have read and understand the above course outline and classroom policies and have reviewed it with my son/daughter.