MARCH 2005
Surrey, Sussex and Kent ‘Keeping Track’
Welcome to the March issue of Keeping Track. This newsletter hopes to bring you up to speed with some of the athletics development initiatives and activities happening in the South East region.
This issue of Keeping Track is somewhat dominated by awards which seems fitting in light of the recent conferring of the title of ‘Dame’ on the Tonbridge, Kent & South East golden girl Dame Kelly Holmes.
Awards being recognised in this issue include the UKA Club Awards, Clubmark and SPAR Sprints Athlete of the year.
However, so much of the work done in athletics within the region goes unrewarded, but not unnoticed. Indoor competition has been provided for Track & Field athletes at Sutton, Horsham & Ashford and throughout the region coaches and athletes are working hard together in anticipation of the new summer season.
Foster Report
Jack Buckner and Peter Radcliffe visited Crawley on February 9th to update us and consult on the progress of the Foster Report. 51 people from the whole region attended.
The two speakers informed us that England Athletics is in the process of being formed with April 2006 as the proposed start date. The process of appointing of a Chief Executive Officer will start in April. THE CEO of England Athletics will head a streamline organisation including a finance Officer and an Administrator at HQ.
England will be run at local level in nine regions (which correspond to the Sport England areas). Each region will have democratically elected Regional Council. A professional Regional Manager in each region will be responsible for the coaching and development staff, which each region requires. In the new seven county strong South East region we would be resourced according to our needs.
In subsequent discussion the points made suggested that competition and coaching should be of paramount importance in all future plans.
We were guaranteed regular updates of progress and a return visit later in the year.
Could you do with extra help in running your club?
A source of help is at hand through the Step into Sport Programme.
With the advent of specialist status schools, particularly those specialising in sport – (Specialist Sports Colleges) an increasing number of courses are run which train young people to help, coach, officiate and work in sport.
These young people can be contacted and invited into your club to help - (and for them to gain valuable experience).
They could help in any number of ways – taking registers, assisting coaches, helping to manage teams, writing articles or making contacts with the local press or even assisting in the Clubmark process.
If you would like help from these young and, and can provide them with an excellent experience of what it is like to be part of an athletics club, please contact
SussexEmma Forward01273
SurreyHenry Curwen0777 339
KentSheena Pitchford01622
Volunteering England is another source of potential volunteers. To find out more contact
Ligia Kasasin07921
UKA Club Awards
Congratulations to the Regional Award winners of the 2004 UK Athletics Club Awards. Below are excerpts from the comments made by those nominating the winners.
Club of the Year
Club InnovationBurgess Hill Runners
“Dave Chalk through his many hundreds of hours setting up and maintaining the website has created one of the best club websites in Sussex. It has proved particularly helpful in recruiting new members”
Off Track (road, fell & XC)Crowborough Runners
“The club organised the only Sport Relief event in the district attracting nearly 200 runners, principally children, raising £6000 in sponsorship and encouraging more people to start running”
Volunteer of the Year
Club OfficerSue MayHorsham Blue Star Harriers
“Sue is prepared to fill in as a competitor – hammer to 3000m. She manages the Men’s Team, the Sportshall Teams, is social Secretary, writes the club newsletter, and provides refreshments. In short she is a tireless and effective contributor to the club and county”
Sue was awarded Sussex Sports Partnership Volunteer of the Year 2004 in November of last year.
Club VolunteerJonathan NeevesMedway & Maidstone AC
“Jon is one of the club stalwarts, from Chief Tea maker at every training night and home meeting to club handyman repairing equipment and making spikes from tent pegs. If anything needs fixing he will find a way”
Strategic LeaderPeter MastersLewes AC
“Since forming Lewes AC in 1984 Peter continues to give 100% commitment to the raising of standards in the athletics of both Lewes & Sussex. He masterminded the successful lottery bid for the Lewes all weather track and is chair of the Sussex Athletics Development Group. With clarity of thought he gives strategic guidance, enabling and energising members to drive new initiatives forward always determined to find a way through bureaucracy. He is also developing ‘Active Lewes’ - a multi sports hub sharing resources with other sports, which include plans for an indoor athletics facility.”
