JUNE 19, 2007

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Present: Chairman Bill Harlow, Vice Chair Richard Simoneau, Amy Gould, Steve McCourt, Warren Bryant and Town Manager Ruth Marden

Guests: : Dale Robinson, Timber Resource Group; Donna Perry Sun Journal; Bob Sanders, Recycling Coordinator; John Johnson, Highway Foreman; Ben Hanstein, Daily BullDog; Tim DeMillo, Pearl Cook, Ellen Levesque, Al Landry, Rob Taylor, Cassie Courteau, Richard & Charlotte Sproul, Tom Goding, Raymond Paul Sr. and Raymond Paul Jr.,

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Pledge of Allegiance: 6:30 P.M.


The minutes of the June 4th meeting were accepted with a change to the motion on Pinball License renewal Steve McCourts name was erroneously listed as Steve Gould. M\M\S Rick Simoneau, Amy Gould 5-0-0

Election of Chair & Vice Chair

Bill Harlow was nominated as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Steve McCourt

Nominations ceased. M/M/S Steve McCourt, Rick Simoneau 5-0-0

Vote on Bill Harlow as Chair. Vote 4-0-1

Rick Simoneau was nominated as Vice-Chair. M\M\S Bill Harlow, Steve McCourt

Nominations ceased. M/M/S Steve McCourt, Rick Simoneau 5-0-0

Vote on Rick Simoneau as Vice-Chair. Vote 4-0-1

Committee Assignments

The Selectmen agreed to serve on the following committees.

Avcog General Assembly Seat – Warren Bryant

Jay Development Committee – Bill Harlow (if Bill can’t make it someone else can attend)

Jay Morning Business Group – Amy Gould

Roads Committee – Rick Simoneau

Building Committee – Steve McCourt

FranklinCountyBudget Committee – Steve McCourt & Bill Harlow (Bills term

is up this year)

Old Business

Al Landry requested a committee look into the wording of the School Warrant articles; a committee has looked at this in the past. State Law mandates how the Town words the warrant articles. Al Landry states that SAD 9‘s articles are written up different. He will get a copy to Ruth Marden.

He stated that the 1st article states the total amount then warrant articles follow which include line items. Bill is concerned if the 1st article gets voted down and the rest past, which article prevails.

The Selectmen will have answers at the next meeting about the wording of School Articles.

A question was asked about maintenance on the playground equipment, at this time there is no signed agreement it is part of routine maintenance. Ruth will speak with Sue Weston and also obtain warranty information on the equipment.

Recreation Committee: Recommendation on Rec Field

Rob Taylor was present and explained the procedures the Recreation committee went thru to come up with the Recommendations of the Recreation Field.

Dale Robinson, Timber Resource Group, will develop a Forest Management Plan and will be paid for the timber that is harvested. He will be paid at an hourly rate until the cutting is done and the after that a percentage of stumpage. Steve McCourt requested the use of a local master logger. Dale is aware that the Town wants a well maintained plan.

The Selectmen agreed to the goals presented by the Recreation Committee and the Forestry Plan. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Amy Gould 5-0-0. The forester will come back before the Board with the plan.

The Selectmen would like to be notified when the Recreation committee meets.

(see Attached)

Emergency Management Plan

Tabled – Plan not ready

Professional Personnel Policy

Warren Bryant abstained from discussion.

Sec 1.1 not accurate should be changed from Board of Selectmen to Town Manager for hiring purposes. The Selectmen agreed to approve the Professional Personnel Policy as amended. M/M/S Amy Gould, Steve McCourt 4-0-1

Paving Bids

The paving bids are as follows:

Pike Industries Bruce Manzer

Claybrook Road$159,495$176,290

Tessier Road $54,656$62,100

Old Jay Hill Road$47,785$54,580

Jewell Street – No price at this time. Jewell Street needs to be done at this time.

Unit pricing curb: $5.00 per LFno price

Fine Grade.50 per sq yard.70 per sq yard

Base mix54.40 per ton58.69 per ton

The Selectmen questioned whether the Tessier Road should be paved if only the Jay side is getting done. John stated that can pave other roads as long as the Town does not go over the 3300 feet.

It was also requested that the Town look into Bond rates and see how much it will cost to fix all roads in need next year.

The Selectmen agreed to accept the bid from Pike Industries for the 07-08 paving projects. M/M/S.Rick Simoneau, Steve McCourt 5-0-0

They also agreed to go ahead with the Claybrook and the Old Jay Road and to do Jewell Street once the work is finished and to revisit the Tessier Road.

Tom Goding volunteered to be on Road Committee.

Route 4 Request for Support

Ruth informed the Selectmen that she has been asked by the Betterment Group in Livermore Falls to write a letter asking for DOT to not redo the Crash Road to put the money into the Rt. 4 Project. DOT has put out 2 year plan and the bridge from Livermore Falls to Pineau Street is not on the list. Kurt Schaub, Administrative Assistant from Livermore and Ruth in favor of the Crash Road project. Ruth wanted the Selectmen to be aware that she has written letter to support Rt 4 project but not comfortable writing a letter discouraging Crash Road project, she feels that it is a safety issue.

The Selectmen agree with what Ruth has done.

Jay Development Committee

The Selectmen appointed Peter Labbee as a regular member to the Jay Development Committee. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Amy Gould 5-0-0

Mary Redmond-Luce, an alternate member of the Jay Development Committee requested a waiver because she will be missing a few meetings. The by-laws state that if 3 meetings are missed by a member they will be contacted. Rick Simoneau stated that she should be present for the 3rd meeting.

There are also 2 alternate positions available.

Other Business:

Parker Pond

Rick Simoneau asked for Parker Pond to be discussed tonight because four people were turned away last week to kayak on the Pond. Told road no longer used for any purposes. Raymond Paul Sr. stated that they have been treated with disrespect from people using road.

Richard Sproul stated that on Feb 22nd 2007 he sent a letter to the Board that he was willing to sell his home for $350,000.00. He stated that the lumber worth is worth $100,000.00. He went on the say it was discussed at the April 25th Selectmen’s’ meeting and the Selectmen were not interested in purchasing land. He needed to leave the meeting but if the Selectmen had a proposal they could send it to his home.

Raymond Paul Sr. stated that is states in the Gazetteer that Parker Pond has boat access carry in carry out only.

Meeting dates

The Selectmen decided to meet on July 17th and cancel the meeting on July 2nd. When will have meetings in August. Next meeting July 17th

Timeline – School Board Position

The Selectmen approved the timeline for the August 21st Special Town Meeting and agreed to shorten the Nomination Process to fill a vacant position on the School Board for a one year term. M/M/S Amy Gould, Rick Simoneau 5-0-0

Nomination of Planning Board Member

The Selectmen agreed to accept the resignation of John Chained as a regular member of the Planning Board with regret. M/M/S Steve McCourt, Amy Gould 5-0-0

The Selectmen agreed to nominate Dennis Stevens as a Regular Member of the Jay Planning Board with a term to expire September 2010. Action on the nomination will take place at the July 17th Meeting. M/M/S Amy Gould, Rick Simoneau 5-0-0

Selectmen Meeting dates

The July 2nd Selectmen’s meeting will be cancelled.

The Selectmen’s meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM The next regularly scheduled will be on July 17th at 6:30 P.M. at the Jay Niles Library.

Respectfully Submitted

Ronda Palmer

Town Clerk