Eye Gaze Instructions – Quick Set up

First Steps:

Set up equipment and attach the PCEyeGo to the front of the monitor.

Turn on the monitor

Check the Track Status

Double click on the gaze interaction icon . This will open up the “eye control” options box.

Select “calibration” on the left hand side and then select “Track status”. This will open up the Track Status box.

Check eye-tracking position:

Make sure that the pupil’s two “eyes” that appear on the screen are in the middle of the track status box. Also the arrow on the narrow strip on the right hand side of the box should be located centrally within the green zone:

You can resize and move the track status box.

To create a new calibration:

Select user profile on the left hand side

Type the name of the user in “profile name”. In the “based on profile” box select “default” or another good calibration. Then select “create” and “ok”.

Click “apply” and then select “calibrate”.

The calibration point will move around the screen and the pupil should be encouraged to look at each point.

When completed the calibration result will be shown as pink, yellow or green. If you are happy with this calibration, select “ok”.

Things to do to improve the calibration:

1.  Keyboard step through – this allows you to only record the calibration points when you can see the user is looking.

·  Hit “S” once to animate and capture the stimulus. Hit “S” again to move on to the next point.

·  To use effectively watch the user (not the screen) and wait until they are looking at the stimulus. Hit “S” at the moment you see them look.

2.  Use another image for calibration: You can use the Windows snipping tool to capture an image to use for calibration

3.  Improve point: It is worth taking the time to try to improve failed calibration points.

4.  Watch out for reflective frames on glasses and droopy eyelids or long lashes (try moving the screen higher to encourage the eyes to open more.

When you are happy with the calibration, select “ok” and the user will now be saved.

To change to a different user profile: select the name from the drop-down bar in the top right hand corner and then select “ok”.

Make sure you are always using the correct user profile for the individual and always check the track status position as the two “eyes” and the arrow on the right hand side should be centrally positioned.

If you are using the Grid 2 for eye-gaze activities:

Open the Grid 2 software and select your grid bundle.

Check the user settings within the Grid2:

Select “Edit” on the top menu bar.

Select “user settings”.

Select “input settings”

Select “eye-gaze”

Select “MyTobii”

On the left hand side, go to “selection”: here you can select the dwell time and whether the pupil is using one or two eyes.

The length of dwell time: The dwell time can be adjusted according to the user’s control and familiarity with the grid set. Initially a user may need a shorter dwell time as it is quite hard for some users to hold their gaze for more than a second on a cell.

When you are happy with the “Selection” click on “ok”.

Now the activity in the Grid 2 can be used!

If you are using an activity that needs “Windows Control” such as Look2Learn or EyeFX:

Double click on the “gaze interaction” icon .

Select “Windows Control” on the left hand side.

Check that “mouse emulation” is selected.

Adjust the mouse speed to a reasonably quick speed (such as 75) if the pupil is using games.

Select ok.

There is also a gaze interaction icon that can be found at the bottom of the screen on the right hand side in the task bar:

If you right click on this you can check that “Windows control” is enabled and disable it easily if you need to change back to an activity in the Grid 2.

When using the Grid 2, “Windows Control” must be disabled.

Windows Mouse Control:

This is the mouse control interface.

It enables direct control of the cursor in Windows and Windows software. Use the different modes depending on the activity.

September 2016