EYHA July 2011 Meeting Minutes

In Attendance: Kari Brumback, Pat Daly, Jen Beckwith, Derrick Henderson, Ed Brinson, Stephen Brooks, Kevin Vititoe, Dave Brumback

Agenda Item / Notes / Follow-up
Goalie Instructor / ·  Derrick discussed pre-season goalie clinic
·  Two August Goalie Clinics (Pre-registration required): First clinic for new goalies and second clinic for goalies that have played and/or attended the first goalie clinic. Cost $15.00.
·  Would like to know how many goalies we have after registration
·  August Clinics: Request for 2 sessions as done in prior years. First session to try on equipment and get a feel for being a goalie. Second session for all goalies new and returning to get back on the ice for a clinic of shooting and goalie fundamentals. Derrick will need help from coaches to run the practices as well as get a chance to evaluate the goalies as well.
·  Goalies will be scored- to assist rankings in draft
·  Make coaches aware that Derrick is our partner and is willing to help
·  Derrick would like to have a Goalie Coach Partner from EYHA – Kevin Vititoe has partnered with Derrick in the past and is willing to do so if time allows. Partner would assist with drills for evaluations, clinic, and ADM’s
·  Derrick recommends Goalie ADM’s at beginning of season because late in season less of a turnout
·  4 ADM’s would be enough
·  Flex coach is resource to assist with goalies as well / Derrick will draft up material for website. How to warm up a goalie, positioning, and skating.
Jen will add to registration- if a goalie (full time, part time, player)
Kari will check on flex coach
Kari will get with Pam for scheduling of goalie clinics for August
Mid AM Conference Update- Kari Brumback / ·  EYHA won an award for retention and bring in new players
·  Some associations haven’t changed over to half ice but all will be transition by next season
·  Recommendation to implement in August phone call process to those that haven’t registered yet to see if they are coming back/if not why not?
·  Discussed no checking for Peewees but working on new body contact
2011-2012 Budget- Ed Brinson / ·  Aubrey will be updating balances on website. FYI this is a manual process: when you pay on Paypal it doesn’t automatically update the website.
·  Board reviewed an initial pass at the 2011-2012 Annual Budget.
·  The Annual Budget projects the EYHA as an organization in a shortage of funding next season.
·  As an organization we need to solicit sponsorships and make some fiscal choices for the upcoming season.
·  Background checks and coaching clinics have been allocated in this years budget and will be higher than in years past or future seasons as the league needs to bring the current board and coaches up to date with their proper clearances and certifications.
·  League pays $35 per background checks and MidAm pays the remaining amount
·  After a year of proper budgeting and accounting by division we will be able to determine if player fees should be increased next year.
·  Jerseys: The total costs of jerseys will go up this year as we did not pay for mini-mite jerseys last year.
·  Shari Brooks is working to collect 3 bids to include: Jersey cost, logo printing, name and number printing, additional logo costs (sponsor), and patch application. / Ed and Kari to work on the budget and verify the actual ice times/dates with Jeremy Rogers & Pam Waits.
Ed - Revised budget to be shared at the August Board Meeting.
Shari - Jersey quotes will be shared at the August Board Meeting.
CBJ Playmaking Partnership- Kari / ·  Board requested CBJ lower the number of required player tickets below 300-CBJ didn’t feel comfortable doing so – wanted to keep the obligations consistent among all organizations.
·  Board voted yes to be apart of the CBJ playmaking partnership.
·  Future Jackets- 60 tickets need to be sold for teams to participate. CBJ wants a $250 deposit. The Board did not feel comfortable committing to this prior to the season and identifying the coaches. / Kari will follow-up with CBJ and work to secure the date for our Playmaking Partnership game.
Kari will send coaches an email about the Future Jackets program and they can sign up if they chose to do so.
Photographer-Kari / ·  Tan Walker contacted 4 different companies.
·  Board decided to go back to Parker because of efficiency, product and % back to the league.
·  Parker Photographs will be the EYHA photographer for the 2011-2012 season.
·  Pictures will be scheduled for the first week of November. / Kari will contact Tan about boards decision.
Evaluation/Draft Procedures/Coaches Training- Kevin/Kari / ·  Mini Mites and Mites will have separate evaluations this year
·  Recommendation to have Mini Mites will only have 1 instead of two
·  Mites will have 2 evaluations
·  Recommendation to have Girls only have a scrimmage since it a developmental year
·  Squirt/Peewee same as last year with scrimmage added
·  August clinic- back on your skates- 1hour a week for each division, small drills and games, $15 per registered member, last week of August, will be more organized than stick and puck
·  Coaches training- Donsov coaching training for August 6th-board decided to waive unless they are able to USA certify our coaches. As a result of timing and budgeting constraints.
