Guide to Internet Resources Available for the Interactive Whiteboard and General Classroom Use.

This is a selection of internet resources for use by students and staff on the interactive Whiteboards or on general computers. Each site is active at the time of writing. Many of these sites are for teacher use, to add that ‘bit extra’ to the engagement of students. Some sites do not reflect the philosophy of the school but aspects can be used to support the teaching and learning of particular skills.

CTRL – Click to follow link.

Internet Safety/Copyright / Citation Sites

Net Alert

The Australian Government website on providing a safe online environment for all families and educators.

Kids Spot

A great site for parents to support internet safety.

Internet Safety

A great website that has excellent links relating to different internet safety topics we should be aware of.

Citing Resources

Plagiarism Stoppers

A guide for teachers.

General Sites


An exceptional site. Has to be my favourite! Draws a variety of Language, Maths, Science, Music, history sites from other areas. Super for the IWB!!!! Take the time to explore the resources on this site and is links if you do nothing else!

Ambleside Primary School (UK)

Primary resources.

Saint Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School (UK)

Primary Resources for all the curriculum.

Copacabana Public School (AU)

Click on the ‘Get Smart’ section to take you to a huge portal of interactive activities!

Sunbury Heights Primary School (AU)

Some Excellent Australian (Bushrangers, First Fleet etc.) resources – Try the Interactive Maths – The Virtual Manipulatives are really useful. The clipart has some good gifs. Good story links too.

Innovations Learning (UK)

Skwirk Interactive Schooling (AU)

Designed for all Australian school students, it features content written for the syllabus in each state. In addition it contains animations, videos, quizzes/exams, podcasts. Must sign up but worthwhile. Great for students.


Huge range of brilliant resources including IWB – You must explore this site!

Lil’ Fingers

Simple storybooks that look great on an IWB – Juniors. Make your own!

Woodlands Junior School Kent. (UK)

Some excellent resources for all curriculum areas.

Enchanted Learning

Good general printable resource site. Not all available unless you are a member

Aussie Educator

Huge Number of Teacher Resources – Lots of links to other places including other maths sites, famous mathematicians, maths dictionaries and the history of maths

National Education Association

Great website for teacher resources and lesson plans. (U.S)

Discovery Channel

Discovery Education provides engaging digital resources to schools and homes with the goal of making educators more effective, increasing student achievement, and connecting classrooms and families to a world of learning.

Education World

This website includes: a search engine for educational Web sites only, a place where educators can find information without searching the entire Internet; original content, including lesson plans, practical information for educators, information on how to integrate technology in the classroom, and articles written by education experts; site reviews; daily features and columns; teacher and principal profiles; Wire Side Chats with the important names in education; employment listings. (U.S)

Westfield Park Primary School - Useful Links - Search Engines

BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology Games for Education

Live Search Images classroom displays

Oz Teachers website

Teacher Resources

ICT/IWB and Creativity

Creativity Web

Project Happy Child

A variety of creativity examples including stories, fables, art

Speech Teach UK

Some good resources for the teacher including clipart + ideas for games

Web Design

Web tutorials and templates to “teach – yourself – web design”

Cody’s Science Education Zone

Good webpage design stuff (Teacher)


Excellent programme to make simple games. Download a free trial. Very Creative! Simple Programming.


A HUGE website that includes interactive games for a all key learning areas and age ranges. A must see!

Create 3D web graphics with Xara3D

Animated gifs, free gifs 3d, gifs avatars

Animation VirtualLand - Free Animated GIFs, 3D Graphics and VRML Worlds.

Free Animated GIFs. DEWA's FREE High Quality GIF89a Animations. No Ugly Animated GIFs.

Other ICT and IWB interactive website stuff all mixed in together.

SVSD Literacy with ICT

5 ways teachers can use educational technology to engage students at

First Grade Skills - interactive sites

Fourth Grade Skills - interactive sites

Gamequarium A portal to thousands of free, online learning games and activities for Pre-School through Grade 6 students compil

Goodyear Computer Lab

ICT Assessment tools

Innovative Teachers Network

Instructional Technology Department - Resources - SmartBoards

Interactive Sites for the Smartboard

Interactive Websites

IWB Smart Notebook lessons!

BGfL - Whiteboards - Primary English

Electroboard Projectors, Whiteboards & Presentation Systems

Greenbush Edusim

Primary Maths (Numeracy) Interactive Games

SMART - Notebook software lesson activities Correlate Canadian lesson activities

Whiteboard Web Index web forum for resources

Art Activities, Art Projects & Games

Crickweb Flash Page

Digital Diversity

Interactive Whiteboard Resources Literacy, Key Stage 2 - Topmarks Education

Language Arts Standards - 4th grade student performance skills

pictures of places at - World Travel Pictures! vacations holidays and trips

Primary School Learning Technologies

Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, Music, Art and PE Interactive Sites

Sandfields Comprehensive School, Free Flash Resources for Teachers

Smart Classrooms

Susanne's Technology Page TeacherWeb SmartBoard Lesson Sites

Tammy's Technology Tips

TEA - Teacher Toolbag - Educational Resources - Ask an Expert

Teacher Tap Interactive Websites, Games, and Activities

Teachernet, ICT

TeachersFirst Resource Listings for interactive whiteboard

Teaching & Learning with ICT

Technology Assessment and Rubrics

Think Bank Ltd - Training, Design, Consultancy - Home

Thinkfinty Search Results

Third Grade Skills - interactive sites

Welcome to the Digital Education Revolution (images and videos)

You are Never Alone » Persuading teachers to think digitally

SMART - Support

SMARTBoards and other interactive whiteboards.

