February 2012


This Standing Rule prescribes the duties of all Chapter 1 Officials, whether elected by the
General Membership or appointed by the Chapter President


The duties of the elected officers are to assist the Chapter President in the management of the affairs of the Chapter. Some of these duties are outlined below. Other duties are at the discretion of the Chapter President and the Board of Directors.

a.Chapter President:

The Chapter President exercises the powers and performs the duties assigned his offices by the Bylaws. As Chapter President, he serves as the principal representative of the Chapter in all matters pertaining to its affairs, particularly its established policies and objectives; guides the policy, philosophy, and overall direction of the Chapter within the mandates of the Bylaws, the general membership and the Board of Directors. He presides at all meetings and ensures that the mandates of the Bylaws and Standing rules, are faithfully reflected in the management and operation of Chapter affairs. He confers and consults regularly with the Board of Directors in implementation of Chapter policies, and serves as ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating and Election Committee.

b.Vice President:

Each Vice-President shall chair one or more Standing Committees as directed by the Chapter President and shall perform such other duties as directed or as prescribed in the Chapter Bylaws.


The Treasurer shall perform the duties outlined in Article V, Section 4, and Article IX of the Chapter Bylaws. He shall be guided by the provisions of Standing Rule 7, and other directives as may apply with regard to accounting, safeguarding, and the expenditure of Chapter funds. He shall be responsible for the custody and control of all Chapter funds.

These accounts, as well as the Auxiliary Accounts, shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures. The Treasurer shall either keep the books or supervise their keeping and shall ensure that receipts are maintained for the disbursement of funds. A verbal report shall be made at each regular meeting which shall include beginning and ending balances as well receipts and disbursements. Copies


shall be posted on the Bulletin Board. He shall also ensure that membership approval is obtained for the expenditure of all funds in excess of $500 except as follows: Club Account expenditures; pre-approved or Board approved authorized by Standing Rule #7; pre-approved or Board approved donations authorized by Standing Rule #26; employee wages or salaries and certain other normal operating expenses as defined in Chapter 1 Bylaws and Standing Rules. The Treasurer shall Chair the Finance, Ways and Means Committee and shall be assigned such other duties as the Chapter President may direct.

d.Recording Secretary:

The Recording Secretary will perform the duties outlined in Article V, Section 3, of the Chapter Bylaws and other duties as may be assigned. At the discretion of the Chapter President, the reading of the minutes of the previous Membership meeting may be dispensed with. Copies of such minutes are available in the Chapter Office from approximately seven days following each meeting until the next meeting. Copies are also posted on the bulletin board. The Membership will have the opportunity and be responsible for reading the minutes if desired. The Chair will call for corrections and then declare the minutes approved.


The Directors shall perform the duties prescribed in Article V, Section 5 of the Chapter Bylaws. They shall also provide advice and assistance to the President, Chair committees and perform such other duties as may be assigned.

f.Other Elected Officials:

The Chapter Nominating and Election Committee are elected by the General Membership but are not members of the Board of Directors. This committee will automatically be dissolved when the purpose for which they were established no longer exists.


In accordance with Chapter Bylaws, the President may appoint Chapter Members as officers to assist him in the fulfillment of his responsibilities. At the discretion of the President, appointed officers shall attend Board of Directors Meetings in a non-voting status, except that those appointed to elective positions shall have the right to vote. Appointments will not exceed the remaining term of the President. Some duties of appointees are as shown below. Other duties are as prescribed by the President and the Board of Directors.


As prescribed in Article V, Section 6 of the Chapter Bylaws, the Chaplain shall conduct opening and closing non-sectarian prayers at membership meetings and at other appropriate times. He shall officiate in community affairs on behalf of the Chapter and perform other duties as may be required, including the following:


1)Communicate with, and offer assistance and condolences on behalf of the Chapter to the families of deceased Chapter and Auxiliary Members and provide a sympathy card.

2)Advise the family of a deceased Eligible Chapter or Auxiliary Member that a memorial luncheon/dinner is available at the Chapter clubhouse at no cost for up

to 10 people with a nominal charge for all others, providing club facilities will be available on the date and time requested. If a luncheon/dinner is requested, the Chaplain will contact the Club Manager. If space will be available, the Club Manager will make all arrangements and advise the family and contact the Auxiliary Chaplain requesting support.

3)Hang the black crepe over the Chapter memorial board as a tribute to the deceased for a period of seven days.

4)Communicate with sick and ailing Chapter Members by visiting, telephoning or sending a Get Well card in the name of the Chapter.


The Sergeant-At-Arms will ensure that no alcoholic beverages are introduced into the membership meeting area while meetings are in session. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall maintain a sign-in register at each General Membership Meeting. At the end of standing committee reports, the Sergeant-At-Arms will insert the time-of-day in the center of the blank space immediately below the last person's name, and the redline in the rest of the space. Any member arriving after the "red-lining" will sign-in below the red line, credit for attendance at the meeting shall then be at the discretion of the Sergeant-At-Arms. He will ensure the sign-in register is secured in the locked Chapter files when not in use at Special or General Membership Meetings. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall normally chair the Parades and Ceremonies Committee as outlined in the Standing Rule #12.


The immediate past President shall normally be appointed as the Historian. He will compile, or cause to be compiled, annually, from the archives of the Chapter or from other authentic sources, a narrative history of the Chapter and its activities and accomplishments. The Historian shall be the custodian of the Chapter History and all historical documents, and shall transfer same to his successor upon leaving office. Historical documents are permanent records and will be treated such.


The Parliamentarian shall perform the duties prescribed in Article V, Section 9, of the Chapter Bylaws. He shall be a non-voting member of the Board of Directors unless elected to the Board. The Parliamentarian shall be available to advise all committees requiring his expertise.


e.Veterans Service Officer:

The Veterans Service Officer will provide advice, guidance, and assistance to Chapter members and/or their dependents concerning Veterans' benefits to which they may be entitled.

f.Other Appointed Officers:

The President will normally appoint only those officers listed herein, plus a Convention Committee Chairman each February to nominate delegates to the TREA National Convention. He may, however, fill elective offices by appointment when no Candidates choose to run for office(s) becoming vacant. Such appointments require the approval of the Board of Directors.


The Club Manager is an officer of the Chapter by virtue of his employment and is a non-voting Member of the Board of Directors. He is responsible for the duties specified in his employment contract and such other duties as directed by The President. He will cooperate with all committees that desire his assistance. He may also be appointed to serve as a member of one or more committees.


The Chapter 1 Board of Directors shall function in accordance with policies and procedures

outline in Article VI of the Chapter Bylaws.

Ratified February 2012______President

Henry Reisig
