The Illini Lodge Winter Banquet will have spirited fellowship for all in attendance for the annual recognition program. Along with the tasty steaks and fabulous rolls, Illini Lodge will have honors, prizes and awards for Arrowmen of all sizes. Plan now to be at the Beef House on Saturday, Jan. 47th, 2014for a very special afternoon. Dinner is served at noon IL time, withPre-Banquet Brotherhoodstarting at 11:00 AM CST.
Brotherhood Social Hour
Join the festivities at the PBH of B for your chance to WIN! During the Pre-Banquet Hour of Brotherhood at the Beef House on January 4, committee booths of all lodge committees show off their talents and service with colorful displays. Many of the tables have awards or treats for participating arrowmen to enjoy! All dues paying lodge members will be entered into a drawing for Fabulous Prize Giveaways! The fun starts at 11:00 am Illinois time at the house of beef!
2014 Lodge Plan Book
The 2014 edition of the Illini Lodge Plan Book is distributed to lodge members at the Winter Banquet each year. This guide to the local organization of the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service is a great resource for all arrowmen to be familiar with their involvement with the Order of the Arrow. The plan book details the history of the lodge, the goals for the year, and the people involved with the various segments of lodge administration. Get with the plan!
New Officer Inductions
The top leadership for Illini Lodge will be inducted at the Winter Banquet. Join the festive atmosphere of the New Year and provide your support for these new directors of the lodge. Congratulations to this new leadership team of the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service and best wishes for the upcoming year.
Table Trophy for Top Troop
Illini Lodge #55 is hosting a friendly competition between troops attending the 2014 Winter Banquet. As promotional encouragement for as many arrowmen and their guests to attend the annual new year’s feast, a fabulous Table Top Trophy will be presented as a part of the opening ceremony for the 2014 Winter Banquet at the Beef House in Covington, IN on January 4th, 2014. The troop with the top total number of arrowmen and their guests with paid registration by noon on Friday, January 3rd, 2014 will be recognized for their Cheerful Spirit with a glamorous traveling treasure to display at their meeting place for the upcoming year. Remember to promote Illini Lodge’s most enjoyable banquet ever conducted to your troop members.