Official of the Year
Services to OfficiatingKen BestHorsham Blue Star Harriers
“On recently turning 80 Ken profusely apologised that his celebrations would prevent him from attending a club meeting to act as Track Judge… He is very good humoured, universally respected and very encouraging to younger officials”
Off Track OfficialJohn LuxfordHorsham Blue Star Harriers
“John epitomises all that athletics is about. For 60 years from respected athlete to respected coach John has attended 42 Inter-county Cross Country Championships as athlete, coach and Team Manager”
Club Coaches
Performance Coach of the Year Dave LeachLewes AC
“Through Dave’s inspired motivation and determination to raise the level of cross country at Lewes, the Young Athletes have made amazing progress winning overall Junior Club at the Sussex County Champs this year. From 8 athletes in 2002 his group is now 35 strong. Dave has engaged the help of parents whilst taking every opportunity himself to update and increase his coaching knowledge by attending courses and seminars.”
Development Coach of the Year Mick ColeHorsham Blue Star Harriers
“Still competing himself as a pole vaulter Mick is an extremely active coach prepared to travel as a `Flying Coach’ around the county whilst still devoting himself to Horsham athletes. As Schools Liaison Officer he has launched many schoolchildren on an athletics career and traces their progress throughout their competitive years”
Emerging Coach of the YearZoe McKinnonHorsham Blue Star Harriers
“As a former Junior International Hurdler she is now coaching and is committed to seeing that her athletes get the best possible chance to compete. She works by persuasion and encouragement and I can see her achieving as much in coaching as she did as an athlete”
Services to CoachingAlan ChampionDartford Harriers AC
“Alan coaches 6 days per week supporting the athletes he coaches in success and failure. His personal charisma and enthusiasm inspires others. He manages to impart the discipline needed whilst keeping the cooperation and friendship of the athletes. He believes in a holistic approach to coaching and has been very successful in encouraging social bonding, ensuring that group members also support each other”
Partnership of the Year
Athletic PartnershipPeter MasonTonbridge AC
Diane Bradley
Martin Hookway
“Formed a coaching partnership 3 years ago and now have 50 athletes. Make training fun and as a result have hardly ‘lost’ any athletes. Compile a photograph library and CD for parents and website. Communicate by e mail with athletes and parents regarding competition. Produce a group newsletter, write press reports, encourage parents to help. Arranged a trip to Belgium, organised kit, supplied group members with t-shirt and arranged medals and awards for Team effort. Under 13 boys 2nd in English National XC Champs & 3rd Southern Road Relays. Encourage other senior athletes to get involved in coaching – are obsessed and fanatical! “
CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners and thanks go to those who kindly took the time to nominate them.
Each of the Regional Winners will be awarded their trophy, bursary and clubs:future fleece at their own club awards event. Each winner will be a nominee for the National Club Awards, which will be announced and presented at the UKA Club Awards Dinner in Birmingham on April 9th.
CONGRATULATIONS to Mike Davies of Blackheath & Bromley AC for receiving this national award. Mike is a well-known Kent coach, official, administrator and until recently a KentCountyAA and Development Committee and former County Development Officer.
Mike’s success with his “ conveyer belt of quality hammer throwers at Blackheath & Bromley AC !” has been deservedly recognised by this award.
