ENC 1102: Written Communication

Tuesday and Thursday 7:00 – 8:20Bldg. 18, room 210

Instructor: Kate Franklin,

284-1787 cell, email: or

Web page:

Welcome to ENC1102. There is a lot of work in this course, but don’t let that scare you. Our task is to learn to enjoy literature by reading works from other times and other places, written by people who think and live differently from us. In today’s world, it is crucial that we understand the way “other people” live. What better way to do that than hearing from people in their own words?

Prerequisite: Successful completion (grade C or better) of ENC 1101.

Course materials:

Required texts: The Norton Introduction to Literature,tenth edition.

Good Sumacs Poetry by Jeff Grieneisen

Visit for a wealth of material that accompanies the text.

Students are encouraged to access the SCFVirtual Library for assignments and class work.

Course description: Written Communication 2 meets Area I requirement for the A.A. general education requirements. While instruction in composition, rhetoric, grammar and research are continued from ENC 1101, course content includes an introduction to literature with emphasis on reading critically and analytically, understanding literary terminology and techniques and writing about literature.

This course meets the Florida State Board of Education Rule Number 6A-10.30. In accordance with this rule, students will complete written assignments totaling 6,000 words. A grade of C or better is required for credit in Gordon Rule classes.

Course Performance Standards:

The student, at the successful completion of ENC 1102, should be able to:

1. Write proficient analytical essays which clearly state a thesis and support it with details obtained through careful reading of primary and secondary sources.

2. Fulfill writing requirements as mandated by SBE 6A-10.30.

3. Demonstrate the ability to recognize the basic genres including essay, short story, poem, and play.

4. Demonstrate increased reading skills through attention to detail, tone, argument strategies, figurative language, organization, and sentence relationships.

5. Demonstrate the ability to recognize the relationship between literature and his/her world and between literature and other academic disciplines.

6. Demonstrate the ability to interact with (and therefore better understand) peers by participating in group projects, discussions, research, and reports.

7. Demonstrate the ability to gain a better understanding of her/himself by learning more about the ethnically and racially diverse society of which he/she is a part.

8. Demonstrate skills that are required for the CLAST.

9. Demonstrate knowledge of the vocabulary needed to study literature and to write about literature.

10. Demonstrate academic research skills, including the use of the Internet and current MLA documentation standards

11. Demonstrate the professional use of e-mail.

Class policies:

  • This course involves reading and discussing literature. Please respect your classmates’ ideas, whether you agree with them or not.
  • Attendance is extremely important it. If you must be absent, make up assignments will be posted on ANGEL.Class work must be made up for every absence. Attendance and participation account for 15% of your grade. Because much of the class work in 1102 involves discussion and group work, poor attendance will lower your grade.
  • Punctuality is also very important. If you must be late due to an unavoidable situation, please enter the classroom quietly to cause as little disturbance as possible to the other students.
  • Withdrawal Policy: In accordance with the policy as stated in the college catalog, students may withdraw from any course or all courses without academic penalty of a WF by the withdrawal deadline as listed in the State College of Florida academic calendar. This semester this date is October 27.Students are strongly encouraged to talk with their instructors first before taking any withdrawal action.
  • I am available for consultation by appointment. Please don’t hesitate to call me or email me with questions at any time.
  • Statement of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the use of ideas, facts, opinions, illustrative material, data, direct or indirect wording of another scholar and/or writer—professional or student—without giving proper credit. Expulsion, suspension, or any lesser penalty may be imposed for plagiarism.
  • Standards of Conduct: Students are expected to abide by all Student Handbook guidelines.


Response Essays 40% A = 90 –100

Reading/ResponseJournal 15% B = 80 - 89

Research Project 10% C = 70 - 79

Attendance & participation 15% D = 60 - 69

Creative Project 10% F = 0 – 59

Mid Term Exam 10%

Course Requirements:

Two Response essays (600–750 words each)

Each essay will be a discussion of a work of literature, of your choosing, from the class text. A specific format will be given in writing for each essay. Due dates: 9/22; and 11/3

Reading/Response Journal

You will complete ten (10) reading/response journal entries. Each entry will be 250 words in length. Your journal may be hand-written or printed. In this journal, discuss something you have read or viewed, ideally fiction, poetry or drama, or something to do with literature as we have defined it. You may also respond to the assigned readings. Your journals will be assessed for: completeness – having the right number of entries, having the minimum word length, and sincere, reasoned response to the material.

Due:Accepted as completed but required by the last class 12/8/11. (You may submit your journal one or more pages at a time or all together.)

Midterm Take Home Test

Research Project(800 – 1,000 words)

For this assignment, you will research a work of literature, and document your work in appropriate MLA format. You will be given more specific information about this assignment in a handout.Due: 11/22/11.

Attendance & participation:

Includes in-class work, group work and homework preparation.Discussion of the assigned readings will be a large part of our in-class work. Be prepared – do the assignment before class, and be prepared to talk about your impressions, pro or con of the material.

Creative Project (800 - 1,000 words)

This is your chance to create literature. Your final assignment is to write an original work of fiction, poetry or drama. If you choose poetry, you must fulfill the minimum word requirement, but you may do so with any number of poems. You will not be required to read your work in class for this assignment.

Accepted whenever completed, but due by the last day of class 12/8.

ENC1102 Semester Schedule – subject to change with appropriate notice

Each student will bring to class one quiz question foreach assigned reading for the fiction module.


Week 1:

T8/23Introduction to the course

TH8/25“20/20” p. 16

Week 2:

T8/29“Happy Endings” p.123

TH9/1“A Conversation with My Father,” p. 65

Week 3:

T9/6“The Cask of Amontillado” p. 161

TH9/8“Hills Like White Elephants” p. 166

Week 4:

T9/13“Stepdaughters,” p. 129

TH 9/15“Boys and Girls” p. 140

Week 5:

T9/20“A Good Man is Hard to Find,” p. 495

TH9/22 “The Thing in the Forest,” p. 324

Essay #1 is due!

Week 6:

T 9/27“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” p. 371

TH9/29“The Rocking Horse Winner,” p.750

Week 7:

T 10/4“The Yellow Wallpaper,” p.608

TH 10/6“Babylon revisited,” p.651

Week 8:

T 10/11“Flight Patterns,” p.52

TH 10/13Guest speaker – mid term take home test is on ANGEL


Week 9:

T 10/18“Reading Drama,” p. 1382 – 1385 and “Trifles, “ p. 1385.

TH 10/20Drama vs. prose, “A Rose for Emily,” p.681

Week 10

T 10/25 Film Hamletp1701

TH 10/27Film Hamlet

Week 11:

T11/1Each student is to bring one discussion question about Hamlet

TH 11/3Drama TBA

Essay #2 is due!

Week 12:

T 11/8Drama, in class project

TH 11/10Drama, in class project


Week 13:

T11/15Haiku p. 1231 - 1235 and “Eve Names the Animals,” p. 1252 and “She Unnames Them,”p.1253

TH 11/17“Responding to Poetry,” p.826 - 832

Week 14:

T11/22“Family Album,” p. 867 – 877Research Project DUE!

TH 11/24Happy Thanksgiving!

Week 15:

T 11/29 Good Sumacsp. 1 -32

TH 12/1Good Sumacsp. 33 – 65 Guest speaker

Week 16:

T12/6 Poetry Project Presentations

TH 12/8Poetry Project Presentations

Journals and creative project due.