Reference No.:AID-15-23

Position/SalaryRange:Education Program Advisor; FP-4

Open To:U.S. Eligible Family Members only– All agencies

Location:USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo

Kinshasa, DRC

Opening:August 7, 2015

Closing:August 28, 2015

WorkHours:Full-Time; 40 hours/week

USAID/Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC),an equal opportunityemployer, seeks applicants for the above position.

Completion of Bachelor’s degree in education, international development, and/or a related field and a fluency in English and a level FSI 2/2 or equivalent level in French and demonstrated willingness to become proficient arerequirements for this position.

Basic Function of Position:

The incumbent serves as the Education Program Advisor under the direct supervision of the Education Office Director, with management, monitoring, and reporting responsibility for a portion of USAID education programs that aim to improve access to quality education in DRC. S/he helps to guide USAID/DRC’s participation and technical contributions to the education sector. S/he manages USG programs and coordinates policy development and implementation of new sector strategies with the Government of DRC, key donors, other USG Agencies and civil society. The Education Program Advisor will serve as a technical advisor on USAID/DRC’s Education team, with direct management responsibility for at least one of the education programs that aim to “Improve Access to Quality Basic Education.”

Major Duties and Responsibilities:

Project Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (45%):

The Education Advisor will be part of the team responsible for the education program known as “All Children Learning,” a $130 million contract. This and other projects cover six provinces in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). After adequate training s/he will serve as Activity Manager (AM), responsible for managing at least one All Children Learning activity.

The incumbent will contribute to all management priorities of USAID/DRC’s Education Team and program. S/he will serve as the point of contact for the All Children Learning activities for which s/he is the COR/AM, maintain liaison and direct communications with the designated implementing partner, monitor the implementing partner’s performance, and verify that it conforms to the technical requirements and quality standards agreed to in the terms and conditions of the mechanism.

S/he will review and approve implementation plans, annual work plans, and monitoring and evaluation plans. S/he will hold regular monitoring meetings with the implementing partner technical staff to evaluate performance and provide timely technical guidance, conduct regular field visits and document in writing any deficiencies observed. In addition s/he will ensure collaboration with other donors working in the technical areas addressed by project(s) and that USAID programming reflects best practices in these areas, ensure that program reports and deliverables are received in a timely manner and monitor them for accuracy and completeness. S/he will provide information as required for production of USAID/DRC’s Annual Performance Report and Operating Plan to Washington. S/he will conduct analysis of reports and identify program, policy, and other implications for consideration by the Education Team and maintain COR files as required in the Contract Officer’s COR designation letter. S/he will also identify and produce program success stories and other means of outreach to U.S. and Congolese audiences.

The incumbent will reinforce opportunities for synergy among various programs and funding sources to improve the quality of programs and achieve better results. The incumbent carries out additional tasks, as assigned by the Deputy Team Leader that contribute to the attainment of the USAID Mission’s development objectives.

The incumbent will facilitate quality assurance processes particularly through monitoring and evaluation. Working with the Education Team, Program Office, and USAID/Washington and implementing partners, the incumbent contributes to the development and maintenance of the Education Office’s Performance Monitoring Evaluation Plan. This includes developing and updating an overall performance and impact evaluation strategy, developing scopes of work to engage evaluation experts, and conducting data quality assessments paying particular attention to tracking gender and environmental issues.

The Education Advisor will conduct quarterly site monitoring visits and program quality reviews to ascertain the veracity of indicators and targets set by implementing partners.

Advisory and Technical Services (25%):

Under the direct supervision of the Education Office Director, the Education Advisor will play a key role in shaping and expanding USAID’s Education program to meet the USG’s objectives through professional advice to the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader and associated stakeholders that informs the analysis, design and implementation of USAID/DRC’s education program. The following are priority areas of technical analysis for USAID’s education program: education sector policy reform, reading acquisition, early childhood education, girls’ education, teaching, curriculum development, community participation and development, education information and salary payment systems, equity in education, and building the capacity of local NGOs to support education.