UK Athletics Annual Congress 2005
Weekend of 9-10th April 2005Venue: NEC, Birmingham
*UK Athletics will be hosting the following over the weekend:
*Club Conference - Saturday
*2nd UKA Officials Conference - Saturday (open to all grades of Officials)
*UKA Awards Dinner on Saturday evening
*UKA Congress - Sunday
For more details Tel: 0870 9986700W:
Coaches Corner
Coach Forums
Kent Coach Forum
April tbc – RochesterAirport,Contact Gordon Tomkins
Surrey Coach Forum
Friday April 8th – Leatherhead, 7.30pmContact Sarah-Jane Sykes 01483 518963
Speaker: Margo Wells: What Makes the Difference? – Achieving Maximum Fitness
Sussex Coach Forum
Friday April 15th – Broadfield Stadium Crawley, 7pm, Contact Chris Marsden 01273 644149
Speaker: Mick Jones: From International Athlete to Coach - A Coaching Perspective
CRB checking of coaches - a letter and information pack is going out to all clubs to inform them about the process of CRB checking of every coach. The process of CRB checking will start in April.
Renewal of CoachPass and Licence - All coaches will receive a coaching newsletter explaining the process of renewal as well as information about CRB checking.
If you have queries regarding renewal points please contact the RDC or PADO’s.
Coaching Clinics in the South East
Date / Event / Venue / Coach / Time / Contact12th March / Sprints & Hurdles / Sutton / Judy Vernon / 9.30am-12 noon / Bruce Judd
01483 273069
March tbc / Pole Vault / Tbc / Maureen Jones / Bruce Judd
01483 273069
10th April / Endurance Running / Lewes / Martin Bilham / 9.30 –11.30am / Chris Marsden
01273 644149
17th April / Pole Vault / Lewes / Mick Cole / 10am- 4pm / Chris Marsden
01273 644149
5th May / Coaching the Young Athlete / Horsham / Sonia & Chris McGeorge / 5pm -6.30pm / Chris Marsden
01273 644149
April / May tbc / Middle Distance / Kent / Dave Arnold / tbc / Gordon Tomkins
0208 301 1795
April / May tbc / High Jump / Kent / Simon Tolson / tbc / Gordon Tomkins
0208 301 1795
Sussex Officials Forum
The third Sussex Officials Forum will take place on Friday April 22nd at Broadfield Stadium Crawley.
To attend this forum contact Michael Carrington 01403 260556
Regional Officials Masterclass – Pole Vault
In conjunction with the Coaches Pole Vault Clinic at Lewes on April 17th there will be a Masterclass on officiating the Pole Vault.
The masterclass will cover both practical and theoretical aspects of Pole Vaulting.
Please contact Michael Carrington (as above).
Practical Timekeepers Test in Surrey - March
For details please contact Surrey Officials Secretary Patricia & Michael Cole 01372 458650 email
Are you aWELL-RUN CLUB? Many, if not most clubs in the southeast region are.
Do you have a Welfare/ Child Protection Officer? – It may be a recent appointment, but chances are you do.
Do you offer the junior members in your club suitable competition? Well, that is one of the reasons for training, isn’t it?
Is there someone in the club who knows how to carry out a risk assessment of the training area to ensure that safety is adhered to?
Providing evidence to satisfy the sort of requirements above is what Clubmark asks a club to do.
Clubmark focuses on the areas of
Child Welfare, Coaching & Competition,Sport Equity & EthicsClub Management
Why Do it?
Clubmark is a nationally recognised seal of approval which increasingly will be recognised by parents, prospective club members and particularly by Funding Bodies and agencies offering support e.g. Local Authorities & County Sports Partnerships
Support available -The Clubmark folder comes with resources and templates that help you formalise and give evidence that you are satisfying the criteria.
A Resource Pack with all the information you require can be downloaded from
The CountyAthletics Development Officer (PADO) will guarantee you four visits plus any number of telephone calls to assist you in the process
The Partnerships have dedicated Clubmark assistants to help you through any generic areas like First Aid.
The RDC will assist and help you to publicise the achievement to the relevant partners.
FootnoteI attended a meeting last week to compare notes, learn from and communicate with representatives of other governing bodies (NGB’s). Amongst them were netball, angling, volleyball, canoeing, squash and rounders as well as football, tennis and cricket. All sports are at different stages of development in terms of paid staff, coaching structures, competition etc. However I was struck by how advanced many of the “smaller” sports are with their development initiatives, including, not least, Clubmark.
