EDITOR: Bill Anthony –
WEB SITE: Gary Sullivan - www.lexvanewcomers.org
Vol. 22 Issue 5 – February 2014
Dear Newcomers,
It was a cozy gathering this morning, with the Northern and steep driveway residents evidently opting out of our February meeting. That’s okay! Those of us who were able to make it enjoyed our time together and look forward to a non-icy, non-snowy March-or possibly April. I enjoyed hearing of upcoming trips to Alaska, Greece, California, Italy, and Florida and will be happy to share with you all the details of my upcoming trip to: FAIRFAX, VA!
This morning Jan made a critical observation that could have escaped my attention for years: we were out of coffee! At first I didn’t understand, but when I compared that to the possibility of running low on diet Coke, I realized just how serious this was. Laurie in the office downstairs was equally horrified, and wants everyone to know that if this happens again, please let her know and she will rush to replenish any pot that is empty.
We were chatting today over the ever-popular topic of movies, and Jim wondered if any of us might be interested in forming an informal movie group. We could meet at a theater or someone’s house, to be followed by dinner or drinks. Enjoying movies is something that many of us have in common, so please let me know if any of you might be interested in Jim’s idea or have suggestions of your own. (Stating the obvious here: please don’t ask me to be chair?)
I’m grateful to have no animal injuries or crises to report this month-and presume husband Mike is also fine. (I spend so much time fretting over the horse, mule, dogs, and daughter, I sometimes forget to also notice Mike?) It was good to welcome one of my former school parents, Mary Ann Taylor, today. Mary Ann and husband Parks heard about Newcomers from their neighbor, Sally Nunneley. As spring approaches someday, why don’t each of us consider introducing a new neighbor or acquaintance to Newcomers? Even though our membership remains strong, it’s always fun to welcome and get to know our new members.
As I conclude this message, the SUN is out! Happy February!
Membership Report
Report Coming in March
It is time for another New Members Coffee!
The Hospitality Committee will be hosting a gathering at the home of Rosanne Kaplan, 3983 N Lee Hwy, Fairfield, on Sunday February 16, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. All new members are invited. This is a casual and friendly Sunday afternoon gathering in which we invite the new members to meet and greet each other, as well as some of the long standing Newcomers members.
We have seven long standing members who have volunteered to join us for light refreshments and a time to meet and greet one another. Please let me know if you are free to attend.
Thank you,
Diana Hopkins
348- 6946 or
Chamber of Commerce Opportunities
Our Newcomers Club has a membership in the Chamber of Commerce serving Lexington, Buena Vista, and Rockbridge County. As such, all of our members can share in the opportunities and benefits that the Chamber offers.
One of these membership opportunities is a Chamber Benefits Card program. This card offers discounts, incentives and/or service at over 100 participating local businesses. We may also participate in many of the Chamber’s educational forums, seminars and workshops. There are also networking opportunities at Business After Hours and other Chamber events.
If you were not at Tuesday’s meeting, but would like to receive your Chamber Benefits Card and/or be included on the Chamber’s e-mailing list, please contact Jan Lowry at or phone her at 464-1073.
VMI’s Acapella Group
Date and Time to be determined
540-461-0623 or
Treasurers Report
1/01/14 –1/31/14
Submitted by Peg Leinbach
Membership Dues $ 25.00
TOTAL $3,383.13
Rent $ 60.00
Please send me an e-mail (), if you know of a member who is recovering from surgery or just needs a note of support.
Barbara Risser
Corresponding Secretary
Don't forget to send your activity photos to Gary Sullivan for the on-linephoto album.
Interest group participants must be members of Newcomers. To join an interest group, call or email the contact person.
Dining Out
The 'Dining Out Group' includes members who enjoy dining out at local restaurants with fellow members of Newcomers. We dine out three times a year in October, January and March.
Members of the Dining Out group are expected to host a lunch or dinner during the year. Guidelines will be provided as to what you need to do. Dining-Out members will be emailed a list of the restaurants with the times and dates of each event along with a website, if available, and need to email Dorothy Coker a prioritized list of several venues they wish to attend. As each venue accommodates 6 to 8 people, assignments will be determined based on a first come/first serve response. Members are notified by email. Photos taken at the event can be emailed for publication in newsletter or website.
If you wish to join the group or have any questions, please email Dorothy Coker r phone her at540-348-6248.
Fine Dining Group
Fine Dining (or Dining In) is starting our winter (Feb/March) rotation. Currently we're "full" with 16 couples participating, but if you'd like to be on the list as a possible substitute, please contact Grace Simcoe
Wine Tasting Group
The Wine Tasting Group meets three times a year (March-April, June-July, and October-November) to taste wines. The group tastes a selection of six wines each time. The tastings are blind. They are usually, but not always, based on a single grape or region (e.g., Zinfandel, Chardonnay, Chianti).
The wine tasting group is getting ready for its tastings in March and April. It will be Pinot Gris and Pinot Grigio. We are now looking for hosts and tasters for this tasting. If you would like to join the wine tasting group, send email to Jim Slack at .
Couples Bridge #2
Couples Bridge #2 welcomes substitutes. For more information contact Cathy Broach at (540) 261-3141. Next meeting is March 4at Nancy and Ron Patrick's.
Barbara’s Bridge Buddies
Meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Lexington Country Club. Lunch at Noon; Bridge at 1:00.
Contact person - Ellen Charske 463-7971.
Canasta meets the fourth Tuesday of each month. Anyone interested in joining or being a sub, please contact Cynthia Tucker, 540-463-3344, or .
Fourth Thursday Book Club
Will meet February 27, 1 pm at Diana Hopkins' to discussThe Altarpieceby local writer, Sarah Kennedy.
Fourth Thursday II Book Club
The purpose of this book club is to read and enjoy literature. We usually meet at each other’s homes. Our January meeting was held at Ron Patrick’s home to discuss Ironweed by William Kennedy. Mike Quarles facilitated. All in attendance felt the book was worthy of the Pulitzer Prize.
Our February book is Skeletons at the Feast: A Novel by Chris Bohjalian. One of our members lived near Bohjalian in Vermont and had some stories to share. He is a prolific writer and has penned many best sellers (17 books, including nine New York Times bestsellers).
The story takes place inJanuary 1945, in the waning months of World War II. It tells of a small group of people and their attempt to walk west, from Warsaw to the Rhine River, to reach the British and American lines.
Yoga Group
The Newcomers' Yoga group meets weekly on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 in the Fitness Center at Kendall. The Center is down the hill and behind the main building, but we are requested to park our cars in the guest parking lot, anywhere on the circle.
Our class is appropriate to all levels, and individual needs are addressed with modifications. Bring your mat, wear some comfy clothes, and join us for an hour of gentle stretching, conditioning and strengthening in a union of mind, body and spirit.
Please call Helen Moore at 850-240-5619 if you have any questions.
December HikingGroup Soup Party
Hiking Group
The Newcomers Hiking Group hikes everyFridayweather permitting. If you would like to be on the email list just email Don Brooke, , or Debbie Maurer, .
11 Yoga
11 Barbara’s Bridge Buddies
14 Hiking Group
16 New Members Coffee
18 Yoga
21 Hiking Group
25 Yoga
25 Canasta
27 4th Thursday Book Club
27 4th Thursday II Book Club
28 Hiking Group
4 Yoga
4 Couples Bridge #2
7 Hiking Group
11 Yoga
11 Barbara’s Bridge Buddies
14 Hiking Group
18 Yoga
21 Hiking Group
25 Yoga
25 Canasta
27 4th Thursday Book Club
27 4th Thursday II Book Club
28 Hiking Group