·  Kevin as an easy to use evaluation sheet for each division
·  USA Hockey CEP dates will not be posted to their website until after September 1st, but will be posted prior on Mid Am’s website.
·  Can we use the money for coaches training on the cost of the CEP training?
·  In coaches meeting-recommend supplying coaches with a checklist for example game requirements (parent to run clock & penalty box etc..), injury forms, first aid kit, rosters, etc
·  OhioHealth would like to come to coaches meeting to give concussion awareness presentation. Kevin recommended this would benefit parents as well.
·  Yoli would like to be at coaches meeting for an overview on the registrar needs from the coaches as well as an overview of required forms. / Jen will update website dates once she has them
Pam and Kari need to schedule the ice
Kevin will complete evaluations sheets for each division
Kari will get with Misha about CEP classes and notify them one way or another for August 6th
Need to schedule coaches meeting
Yoli needs to have all information ready for coaches meeting
Kari will email out examples of Code of conducts to get everyone opinion
Play Up Process-Kari Brumback / ·  The Board reviewed the Play Up Procedures and Form.
·  The Board would like to add to the document that the player being evaluated to move up to the next division must be in the top 25% of the move up division.
·  Small revisions/typos will be made to the document and distributed to the Board prior to the August Board Meeting. / Kari will revise and send the document to the Board to review prior to a vote at the August Board Meeting.
Select Process-Kari Brumback/Stephen Brooks / ·  Reviewed the Select Rules & Guidelines. Decisions made were:
o  Head Coach nominations would be collected through the end of August and selected at the September Board meeting.
o  Coaches would need to submit a nomination form.
o  $15 charge for all players trying out including goalies.
o  Evaluations would be in October. / Stephen Brooks to update the document.
Board to review and approve the process at the August Board Meeting.
Goalie Equipment-Kari Brumback for Jim / ·  In need of mite goalie sticks and gloves.
·  Email needs to go out to all mite coaches from last season to see if they forgot to turn them in.
·  Recommendation to buy used equipment from the Chiller if they have Mite goalie equipment donated. / Jen will send out email reminder to coaches and assistant coaches to return the EYHA goalie equipment.
Jim to report back at the August Board meeting how many sets of goalie equipment are necessary for Mites in 2011-2012.
Kari to follow up with Jeremy Rogers to see if EYHA can purchase used goalie equipment from the swap.
August Clinics- Kari Brumback/Kevin / ·  One hour for each division the last week in August
·  Goalie clinic will be last weekend in August / Kari will get with Pam about scheduling both player and goalie clinics for August
Then ensure that Kevin and Derrick will be able to do those dates
Once dates confirmed Jen will update on website
September Ice Schedule-Kari for Pam / ·  Bantams were on the ice last year much more in September than probably this year
·  Bantams will be going to major/minor first and tried to be kept by school
·  Need to get with Bob to see if Bantams will be having evaluations this year.
·  Recommendation is to have Mini-mites evaluate once
·  Mites will have 2 evaluation days
·  Squirt/Peewees will have 2 evaluation days and 1 scrimmage / Kari will get with Bob to see how he wants his evaluations to run
Kari will then get with Pam for scheduling then will be added to website
Fundraising-Kari Brumback / ·  Jeremy has worked with Fort Rapids to have an EYHA day. EYHA will get $5 back from every flyer brought to Fort Rapids on our scheduled day. Date is October 23rd
·  Need to see if more local businesses will do something similar. For example the Chiller at public skates
·  Sponsorship- Kari put together a sponsorship package. Will adjust $ buckets if not able to get enough sponsors but once information is finalized need to send out to EYHA community for all parents to help assist in getting sponsors
·  Spirit wear- Jim Schwinne and Karin Tangeman are heading up spirit wear for the league this year. / Stephen will go to local business to see if can get other businesses to do similar fundraisers to the Fort Rapids
Kari will ask Jeremy Rogers if EYHA can distribute flyers for public skates and receive a % back for everyone who brings the slip to the scheduled public skate.
Kari will finalize sponsorship package
Jen or Kari will send out finalized sponsorship email to EYHA community
Miscellaneous Topics / ·  Recommendation to have first aid kits available and/or on the bench.
·  Concussion awareness – Ohio Health is willing to do a presentation. / Need someone to take on the projects.