It emphasised to me how we can’t afford to be slow off the mark. Those coming into the sport learn quickly what to expect and I imagine that in the not so distant future Clubmark will be a necessary requirement of all clubs.
CONGRATULATIONS to the two clubs who have recently completed the Clubmark process
What those involved had to say ………
Roger Wickham Worthing & District Harriers AC
“We found that before we started Clubmark we already were doing about 60% of what was required, however Clubmark was a useful process for the club to go through as it helped us revisit areas of activity that needed a little attention. We found it a helpful top-up exercise satisfying ourselves that we are now running the club in a manner entirely up to date”
Dr Mark W Gilman Invicta East Kent AC
“Invicta East Kent AC recognised the fact that voluntary organisations such as ourselves can no longer run on an unplanned ad hoc basis. Athletics clubs are now also expected to interact with local communities, especially local schools, on a regular basis. This means that we need to function, like any other service provider, in a professional manner. The clubmark allowed us to be able to focus our efforts on designing the policies and procedures required for meeting our long term developmental needs whilst interacting with local communities.For ourclub Clubmark is the beginning and not the end. We are now striving to achieve ever greater standards for all of our members, coaches andofficials and the wider community who provide us with our athletes of the future. Having said this it is important that you really want to make these changes as there will be plenty of individuals who see it as an unnecessary burden on already over burdened resources. Don't let them fool you! Once the structures are in place they make for a much smoother running club “.
SquadsSSK Squad –
The 52 athletes who attended the November Squad, plus any other Grade 1 or Grade 2 athletes have been invited to an event specific day on March 19th at Sutton.
SussexCounty Squad – Sussex have nominated County Event Group coaches in 10 disciplines. County standard athletes Grade 3 &4 will be invited to Event Group Squad sessions over the next 12 months.
For more information contact Sussex Coach Martin Bilham 0793 996 8818
Surrey Schools Squad – The Surrey Schools Event Specific days have been cancelled this year. The Endurance Squad met at OxtedSchool in November and received a varied programme of training and lectures organised by Jeff Manson.
KentCounty Event Groups – The Event Groups have met throughout the winter months and each group has benefited from a small grant to facilitate their activities.
Steeplechase Development Day
20th March 2005
Julie Rose Stadium, Ashford, Kent
Organised by Stella Bandu UKA National Steeplechase Coordinator &Level 3 S/Chase coach & Chris Newman Level 4 S/chase Coach
The day is intended for younger Steeplechasers who have already done the event and for those who are considering doing the event this coming season. Don’t leave it till the day of the race to learn how to tackle the water jump as, you may find yourself wondering why you stop in the water whilst others just keep running. It is also a day for female athletes to learn the event, which is fast becoming a Championship event.
This day is free of charge to athletes and coaches will be able to get a renewal point.
Please advise Chris Newman either by post; 14 Brompton Hill Chatham ME4 4XG or
Email to
SPAR Sprints Initiative
The Sprints Squad has met three times this winter headed by Lead Coach Sue Hoope and Sue Keen.
SPAR Sprints Athlete of the Year has been awarded to Liam Richman
Liam is one of the top sprinters in Sussex competing for Crawley AC.
He was invited to join the South East Spar Sprint Squad along with other top sprinters in the U17 and U20 age group.
We have held 3 squad days so far at Ashford, Sutton and Horsham. We have covered athlete profiling, speed tests, videoing (Dartfish), strength and conditioning, core stability, technique, drills and Sports Massage.
Liam was enthusiastic from the start and has attended all 3 days along with his coach Andy Pitcairn and also supported by his father.
He and his coach are always looking for new ideas and take on board advice on footwear, diet, drills, style and injury prevention.
We always get good feedback from both athlete and coach.
Liam is also now putting something back into the sport by getting involved with the Sussex Sports Partnership coaching younger athletes.
Liam has entered the U20 AAA Indoor Champs for the first time this year and is looking forward to the challenge and overall experience. (By Sue Keen)