Elementary School Information

Complete the shaded fields below with your school’s information. Use the tab button to move between fields.

Elementary School Name:

School Phone:

School Fax:

Our school’s contact person for the Transition Program would be:

Position at the school:



School NC Wise Data Manager:



School Payroll Manager:



Our elementary school includes: (check all that apply)

ESL Program Special Programs Preschool Classroom Title I

Project Achieve Title I Preschool Classroom Ready to Learn Center

Our school is on a …

Traditional Calendar Year Round Calendar Modified Calendar

% of our school population receives Free or Reduced Lunch.

The average number of kindergarteners we enroll each year is . Of those, approximately speak primarily Spanish.

Childcare Center / Preschool Information:

As a part of the program, you will be asked to host childcare center or preschool teacher visits in the fall and preschool class visits in the spring. In the space below, please list any childcare center or preschool with whom you have worked in the past or with whom you would like to work (may be near your school or feed into your population). Include any preschool classes (Title I, Special Programs) at your school. Consider contacting the director at these schools/centers and encouraging them to complete a Childcare & Preschool Application. Applications can be found at http://projectenlightenment.wcpss.net/.

Full Name of
Childcare Center / Preschool / Address / We have worked with this school/center in the past
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No

Transition Program Activity Options:

After reviewing the activity information below, indicate which transition activities your school would like to participate in and complete the information needed.

Parent and Child Orientation at the Elementary School

Children who are registered to attend the elementary school in the 2008-09 school year and their parents are invited to attend an orientation at the elementary school. Activities for parents and children are planned and presented by the elementary school staff, with assistance from Transition to Kindergarten Program staff. Each child receives a readiness tote bag to take home. The bag contains items such as playdoh, crayons, scissors, glue, pencil, trade book, book of readiness activities, and an All About Me document.

Ø  This activity must take place after the magnet school acceptance deadline (late April).

Ø  Readiness Bags will be provided for children attending your orientation, based on the average enrollment numbers listed in section 1 of this application. Attendance at session 3 (a, b, or c) is necessary for your school to receive readiness bags. Please refer to the workshop registration form at the end of the application packet.

Ø  Check your school’s master calendar for conflicts prior to choosing your date.

Ø  Evaluation (sign in forms and survey) will be required.

Date of Orientation:
Time of Orientation:

(This section must be completed to be considered for funding.)

Home Visits

Kindergarten teachers and other elementary school staff take professional leave to be able to visit the home of children registered to attend their elementary school in the 2008-09 school year who were not able to attend the Parent and Child Orientation at your school or who may have issues making the transition into kindergarten.

Ø  This activity must take place after your Parent and Child Orientation.

Ø  Up to 4 full days of substitutes per school may be taken to complete visits. School staff should plan to make visits in pairs.

Ø  Evaluation (sign in forms and survey) will be required.

Staff Member Name / Position / Date(s) for Home Visits / Is a substitute needed?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No

Transition to Kindergarten Workshop Series

Participating staff may attend part or all of a series of workshops offered on issues involved in the transition to kindergarten. The workshops will be held at Project Enlightenment. Free classroom materials are included at each session and renewal credit through E Schools will be given.

Ø  Substitutes are not provided, with the exception of the final session, The Power of K: a Lunch and Learn. A maximum of 2 substitutes per school can be requested for the final session.

Ø  Workshop session 3 (a, b, or c) is REQUIRED in order to receive readiness bags. Plan to send a minimum of 2 staff members.

Ø  A registration form for the workshop series is at the end of this application. Make copies as needed. These registration forms must be included with your application.

Summer Transition Program

Children with little or no preschool experience have the opportunity to participate in a week of transition and readiness activities in a kindergarten classroom setting, receiving materials to use throughout the summer. Summer transition programs are structured similarly to a summer camp and are offered from 8:15-12:15 daily during the week of June 16-20, 2008. Classrooms have 14 children each with 2 WCPSS employees as teachers (stipends for camp staff are $500 per teacher). All lesson plans and materials, including daily snack and many take home materials for campers are provided through the program.

Ø  Schools may request 1,2 or 3 summer program classrooms

Ø  Planning meeting is Wednesday, January 16th, 4:30-5:30 at Project Enlightenment

Ø  Mandatory training for all summer program staff is Thursday, May 29th 12:30-4:00pm. ½ day substitutes will be provided.