Website Design

Addictive Design Studios Pty Ltd

Links to Primary Resources for your Whiteboard

If you're wondering why there are so many resources here from the U.K. and so few from Australia then remember that most of these websites and resources are created by teachers. If you want to see more Australian resources then why not upload some of yours? If everyone uploads just one each then we'd all benefit.

See below:


Link to site / Description / Cost / Origin
/ Digital resources and interactive media provided by DECS in conjunction with The Learning Federation. Each school in SA was given a copy of the Access to Learn disc and a username but they're all available online. / Free! / Australia
/ A bank of free, ready to use ideas, resources, worksheets and lesson plans. They're available for you to use with your class at no cost whatsoever. A range of flipcharts for both Smart and Promethean boards as well as powerpoints and html style resoruces which can also be used with easiteach. / Free! / U.K.
/ A range of activities for English and Maths which can be used on the IWB or on stand alone PCs. (Always opt to see them in "big screen" mode when you want to use them on your board. As this is all web based it can be used with any IWB software. / Free! / U.K.
/ A wide range of resources designed to be used with Smart's own Notebook software. Search the database to find suitable resources for your lessons. / Free! / U.K.
/ A wide range of resources designed to be used with Smart's own Notebook software. Search the database to find suitable resources for your lessons. These new international resources are specifically designed for the Australian frameworks. / Free! / Australia
/ This site provides schools with simple and easy to use resources. Schools can use all of the evaluaiton resources for free. CD ROMs of resources can be purchased to be used throughout the school on one easy administer site license. The site is also providing users with an online community. A subscription is pais and schools then get access to all resouces; including new and updated ones which are not on the CDROMS yet. This element of the company is designed to act as a community where schools can request resources for their particular shemes of / Free Evaluation / Australia
/ This is the offical resources bank for Easi-teach. The resources you will find here have been submitted by various teachers and users of Easiteach. You can freely download and use them. You'll need Easi-teach to use them. / Free! / U.K./Worldwide
/ This is the offical resources bank for Promethean Activ. Boards. The resources you will find here have been created, tried and tested by teachers all over the world. You will require Activ. Board software in order to use this software. Please note you may have to register - for free- to access these resources) / Free! / U.K./Worldwide
/ The newly created international section of the Promethean site now includes resources donated by Australian teachers. These are designed, of course, to fit with the Australian frameworks. Don't forget to upload your resources too so that this bank of shared ideas can grow Australia! (Please note you may have to register - for free- to access these resources) / Free! / Australia
/ This site would suit early years teaching and has some fun games which can be played on your IWB / Free! / U.K.
/ is a rapidly growing bank of free to use tools and resources created for teachers who are teaching with an interactive whiteboard (IWB).All the resources have been contributed freely by their creators and may be used freely within educational establishments. Share ideas, discuss resources and ask questions in the forum. The resources include Flash files, Textease files, MSWord documents, MSPowerPoint files, MSExcel files, Active flipcharts, SMART files, webpages, links, photos, videos and more. / Free! / U.K.
/ Birmingham LEA's Grid for Learning has a good collection of resources for a range of topics in Maths, English, Science and other subjects. / Free! / U.K.
/ A variety of games on a number of different subjects aimed a lower primary. / Free! / U.K.
/ A variety of interactive whiteboard content ideal for the primary classroom. Ready made lessons for your interactive whiteboard which are searchable by subject. / Some free some very cheap! / U.K.
/ Created by a U.K. Grid for learning these are Northumberland Local Education Authority Resources for Primary schools. A wide range of resources to choose from. / free! / U.K.
/ A total of 108 free to use educational interactive resources. Crickweb is packed with a wide variety of IWB resources for use in Primary schools. All but the Promethean resources can be used on any brand of board. Our aim is to keep expanding the range on offer and hope to add new resources each month. / free! / U.K.
/ A set of activities made by both children and staff at Ambleside Primary School. Some good resources that can be used on an IWB here. / free! / Australia
/ Free teacher software available here! Al you pay is for the postage. Also got some great free to download lesson plans and resources for you to take a look at. / free! / Australia
/ Free, Searchable, online activities that can be used on an IWb. Covers Maths and Literacy / free! / Australia
/ was developed by Jane Carruthers to provide Teachers, Parents and Children in the UK with some of the best Educational Resources in the UK and beyond. Lots of different resources here for a range of subject areas. / free! / UK
/ The magic key is a BBC website with range of online games that require students to make sentences, chose description words carefully, describe monsters and many more activities. I love using this with my NAP English students / free! / UK
/ This website has some great, free big books that you can use on your Interactive Whiteboard along with lesson plans and other teaching materials to go with them. / free! / UK
/ The Welsh Grid for learning has lots of great interactive games for all sorts of subjects. They'd be great fun on your IWB. Use their online search tool to find suitable resources / free! / UK
/ Free online Maths Games From Channel 4. Including: Multiplication and division machines. / free! / UK
/ Primary Interactive Whiteboard Resources: Some suggestions for sites which work well on interactive whiteboards in the classroom. All you need to do is select a subject and age group. / free! / UK
/ This page entitled "Get Smart" is a collection of resources that has been building for some time in a NSW Primary School! Don't forget though that you can use these resources on any Interactive Whiteboard you like! divided into 3 levels there is a real wealth of information and links here! Great fun!" / free! / Australia

Educational video and film sites

Free Online Videos

Screen Australia - Commissioned Production - Former Film Australia - Documentary Programs

Video Online

virtualteacher - Great Websites, Lesson Plans, and Information - Primary Teachers Online (AUS) (where applicable)

Fanatastic Image/ photo websites


Huge amount of image sharing website

Clip Art

Awesome Clip Art for Kids

Barry's Clip Art Server

Classroom ClipArt

Discovery School Clip Art