Policy Dialogue with the MEPSP, NGOs, Civil Society and Donors (20%)

The incumbent will communicate USAID’s position to host government, other donors or UN organizations. S/he will also serve on EDU sub-sector donor coordination groups, such as groupe de qualité, grouped’accès, groupe de gouvernance, etc. To fully perform the policy dialogue function, the incumbent is required to establish strong working relationships with officials at both national and local government levels, representatives of bilateral and multi-lateral donors/institutions, NGOs, and members of civil society organizations. Within USAID, contacts should be established with the Front Office, Program Office, Regional Legal Advisor, Office of Procurement Support, Office of Financial Management, and all other teams as necessary.

Representation (5%):

The incumbent will, on an as needed basis, represent the EDU Team and USAID/DRC at meetings, conferences, seminars and other events.

Staff Development (5%):

The incumbent will engage in joint management of programs and activities, and play a backup role as a means to build the management capacity of team members. S/he will assist team members, particularly FSN staff, with relevant advice to identify training needs, as well as opportunities to build the capacity of Education Team staff.

Required Qualifications at the Full Performance Level:


Bachelor’s degree in education, international development, and/or a related field is preferred.

Prior Work Experience:

S/he must have at least three years of experience in the formal or non-formal education sectors. This experience and knowledge is essential in order to effectively manage USAID-funded projects and advise the Education Team and Deputy Team Leaders, Mission stakeholders, GDRC, and other donors on matters pertaining to the sector.

The incumbent will have at least three years of progressive responsibility at junior and middle levels in program/project management of education sector programs with a proven track record of key accomplishments in working with government or community institutions. Experience may include program management and evaluation as well as strategic planning and analysis in the context of a developing country. The position requires a combination of managerial, technical, and analytical, abilities combined with the demonstrated ability to manage resources, programs, and people.

Specific experience in any of the following areas is highly desired: education sector policy reform, reading, early childhood education, girls’ education, teaching, curriculum development, community participation and development, education information systems, equity in education, building the capacity of NGOs to support education, and/or project management.

Language Proficiency:

Must be fluent in English (i.e., FSI level 4/4) and have proven ability to communicate quickly, clearly and concisely both orally and in writing. The education advisor should also have a FSI 2/2 or equivalent level in French and demonstrated willingness to become proficient.


The Education Advisor should have knowledge of developing country education systems, preferably including sub-Saharan examples. The Education Advisor should have technical background in several of the following: education sector policy reform, early reading, early childhood education, girls’ education, French as a second language, teaching, curriculum development, community participation and development, education information systems, equity in education, building the capacity of NGOs to support education, and/or project management. Must also be proficient in word processing and be familiar with spreadsheet applications.S/he must know how to use the internet for research.

Evaluation Criteria andWeights:

  1. Education/Weighted 20% based on initial application review;
  2. English Language Skills/Weighted 15% based on application review, written assessment and interview;
  3. Prior Work Experience/Weighted 20% based on application review and interview;
  4. Knowledge/Weighted 25% based on written assessment and interview; and
  5. Skills and Abilities/Weighted 20% based on written assessment and interview.

How the selection will be made:

The successful candidatewill be selected based upon

  1. A preliminary review of the applicant's submitted package to establish that minimum educational and English writing fluency requirements are met.
  2. Tests to include an Englishwriting skills test,a Microsoft Office proficiency test that might includeany of the following:Word,Excel, PowerPoint; and any technical skill test that might be deemedappropriate.
  3. A personal ortelephone interview.
  4. Reference checks.

USAID/DRC’s Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) and Human Resources Section will performthe preliminary review (Step 1 above) toeliminate those applicationsthat do not meet the minimum educational and written Englishlanguage requirements.

The TEC will review eachofthe applications which meet the minimum qualifications against theestablished evaluation criteriato develop a shortlist of applicants tobetested and possiblyinterviewed.Applicants will be contacted for testing (Step 2) and interviews.Based on theresults ofthe tests, however, an applicant otherwise identifiedfor interviewcould bedroppedfrom the interviewlist.