School staff members who will work at the summer transition program: / Name / Position at your school
Classroom 1
Classroom 2
Classroom 3

Teacher Visits to Preschool

Elementary school staff visit area preschool and childcare classrooms to tour and observe classroom routines and expectations. Visits take place in April/ May with limited substitutes available.

Ø  Centers/schools to be visited will be determined at a later date

Ø  Teachers will be expected to visit 2-3 centers/schools per half day of leave

Ø  Maximum of 2 teachers per elementary school

Staff Member Name / Date(s) for Teacher Visits / Substitute Needed?

Required Activities:

In order to participate in the Transition to Kindergarten Program, elementary schools are required to host preschooler teacher visits and preschool class visits. Please complete the information below to indicate when you are able to host these activities.

Preschool Teacher Visits to Kindergarten

During the month of November, preschool teachers are invited to visit an elementary school without their class. Teachers are able to tour the school, observe kindergarten classrooms in action, and speak to kindergarten teacher about beginning of school expectations and routines.

Ø  List two days, November 8th-30th to host childcare or preschool teachers (visit of approx. 1 ½ hours). If possible, Transition Program staff will be present to facilitate the visit.

Ø  Evaluation (sign in forms and survey) will be required.

Elementary School contact person for preschooler visits:


Phone / Email:

Visit One (Nov. 8 – 30th) / Visit Two (November 8th-30th)
Date of Preschool Teacher Visit:
Time of Preschool Teacher Visit:

Preschooler Visits to Kindergarten

Preschoolers who are eligible for kindergarten in the 2008-09 school year visit kindergarten classrooms with their preschool teachers. Preschoolers will be given the opportunity to interact with kindergartners in their classroom during the visit. Visits may also include playground time and a tour of the school.

Ø  Visits should take place in late April or May, for approx. 1 ½ hour each.

Ø  List two possible dates for each kindergarten class at your school.

The total number of kindergarten classes at our school this year is:

Kindergarten Teacher Name / Visit One / Visit Two
Time: / Date:
Time: / Date:
Time: / Date:
Time: / Date:
Time: / Date:
Time: / Date:
Time: / Date:

I support the efforts of my staff in submitting an application to participate in the Transition to Kindergarten Program through Project Enlightenment.


Name of Principal


Signature of School Principal

Transition to Kindergarten Workshop Series

2007-08 Registration Form

Project Enlightenment • 501 S. Boylan Avenue • Raleigh, NC • 919-856-7774

Session 1: Off to School: Kindergarten in Wake County

What options do families have for kindergarten in Wake County? What requirements are there for entering school? This workshop will share the latest information – the “what”, “why” and “how” of entering kindergarten in Wake County.

Wednesday January 9th 2008, 4:30-6:00pm, room 302 at Project Enlightenment

Session 2: Off to School: Making the Transition

Starting kindergarten is a milestone in a child’s life! Come explore how you help children and their families make a smooth transition into kindergarten and get off to a good start.

Thursday, February 7th 2008, 4:30-6:00pm, room 311 at Project Enlightenment

Session 3a: Off to School: Readiness Bags for Preschoolers

Delve into the materials in our readiness bags, then put yours together to take back to your school or center.

Wednesday, March 19th 2008, 4:30-6:00, room 311 at Project Enlightenment

Session 3b: Off to School: Readiness Bags for Preschoolers (repeat session)

Thursday, March 20th 2008, 9:30-11:00am, room 311 at Project Enlightenment

Session 3c: Off to School: Readiness Bags for Preschoolers (repeat session)

Thursday, March 20th 2008, 1:00-2:30pm, room 311 at Project Enlightenment

Session 4: The Power of K: Lunch and Learn

Join us for lunch as we discuss the “Power of K”. What should be happening in kindergarten? What should it look like? What role do preschool teachers play in the Power of K? Catered lunch provided.

Thursday, April 24th 2008, 12:00-2:00pm, room 302 at Project Enlightenment

Personal Information:

Last name First name


City State Zip

Phone (home) (work)


School Information:

School or Center name


No. of children in class Ages

I wish to register for: (choose as many as you like)

Session 1 Session 3a Session 3c

Session 2 Session 3b Session 4

Check all types of credit you wish to receive:

eSchools Credit (all WCPSS employees – note that you must also register online at http://ero.eschoolsolutions.com to receive Credit)

Teacher Renewal Credit ** My NC teaching certificate expires in ______.

Staff Development Credit

Child Care/CDA Credit

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