FY 2017-2018
Please check one: [ ] Multidisciplinary Grant [ ] Catalyst Grant
Please read the instructions before completing this application. Application is due on or before 5 p.m. on Friday, November 10, 2017. Late applications will not be accepted. Please submit the complete application packet by email to Jeannie Garmon, Research Coordinator, at .
Last Name First Name
Department School
Campus Phone E-mail
Date of first appointment at Rutgers Present Title
Highest earned academic degree (Ph.D., M.S., etc.): Discipline
Year Institution
Project Title (Eight or fewer words):
Amount Requested: $ (Maximum amounts: $15,000 for Multidisciplinary; $5000 for Catalyst)
Start Date 1/1/2018 End Date (Duration: 1-2 years)
1. Will this project involve human subjects? No_____ Yes_____
If yes, the project cannot be initiated without prior approve from the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research (
2. Will this project involve live vertebrate animals? No_____ Yes_____
If yes, the project cannot be initiated without prior approval from the Animal Care and Facilities Committee (
3. Will this project involve human embryonic stem cells? No_____ Yes_____
If yes, find the application information at
1. List all requests to fund this project submitted to sources outside as well as within the University including the Research Council Grants Program. Please provide:
Source When Submitted Amount Requested Outcome
2. List all current internally supported projects that differ from this project. Please provide:
Title Source Amount Duration
3. List all current externally supported projects that differ from this project. Please provide:
Title Source Amount Duration
4. If necessary, explain why you have no external support.
State in a sentence the primary objective of your project:
Using not more than three (3) continuation pages for a Catalyst Grant or four (4) for a Multidisciplinary Grant, give a full but concise description of your project that addresses the following:
· Project goals and objectives
· For a Catalyst Grant proposed by a senior faculty member, justification that the project is a new initiative and not an extension of previous work
· For a Multidisciplinary Grant, description of the collaborative nature of the project among the investigators from different departments or schools
· Background work already accomplished
· Rationale
· Experimental design and methods
· Importance of the project to the field and its broader impact
· Plans for continuing the project beyond the project period and for securing extramural funding
· Plans for disseminating the outcomes of the project
Provide a list of references cited in your project description.
Using a continuation page, provide a budget for your project according to the following categories:
· Equipment: list each item, with cost, and attach a letter from your chairperson or director stating that the equipment is not available for use in the project. Note: The grant cannot be used to purchase personal computers, smartphones, tablets, or other types of general office equipment and supplies, or computer time.
· Travel: describe the purpose and duration of each trip. Note: The grant cannot be used for travel to meetings of travel to meetings of learned or professional societies, except for travel to conferences to present the results of research funded by this grant.
· Research assistant and participant costs: provide a justification of need, including the number of hours and cost per hour.
· Photocopying.
· Project-specific supplies: specify in detail and justify need.
· Other: specify in detail and justify need. Note: The grant cannot be used for purchase of books or journals for a personal library, subventions for the publication of books, manuscripts, or articles, applicants’ salary (including summer) or salary increments.
Provide abbreviated curriculum vitae of the principal investigator and co-principal investigators involved in the project (two-page maximum for each).
I am a full-time faculty member of Rutgers University–Camden. If this is a Multidisciplinary Grant, as the lead PI, I also certify that I am a tenured or tenure-track faculty member. If awarded a grant, I agree to report to the Associate Provost for Research any changes in my plans and the results of my work.
Signature Date