Following the interview (Step 3) during which the applicant will beevaluated against theestablished criteria,the TEC will make apreliminary determinationof candidates to beconsidered for employment and forward thatlist to HR.HR will conduct and document thereference checks (Step 4)prior to advising theTEC of the results of these checks.Pleasenote that references maybe solicitedfrom current aswell asformer supervisors inadditiontothe referencesyouprovide in your application package.

References will onlybe solicited for those interviewed applicants who are being considered for ranking.

Based on this final input, the TEC will make its final decision on whichcandidates to rank order,prepare aSelection Memofor reviewand approvalbythe Contracting Officer, after which anofferof employment willbemadetothe successfulcandidate, and unsuccessful candidates whowere interviewedwillbe contacted andadvised oftheir non-selection.

As positive medical andsecurity clearances are a condition of employment, the selectedcandidatewillundergo stringent investigation prior to employment with USAID/DRC.

USAID/DRC reserves the right to hire an applicantwhodoes notmeet the required experience levelat a trainee level.However, an applicantwhodoes not meetthe minimum educationalrequirements cannot behiredat either a trainee orfull performance level.

To Apply:

ONLY applicantswho meet the minimum educational and fluency in English requirements as stated in the solicitation documentwill be considered.Interested applicantswhodonotmeet these requirementsare encouraged NOT toapplysincethese applicationswill not be considered.

A complete application package consists of the following:

1.Application for U.S. Federal Employment, DS-174 - Job Application Form.The form can be found in the US embassy website (

2.A cover letter demonstrating how prior experience and/or training address the minimum qualifications and selection criteria,

3.A current resume or curriculum vitae (CV), and

4.Names and contact numbers of three professional references.

Ensure that all communications (including yourCoverLetter) include the Announcement Reference Number (AID-15-23) andtheTitleofthePosition(s)forwhichyouare applying (Education Program Advisor).

Submit the complete application package via email, to

Failure to complywiththese instructionsmayresult inyour application being considered “nonresponsive”and eliminated from further consideration.

Pointof Contact:

Sandra Kiyanga:

Onlyshort-listed candidateswillbe acknowledged.


1. AEFM: A U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age, who is eligible for employment on a Family Member

Appointment (FMA) provided s/he:

-- Is listed on the travel orders of a Foreign or Civil Service or uniformed service member permanently assigned to or stationed at a US Foreign Service post or establishment abroad with a USG agency that is under COM authority.

-- Is resident at the sponsoring employee’s or uniform service member’s post of assignment abroad, approved safe haven abroad, or alternate safe haven abroad; and

-- Does not receive a USG annuity or pension based on a career in the US Civil, Foreign, or uniform services.

2. EFM: Family members at least age 18 listed on the travel orders of a Foreign or Civil Service or uniformed service member permanently assigned to or stationed to a US Foreign Service post or establishment abroad with a USG agency that is under COM authority who do not meet the definition of AEFM above.

3. Not-Ordinarily Resident (NOR): Typically NORs are US Citizen EFMs and EFMs of FS, GS, and uniformed service members who are eligible for employment under an American USG pay plan, on the travel orders and under Chief of Mission authority, or other personnel having diplomatic privileges and immunities.

4. Ordinarily Resident (OR): A citizen of the host country or a citizen of another country who has shifted the main residency focus to the host country and has the required work and/or residency permits for employment in country.

5. Member of Household (MOH): An individual who accompanies a direct-hire Foreign, Civil, or uniformed

service member permanently assigned or stationed at a U.S. Foreign Service post or establishment abroad, or at an office of the American Institute in Taiwan.

An MOH is:

- Not an EFM; and

- Not on the travel orders of the sponsoring employee; and

- Has been officially declared by the sponsoring USG employee to the COM as part of his/her household.

Closing dateforthis position:August 28, 2015.

The U.S. Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo provides opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status or sexual orientation. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) also strives to ensure equal employment opportunity in all personnel operations. Women and members of minority groups are encouraged to apply.